
Did you know that the way you hold your body can influence how you feel about yourself? It’s true! According to social psychologist Amy Cuddy, “power posing” (adjusting your body language to be open) creates a mental association to assertiveness and self-confidence. In other words, when you take up space, like holding your arms and legs away from your body, it nudges your attitude to follow suit. Seem a little too good to be true? Maybe, but it’s not: Just sitting or standing up straight leads to a better mood.

Cuddy’s favorite power poses include Wonder Woman (standing with your feet apart, your hands on your hips, and your chin tilted up) and The Loomer (leaning forward slightly while standing). The Wonder Woman is great for giving yourself a little boost in confidence, while The Loomer helps you better show others that you are listening to what they are saying.

So, the next time you’re feeling down in the dumps, check in: Are your shoulders hunched up toward your ears as you walk, or rounded forward over your phone screen while you shoot off that text message? Drop them down and slightly back, and pull your belly button in toward your spine to tighten those core muscles (that counts as a workout, right?). Next, while putting equal weight on each foot, reach your arms up over your head (for an extra mood boost, imagine you’re a rock star onstage) to stack your head over your shoulders, and your hips over your ankles. Feels better, right?



You get home after a long day and you’re feeling overwhelmed. Before reaching for that bag of chips and the TV remote, head outside for a quick walk around the block! Taking a walk is one of the fastest ways to reset your mood. Your body experiences a “moving meditation” while walking that allows you to clear your mind, look around (instead of at a screen!), and feel more energized—which in turn will lead to a happier mindset. It doesn’t need to be a long walk either: Experts say just ten to fifteen minutes will do the trick. The best part? Walking is accessible, free, and you don’t need any fancy equipment.



A messy home can easily become a big source of stress, which is one of the main obstacles that can get between you and feeling happy. Those stacks of books on the desk, random cereal boxes on the table, and piles of clean laundry in need of folding add up—and start to weigh on you. Spend some time tidying one room in your living space, whether it’s the living room, kitchen, or bedroom. You can even start with a specific task or section of the room, taking it one thing at a time until you’ve got a clean, organized space. Not only will this create more room for happiness to grow, but it can also make life a bit easier in the long run. No more frantic searches for your car keys when you should be heading out the door!



You probably already know that milk is full of essential nutrients that benefit your health, like calcium, protein, potassium, and tons of vitamins. But what might surprise you is that it can also help reduce stress, improve your memory, and boost your mood.



Psychologist Dr. Barbara Fredrickson created the three-to-one ratio for happiness: For every negative moment you experience, you should try to experience three positive ones. Sometimes things go wrong, but carving out time for three positive experiences can make you feel happier in the wake of those less-than-desirable outcomes.



Being kind to someone makes you feel like a nice person, sure, but it also can have a huge effect on your happiness. After all, pointing out the positives in others is a great way to start seeing more of the positives in yourself—and the world around you. Plus, by putting yourself out there, you improve your conversational skills!