Chapter 30

Through the Looking Glass



Parker found Jaden waiting for him at the baggage carousel in the San Francisco airport. He was easy to spot as he was the only one at the carousel, and like Parker, he was dressed in a charcoal suit that screamed government agent. Jaden had already retrieved Parker’s bag. He didn’t appear to have one of his own.

“Morning, Breaux,” Parker said as he hobbled up to the young agent. “I’m touched. You remembered what my bag looked like.”

“It was easy to spot. All the other passengers have already been here and gone.” He held up his phone. “You didn’t answer my calls or messages. I was about to call Ms. Fulbright, and she would’ve had me badge my way through security to find you.”

“Aw. You were worried about me. I’m really, really touched now,” Parker said and bounced his cane on the floor. “Moved as fast as my three legs could carry me.”

Jaden gave him an annoyed look and pointed toward the exit. “Car’s this way.”

“Where’s your bag?” Parker asked.

“I had to come in last night. Apparently, you can fly all the way here from DC and arrive at 9:30 a.m., but there are no morning flights from Las Vegas.”

“At least you got to sleep,” Parker grunted. “You know how early I had to get up to make this flight?”

“I don’t. Just like I’m not sure why I’m here. Was the San Francisco office out of agents to drive you around?”

“Ouch, Breaux. I thought we were friends. I told Becky we bonded.”

“You told her I saw you naked.”

“Did not. I specifically said I was in my underwear. Besides, we’re partners on this, and I think I’m going to need your technical insights.”

Jaden grunted. “Answer your phone next time.” Then he grinned. “I am interested in seeing inside Xperion. Maybe a little more than interested.”

Parker wiggled his eyebrows. “Cyber.”

They wound their way through the parking garage until they reached a plain four-door sedan.

“Got a real special agent car today, I see,” Parker said.

“Glad you like it, sir. No chauffer’s hat though.”

“Maybe next time.”

Jaden put Parker’s bag in the trunk. “My ass.”

They climbed in and headed south on the 101 toward Xperion’s headquarters in Palo Alto. Forty minutes later, they pulled into a visitor parking lot outside a large white brick and glass office building near the university.

“How’s it feel to be back near the old alma mater?” Parker asked as they entered a high-ceilinged lobby bustling with a steady stream of incoming backpack-wearing men and women who, like Jaden, all looked to Parker to be too young to have graduated.

“I woke up in a cold sweat last night afraid I had overslept and missed an economics exam.”

A uniformed security guard with a crew cut, fleshy pink cheeks, and a large midsection glared at them from behind the security desk in the lobby. Jaden showed him his credentials. “We’re here to see Ms. Harding.”

The guard tapped on a keyboard, then sorted through a collection of plastic badges hanging on a chrome tree. He picked out two and handed them to Jaden. “These have to be worn at all times,” he said with the authority of an ex-cop and with an edge that suggested he didn’t like something about their appearance or, maybe, who they worked for. “You two armed?”

Parker leaned in and said in a whisper. “I know it’s hard to tell, but we’re federal agents.”

“You can’t take your guns in. You’ll need to lock them in your vehicle.”

“Says who?” Parker asked, tone sharp.

“Company rules. California law allows businesses to require law enforcement to disarm before entering.”

“Ain’t going to happen,” Jaden said. “We’re required to carry at all times.”

The guard frowned and pointed to a furnished waiting area across the room. “Wait over there. I’ll let Ms. Harding know you’re here,” he scowled at Jaden, “and that you refused to leave your weapons in your vehicle.”

Several minutes later, a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair, dressed in a blue cybersuit approached them. She was of average height, maybe five-foot-six, and had an average build. Her face was tanned, and her eyes were the same color as her suit. She appeared to be in her early thirties, attractive, but not overly so. With the suit, the hair, and the tan, she resembled a surfer on nearby Casa Gunz beach.

Jaden stood to greet her, and Parker pushed himself up on his cane to do the same, still annoyed by the firearm dispute at the desk. He was far from a gun nut, and he was not much for many of the FBI rules, but the requirement to carry at all times had saved his life.

“Good morning, gentlemen. I’m Angela Harding.” She glanced at the visitor badge around Jaden’s neck. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Breaux.” She shook Jaden’s hand and turned to Parker.

