
The twentieth century has been innovative for the food industry. With great speed, the food revolution whisked us along on a high-tech journey that promised government-controlled quality, low prices, fast-food convenience, and abundant supply. Now as we enter the new millennium, we can see that this journey has gone off track; we’ve ventured down a road that robs us of daily vitality, exuberant health, and longevity. Fortunately, the mass population is giving signs that it is ready to admit the mistake and move in a new direction—toward living-foods vegetarianism.

The success of the living-foods lifestyle has been proven over the last several decades, and testimonials of its ability to restore health and energy to the human body continue to pour into the Hippocrates Health Institute every day. Now, the secret is yours. You have the informaton, the knowledge, the scientific support, and the step-by-step program offered in this book to jump onto the right track. As you discard poisonous foods and negative attitudes and adopt a living-foods diet, each cell in your body will be charged by the oxygen, enzymes, and billions of electrical cells fueled by this food; this will raise the energy level of every living cell within you and increase your ability to live life to its fullest, most glorious potential.