Official Printed Sources
House of Commons, Sessional Papers
1831, 19, No. 259: Van Diemen’s Land. Return to an Address … for Copies of all Correspondence between Lieutenant-Governor Arthur and His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the Subject of the Military Operations lately carried on against the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Van Diemens land
1831, 19, No. 261: New South Wales. Return to an Address … dated 19 July 1831 for Copies of Instructions given by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, for Promoting the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of New Holland or Van Diemens Land
1834, 44, No. 617: Aboriginal Tribes (North America, New South Wales, Van Diemen’s Land and British Guinea)
1836, 7, No. 538: Report from the Select Committee on Aborigines (British Settlements)
1837, 7, No. 425: Report from the Select Committee on Aborigines (British Settlements)
1839, 34, No. 526: Australian Aborigines … Copies or Extracts of Despatches Relative to the Massacre of Aborigines of Australia …
1843, 33, No. 141: Port Essington: Copies or Extracts of Any Correspondence Relative to the Establishment of a Settlement …
1843, 32, No. 505: Papers Relative to the Affairs of South Australia, (especially pp. 267–340)
1844, 34, No. 627: Aborigines (Australian Colonies) … Return to an address … for Copies or Extracts from the Despatches of the Governors of the Australian Colonies, with the Reports of the Protectors of Aborigines … to illustrate the Condition of the Aboriginal Population of said Colonies …
1897, 61, No. 8350: Western Australia: Correspondence Relating to the Abolition of the Aborigines Protection Board
Legislative Council, Votes and Proceedings
1838: Report from the Committee on the Aborigines Question
1839, 2: Report from the Committee on Police and Gaols
1841: Report from the Committee on Immigration with … Replies to a Circular Letter on the Aborigines
1843: New South Wales (Aborigines). Return to an address by Dr Thomson … comprising details of Government Expenditure on Aborigines, 1837–43, and a large collection of correspondence relating to the protectorate and the missions
1844, 1: New South Wales (Aborigines). Return to an address by Sir Thomas Mitchell … for numbers of whites and Aborigines killed in conflicts since the settlement of the Port Phillip District
1845: Report from the Select Committee on the Condition of the Aborigines
1850, 1: The Native Police, Report of the Commandant to the Colonial Secretary
1852, 1: Letter from Mr F. Walker, Commandant, Native Police
1853, 1: Return of Murders by Aborigines in the Northern Districts
1855, 1: Report of Board of Enquiry Held at Moreton Bay regarding Commandant F. Walker Legislative Assembly: Votes and Proceedings
1856–57, 1: Report from the Select Committee on the Native Police Force
1858, 2: Report from the Select Committee on Murders by the Aborigines on the Dawson River
Parliamentary Papers
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1857–58, 2, No. 193: Northern Exploration
1858, 1, No. 25: Northern Exploration: Reports etc of Explorations … by Babbage, Warburty, Geharty and Parry
1878, 4, No. 209: Journal of Mr Barlay’s Exploration
1884, 3: Quarterly Report on the Northern Territory
1885, 4, No. 170: Report on the Pursuit of the Daly River Murderers
1888, 3, No. 53: Government Residents Report on the Northern Territory for 1887
1890, 2, No. 28: Government Residents Report on the Northern Territory for 1889
1892, 3, No. 129: Report on the Mai-Nini Murder Trial
1892, 3, No. 181: Government Residents Report on the Northern Territory for 1891
1899, 2, No. 77a: Report from the Select Committee on the Aborigines Bill
1899, 2, No. 77: Minutes of Evidence on the Aborigines Bill
1900, 3, No. 60: Justice in the Northern Territory; Letter from Mr Justice Dashwood
1901, 2, No. 45: Government Resident’s Report on the Northern Territory for 1900
1913, 2, No. 26: Report from the Royal Commission on the Aborigines
Legislative Council Journals and Papers
1863, No. 48: Half-Caste Islanders in Bass’s Straits, Report by the Venerable Archdeacon Reibey
1881, No. 75: First Discovery of Port Davey and Macquarie Harbour by Captain James Kelly in … 1815–16 and 1824
Legislative Council: Votes and Proceedings
1858–59, No. D8: Report on the Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the Aborigines
Parliamentary Papers
1877–78, 3, No. 76: Report of the Royal Commission on the Aborigines
1882–83, 2, No. 5: Report of the Board Appointed to Inquire into and Report Upon … the Coranderrk Aboriginal Station
1873–84: Ninth to Twentieth Reports of Board for the Protection of Aborigines in the Colony of Victoria, presented to both Houses of Parliament
Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly
1860: Report of Select Committee on the Police
1861: Report of Select Committee on Native Police Force
1863: Papers Regarding the Dismissal of J. Donald Harris of the Native Police