Before she could say anything, Parker said, “Special Agent Parker Reid, and Mr. Breaux is Special Agent Breaux, and we’re not giving up our guns.”

She glanced at the security guard. “Of course not.” Her eyes landed on the visitor badge in Parker’s hand. “But I must insist you wear the badge. We are very serious about security here.” Angela motioned for them to follow her. “I was asked to give you a tour and answer any questions you might have about what we do. Then we can meet with the founders.”

Parker hung the badge around his neck, and they followed Angela to a large room set up with Metaverse rigs. It looked like a smaller version of the MetaSpot Parker had visited in Las Vegas. None of the rigs were in use, and except for the steady hum from the air conditioning, the room was silent. She led them to a table where headgear and bundled cybersuits, like the one she was wearing, had been placed.

“I thought we’d start in here. This is our product demonstration and customer test lab.” Angela handed them each one of the folded suits and pointed to a series of doors. “You can change in those rooms. Your things will be safe in there.” She stared at Parker. “Even your guns.”

Parker shook his head and pointed at a rig with his cane. “I can’t get in one of those things.”

“Sure you can,” Angela said. “I’ll help. It’s the best way to understand what we do, and it will be fun. You’ll see.”

Jaden took his bundle and headed for a door. “Come on, sir. It’s time you see what this is all about.”

Parker thought about protesting, but he couldn’t deny his own curiosity. He changed into the suit. It felt stiff and strange. It was interlaced with dozens of cords that formed webs around his limbs and torso. Its collar rode high on his neck like a sweater and a short wire with a plug hung from a spot on his right breast. As she’d instructed, he left everything besides his shoes and cane in the changing room and rejoined her and Jaden at the table.

Angela studied their feet and laughed. “Normally, you wouldn’t do this in those fancy leather loafers.” She was wearing athletic shoes that matched her suit.

“They don’t seem to go,” Parker agreed.

She handed them each a pair of gloves webbed with the same cording that crisscrossed the suits. The gloves had small plugs that inserted into receptacles at their suit cuffs. Next, she gave them headgear which looked like scuba masks with solid white lenses attached to padded helmets that resembled something a college wrestler would wear. Jaden plugged the cable that dangled from his chest into a receptacle on the helmet and Parker followed his lead.

“You’ve done this before,” Angela said approvingly.

Jaden smiled. “I’ve spent some time in your SIMs—mostly sports. I’ve never been in the Land of Might and Magic, though.”

“LMM is my baby. I’ll show you why it’s so popular.”

They walked to three nearby rigs.

She pointed out one to Jaden. “Why don’t you get strapped in since you already know what you’re doing.”

Angela helped Parker into a rig and ensured he was buckled in. She adjusted the harness to take the weight off his bad leg so he felt no pain when he stood and walked on the treadmill-like surface.

“How’s that?” she asked.

“Not bad.”

Then she had him put on the headgear and adjusted its fit. He was surprised when he discovered he could see through it as if its solid white lenses were transparent. He was also surprised by how light and comfortable it felt. It was nothing like he’d imagined. It sealed to his face like a scuba mask, but as it was intended to keep out light and not water, it didn’t cover his nose and didn’t squish his face like he remembered scuba masks doing.

Angela positioned a microphone boom a few inches from his lips, explaining it contained cameras that detected his mouth movements and facial expressions. “So, if you mouth something obscene to me, I will see it.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“I think you might,” she said, flashing a mischievous smile.

She plugged a cable from the harness assembly into another receptacle on his helmet and stepped back. “Okay,” she said. “I hope you enjoy this.”

“Take it easy on me.”

“Remember, he’s a cripple,” Jaden called from the next rig over.

“Oh, Breaux, that’s like a serious HR complaint.”

“Sorry, sir. Couldn’t resist.”

Angela put on her headgear and climbed into her own rig. Parker could see her moving her hands around like she was working some invisible controls. Then he heard her voice in his ears.

“We set you up with sample characters. I didn’t know what you’d like so you’re both going to be what we call warriors.”

“Will we have guns?” Parker asked.

“No, but you’ll have swords if that makes you feel better.”

“Sounds good,” Jaden said eagerly. “Let’s do this.”

“You got it,” she said. “Get ready, Agent Reid. We’re going through the looking glass.”