Some of the hardest things you’ll ever do involve letting go—of things, places, past hurts, expectations, and more. However, when you cling to things that make you feel bad or no longer benefit you, you leave less space for the things that will help you grow and feel happy. For example, instead of constantly dwelling on a past breakup, make the conscious decision to let it go and move on. To help you do this, you can even say it out loud: “I choose to let go of this, because it is only weighing me down.” You can also do something symbolic to initiate letting go, like writing the thing down on a piece of paper and then tearing it up. It doesn’t mean you won’t feel sad or angry or confused by a situation or person again, but you’re deciding to take control of your emotions going forward.
You already know water is good for your health, but let’s be honest: Sometimes plain H2O is a little boring! Mix things up by infusing your water with lemon. It will help you drink more water, and provide an extra dose of vitamin C. Best of all, it will help you quash fatigue, increase your energy levels, and improve your mood. If you’re not a fan of citrus, try infusing with a handful of fresh strawberries or raspberries, or a combination of cucumber and mint, for a delicious, revitalizing way to stay hydrated.
Research suggests magnesium helps reduce feelings of depression, as well as increase your energy levels and improve your sleep habits. It also helps regulate hormones, for an all-around better mood. Not a fan of supplements? Snack on something high in magnesium, like whole-wheat bread, dark chocolate, spinach, and avocado.
Fresh air does the mind and body good—especially if you’re typically cooped up inside all day. In fact, fresh air can actually make you feel more energized than a cup of coffee. Pop open a window to help circulate stale air out of your space and lift your mood.
Strength training—even just a couple of quick sets with hand weights—is a surefire way to feel better fast. How? Endorphins: These wonderful hormones boost your mood every single time, especially as a result of exercise. Lifting weights can also help you feel good about your body and its capabilities, as well as your overall appearance.