1867, 1: Copies of Correspondence … concerning the inquiry into the case of C. J. Blakeney, late Lieutenant of Native Police
1867, 1: Charges Against the Native Police under the Command of Mr Sub-Lieutenant Hill
1867, 2: Alleged Massacre of Blacks at Morinish Diggings
1872: Report of Acting Commandant of Police for 1871
1874, 2: Enquiry into the Claims of Patrick Corbett
1875, 1: Report of Commandant of Police for 1874
1876, 3: Report of the North-Western Exploring Expedition
1876, 3: Report of Expedition in Search of Gold … in the Palmer District by Mulligan and Party
1878, 2: Report of the Aborigines Commissioners
1881, 1: Report of Explorations in Cape York Peninsula by R. L. Jack
1881, 2: Further Reports on the Progress of the Gold Prospecting Expedition in Cape York Peninsula
1883–84: Report of Police Magistrate, Thursday Island on Pearl Shell and Bêche de Mer Fisheries in Torres Strait
1885, 2: Reports of Mr Douglas’s Cruise Among the Islands of Torres Strait
1886, 2: Visit of Inspection to Various Islands in the G.S.S. Albatross
1888, 3: Annual Reports of the Gold Fields Commissioners
1889, 3: Annual Reports of the Gold Fields Commissioners
1890, 3: Report on the Pearl and Pearl Shell Fisheries of North Queensland by W. Saville-Kent
1890, 3: Annual Report of the Government Resident at Thursday Island
1894, 2: Annual Report of Government Resident at Thursday Island
1896, 4: Report on the Aborigines of North Queensland by Mr A. Meston
1897, 2: Report on the North Queensland Aborigines and the Native Police by W. Parry Okeden
1900–1904: Annual Reports of Northern Protectorate of Aborigines
1902, 1: Report of the Southern Protector of Aboriginals
1903, 2: W. E. Roth: North Queensland Ethnography Bulletin No. 5
Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council
1871, No. 2: Information Respecting the Habits and Customs of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Western Australia
1872, No. 5: Despatches between the Governor and the Secretary of State for the Colonies
1875–76, No. 12: Correspondence Relative to the State of Affairs on the North-West Coast
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1884, No. 32: Report of a Commission to Inquire into the treatment of Aboriginal Native Prisoners of the Crown
1885, No. A15: Report of the Select Committee … Appointed to Consider and Report Upon … the Treatment and Condition of the Aboriginal Natives of the Colony
Parliamentary Papers of Western Australia
1901, 2, No. 26: Report on Stations Visited by the Travelling Inspector of Aborigines
1902–03, 2, No. 32: Report of the Aborigines Department
1903–04, 2, No. 32: Report of the Aborigines Department
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Historical Records of Australia, Series One, 1–25 and Series Three, 1–6
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Aborigines 1836, 4/2302.1
Aborigines 1837–39, 4/2433.1
Aborigines 1849, 4/1141
Aborigines 1849, 4/2831.1
Aborigines 1852, 4/713.2
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Port Phillip Papers, 1842, Part 2, 4/2589 B
Port Phillip Papers, 1846, 4/2745-2
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Raffles Bay, 4/2060.2
Reports on the Border Police, 1843–46, 4/7203
Letters from Moreton Bay, 1843, 4/2618.1
Bathurst 1815–23, 4/1798
Bathurst 1824, 4/1800
Bathurst 1826, 4/1801
Bathurst 1824–26, 4/1799
Supreme Court Records
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Aborigines MSS A/611
Letters from Government Officials, MSS A/664
Queensland Native Police: Answers to Questionnaire, 1856, MSS A467
Letterbook, Commissioner of Crown Land, Darling Downs 1843–48, MSS A1764–2
Somerset Letterbook No. 1, MSS B1414
Papers Relating to the Aborigines, 7578
Reports on the Murders and Other Outrages Committed by the Aborigines, CSO/1/316
Records Relating to the Aboriginals, CSO/1/317
Reports of Mr G. A. Robinson Whilst in Pursuit of the Natives, CSO/1/318
Papers of the Aborigines Committee, CSO/1/319
Reports of the Roving Parties, CSO/1/320
Suggestions Relative to the Capture of the Natives, CSO/1/323
Papers Relating to the Black Line, CSO/1/324
Swan River Papers, 9, 10
Colonial Secretary: In Letters, Volumes concerned with the Aborigines
53, April, May 1837
54, June, July 1837
56, October 1837
89, 1840
95, 1841
108, 1842
173, 1848
Governors Despatches GRG/2/6/1
Letterbook of the Government Resident, Port Lincoln 3/379
Report of Attack on Barrow Creek Telegraph Station GRG/24/6/1874 Nos. 332, 347
Colonial Secretary: In Letters, 1837–41, GRG/24/1; 1842–45, GRG/24/6
Colonial Secretary’s Letterbooks, GRG/24/4/3; GRG/24/4
Protector of Aborigines Letterbook 1840–57, GRG/52/7
Records of the Port Phillip Aboriginal Protectorate, especially the boxes — Westernport, North-Western District, Mainly In-Letters, Mt Rouse
New South Wales Colonial Secretary, Letters Received Relating to Moreton Bay and Queensland, 1822–1860
Microfilm copies of material from State Archives of NSW, Reels A2/1 — A2/48 including the special bundles and A2/48 which contains Commissioner of Crown Lands re Aborigines in the District, 1854 Government Resident, Moreton Bay re complaints about the Native Police 1857
