Holy snowballs. My heart is still fluttering along with a few other places. Having that man grab my hips sent me into a frenzy. What the heck is wrong with me? Of course I almost trip over myself when the hottest man I’ve ever seen is talking to me.
He probably thinks I’m an utter dork and that I need to get it together. Be cool, I tell myself. Not Tinsel cool, normal-ish cool. I can do this. I’ve read a million romance books, so I should know how to flirt. Is that what I’m going to do? Crap, I’m not sure I know how to do anything, and I’m running out of time. I’m almost to the romance section already.
“I don’t get a lot of men that ask for romance books,” I say, trying to make conversation.
“Judgment?” I stop suddenly and turn back to face him.
“Oh no. I ah…” I stumble over my words. That was the last thing I was trying to do. I actually thought that it was sweet he was asking for it.
“I’m teasing you, Noel.” I let out a small breath. Right, we’re both romance readers, so it’s a judgment-free zone.
“You know my name?” I don’t recall telling him, but I also don’t recall my name ever sounding sexy when someone said it either.
“I heard that asshole say it.”
I snort a laugh and quickly cover my mouth with my hand. Why can’t I giggle? I have to freaking snort? Do I always do that? Is that how I laugh?
“What? You're telling me he’s not an asshole?” A smile pulls at the corner of his lips, and I drop my hand from my mouth.
“He’s…” I trail off, unable to come up with another word that isn’t so harsh.
“An asshole,” he fills in for me. “Go on. Say it.”
“He’s an asshole,” I whisper, and his smirk turns into a smile. Damn, he’s even hotter when he smiles. Is he flirting with me? “What’s your name?”
Another laugh pops out from me, and I rush to cover my mouth again. “I’m sorry.” Of course his name is Gabriel. I can’t wait to tell Snow all about this.
“Why is that so funny?” He cocks his head to the side, and I can tell from his expression I didn’t offend him. For some reason, I get the sense he’s not someone to easily get offended.
“It’s just a hero's name, I guess.”
“A hero's name?”
“Yeah.” I shrug. “Strong with a dash of sweetness to it.”
“Sweetness. I don’t think I’ve ever been called that one before,” he chuckles.
“Do you get ‘asshole’ too?” I tease him back.
“A few times.” We stare at each other for a long moment, neither of us saying anything.
A familiarity falls over me for some reason. Maybe it’s because of the teasing and the sense that we’re now sharing a secret. Or maybe it’s because he got me to say something out loud that I’ve only ever thought.
“What kind of romance do you prefer, Gabriel? I have a lot to choose from.” I wave my hand toward the rows of books. “I section them off, so it can get a bit tricky for someone that doesn't know my system.” Libraries normally toss all romance together and file them by the author's name. That can be overwhelming, especially with how many we carry. I made up a system of my own to help people find something more suited for them.
“I’m always open to suggestions.” His tone is playful.
“Hmm.” I think for a moment. “How about something in a small town?” I peek up at him.
“I could do that.” Right. He can do that.
“This way.” I motion for him to follow me down one of the rows and quickly notice we’re cut off from view of the main lobby. We’re all alone now, and I lick my lips, trying to concentrate on the task at hand, but my mind isn’t focusing. “We should get a bit more specific. Do you have a preference for a heroine?” I turn back to face him, not realizing I stopped abruptly, and his body collides with mine. I let out a small gasp when he grabs my hips again. My hands land on his broad chest, and I realize the man is a freaking giant. He’s also a hero. That’s the third time he’s saved me already. Twice from falling on my ass and once from Mark.
“Maybe an adorably clumsy librarian.” I open my mouth and then close it. That’s not what I thought he might say. “Nothing comes to mind?” he asks but doesn’t release his hold.
“Are you teasing me?” I ask. Adorable? That’s not sexy at all.
“Is there something wrong with an adorable librarian?” He lifts a brow. I’m getting more flustered by the second.
“Adorable is—”
“An adjective. One of many. I could list more if you want. In fact, I could list a whole fucking library of them.” He stares down at me and I have the feeling he means more about me.
“Some want sexy, I suppose.” He could definitely pull sexy. In fact, I think he could pull anything he wanted.
“Yes, adorably sexy. Adorably sweet. Adorably—”
“Okay.” I laugh, getting his point, but still he doesn’t release me. “Are you flirting with me, Gabriel?” I blurt out, needing to know before I make a fool of myself.
“I guess I’m not being clear.” His fingers grip me tighter, digging into my hips. “But yes.”
“Oh,” I gasp when I feel something hard pressing into my stomach. Heat rushes to my face, but I don’t try to step back. “This is, ah, unexpected.”
“Fuck me.” He shakes his head, and another chuckle comes from him. I think he’s going to let me go, but instead he starts to lower his mouth toward mine.
Is he really going to do what I think he’s going to do? I barely have the thought before his mouth brushes against mine in a soft, tentative kiss.
“Gabriel.” I breathe out his name, fighting this need to throw myself at him like long-lost lovers. What is happening? Is this love at first sight? No, this is me being a nut who reads too much, which I didn’t think was possible.
“You feel it?” His words wash away some of my doubt about what’s going on between us, and I nod.
“Wait, you mean what this is and not your…ah…”
“My cock.” He smiles against my mouth. “You can say it.”
“Gabriel.” A laugh bubbles out of my chest.
“No, I don’t mean my cock.” He brushes his mouth against mine again. “Tell me you feel it, and I’m not crazy.”
“You’re not crazy.” I close my eyes as I lift to touch my mouth against his harder. He groans when I part my lips for him, and my body heats.
“What are you kids doing back here?”
“Holy snowballs!” I jump back from Gabriel and see Tinsel standing there. I’m going to murder her.
“Are you with the FBI?” she asks Gabriel.
“Why all black?” She eyes him up and down.
“I don’t speak to the police,” he tosses back at her.
“Good answer.” She clicks her tongue. “Tourists don’t get to check out or borrow anything from the library.”
“I’m well aware of the rules, Sheriff.”
“Good, because I’m always watching.” She winks before she disappears as quickly as she appeared. I know she’s not going far, and when I walk back out there, I’m likely getting an interrogation.