
Cooking can be an amazing way to reduce stress and improve your mood. In fact, experts say people feel more positive after eating at home and tend to choose healthier meals later on as well. You can zone out chopping, measuring, and combining ingredients—or turn it into a fun game, pretending you are in a cooking competition or on a cooking show.

Throughout the process, you’ll have the chance to get creative, build confidence (as you figure out how to make your dish and troubleshoot any problems), and then enjoy a sense of accomplishment as you nourish yourself—and maybe your friends and family too! Cooking also promotes mindfulness, helping you tune into your senses: the smell of the roasting veggies, the feel of the dough as you knead it for a pizza crust, the taste of chili straight from the pot. So the next time you need a little boost, turn on some music and start cooking!



Okay, hear us out: Yes, washing the dishes is a chore, but it’s also one that can lower your stress level and help you tune into the present, leading to more happiness. Instead of racing to get every plate, cup, and bowl into the dishwasher or grumbling as you scrub your way through pots and pans, consider the activity a way to decompress and practice mindfulness. When using the sink, focus your attention on the details: the smell of the soap you’re using, the heat of the water, the clink of the spoons. Think about the act of cleaning the dishes—how satisfying it is to turn a tower of messy plates cluttering the sink or counter into a squeaky-clean row on the drying rack. Finding even a little joy in an everyday chore is definitely something to feel happy about.



Whether with family members, friends, a significant other, or yourself, a new tradition can add a dose of excitement to your life. Maybe you decide to bake a cake on your half-birthday every year, or light sparklers on the first official day of summer. It’ll give you something to look forward to in addition to the usual holidays and events!



Saying “I love you” to someone you care about—the BFF you’ve known forever, a close family member, or the love of your life—feels good. Plus, people deserve to know they are special to you! Telling someone you love them has a positive effect on everyone involved.



Whether you’re cracking a self-deprecating joke or chuckling at yourself for tripping up the stairs, remembering to laugh at yourself is key when it comes to a healthy, happy you. Experts note that this ability improves emotional well-being and boosts resiliency, making you better able to cope with stress and tackle anything that comes your way.



If you’ve ever bought a lottery ticket or entered your email address for a chance to win a getaway vacation, you understand the happy thrill of betting your odds for a worthwhile prize. It’s just plain fun to try to win something! So try different types of contests—magazine sweepstakes, social media photo competitions, trivia night at a local restaurant—and ride the high of possibility.