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Native Police: Moreton Bay 1857, Reels A2/47
Native Police Papers QSA/NMP 48/100, 48/111, 48/120
Government Resident, Moreton Bay, QSA/RES/2 and 3 48/101, 48/102
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Letterbook of W. H. Wiseman, 5/2/55-30/5/60, QSA/CCL/7/61
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Microfilm collection of the Joint Copying Project of Colonial Office Files re New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia. Especially useful were the files: New South Wales, Original Correspondence, 1838–1849 and Queensland, Original Correspondence 1861–1900
Other Manuscript Sources
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Aborigines, 1825–37, MSS A2188, Tasmanian Aborigines, MSS A612
Papers of G. A. Robinson, especially Vol. 14
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Port Phillip Protectorate: Correspondence 54–57a and other papers, 1839–49, MSS A7075-7078-2
Port Phillip Protectorate, Official Reports, 59–61, 1841–49, MSS A7078-MSS A7082
J. D. Lang, Papers, 20, MSS 2240
W. Gardner, Productions and Resources of the Northern Districts of NSW, 2 vols, 1842–54, MSS A176/1, A176/2
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Diary of John Gilbert, 18/9/44-22/6/45, MSS A2587
Jesse Gregson Memoirs, MSS 1382
A. Le Souef, Personal Recollections of Early Victoria, MSS A2762 Reminiscences of Mr James Nesbit, MSS A1533
A. C. Grant, Early Station Life in Queensland, MSS A858
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Constance Norris, Memories of Champion Bay or Old Geraldton, Q994.12/ GER
L. F. Clarke, West Australian Natives: My Experiences With them, PR 2766
Mr William Coffin, Oral History Tape, PR 9893
Reminiscences of Mr F. H. Townsend, PR 3497
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Extracts from the Diary of Lieut. G. F. Dashwood in Perth, September 1832, PR 956/FC
Diary of Dr S. W. Viveash, QB/VIV
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Diary of Neil Black, typescript, September 1839-May 1840, Box 99/1
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The Journal of Francis Tuckfield, 655
The Papers of James Dredge — Notebook, 421959; Letterbook, 421961 H. Meyrick, Letters to his family in England, 1840–47, 7959
Archer Family Papers, including Durundur Diary, 1843–44, Some Letters Mainly from Australia, 1833–55
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Newspaper Cutting Books on the Aborigines and related topics in Oxley Library, Mitchell Library, State Library of South Australia
A number of the papers listed above were used for periods other than for those specified. But they were in such cases only consulted for a few issues at any one time. Numerous other papers were used for an issue or two but they have not been listed. Reference has been made to a few of these in the endnotes.
Research Theses
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Gale, F., A Study in Assimilation: Part Aborigines in South Australia, Ph.D., Adelaide, 1956
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Jenkin, G., The Aborigines Friends’ Association and the Ngarrindjeri People, M.A., Adelaide, 1976
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Loos, N. A., Frontier Conflict in the Bowen District, 1861–1874, M.A. Qualifying, James Cook, 1970
Milich, C., Official Attitudes to the South Australian Aborigines in the 1930s, B.A. Hons, Adelaide, 1967
Murray-Prior, J., Women Settlers and Aborigines, B.A. Hons, New England, 1973
O’Kelly, G. J., The Jesuit Mission Stations in the Northern Territory, 1882–1899, B.A. Hons, Monash, 1967
Pearson, M., The MacIntyre Valley: Field Archaeology and Ethno-history, B.A. Hons, New England, 1973
Prentis, M. D., Aborigines and Europeans in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales, 1823–1881, M.A., Macquarie, 1972
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Rule, M., Relations between the Aborigines and Settlers in Selected Areas of the Hunter Valley, B.A. Hons, Newcastle, 1977
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Ryan, L., The Aborigines in Tasmania, 1800–1974, Ph.D. Macquarie, 1976
Sabine, N., An Ethnohistory of the Clarence Valley, B.A. Hons, New England, 1970
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Contemporary Books, Articles and Pamphlets
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Atkinson, J., An Account of the State of Agriculture and Grazing in New South Wales, London, 1826
Austin, R., Journal of Assistant Surveyor R. Austin, Perth, 1855
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Bartlett, T., New Holland, London, 1843
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Bennett, M. M., Christison of Lammermoor, London, 1927
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Bond, G., A Brief Account of the Colony of Port Jackson, Oxford, 1806
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