
Being vulnerable can be scary: It’s a place of uncertainty and complete openness that would make anyone feel out of their comfort zone. And that’s a good thing—no, really! Vulnerability is what opens the door to new experiences and deeper connections that lead to a happiness you otherwise would have missed out on. Think about the best things in life: love, friendship, adventure. They all involve putting yourself out there—taking a chance on something, where you might feel tempted to play it safe.

So how do you practice vulnerability? Start by noticing when you feel hesitant to do or say something, out of fear that it might not work out. Maybe you have a joke to share but worry no one will laugh. Or you consider skipping a party because you won’t know many people there. Ask yourself: “What if it goes well?” What might you miss out on in not taking the risk? In other words, you are identifying when fear is trying to run the show—and challenging it. That mental shift from the negative “what ifs” to the positive ones will help you in putting yourself out there—and inviting happiness into your life.



Receiving a supportive hug feels amazing, whether you’re going through a tough time or just need a little boost. Within seconds, it produces a “cuddle” hormone (yes, that’s a real thing!) related to higher oxytocin chemicals and lower levels of cortisol, both of which help minimize stress and promote joy. And as a bonus, research also shows that it’s good for your heart, and keeps cold symptoms at bay.



Research suggests ambition makes you happier, so get the ball rolling (and beat any negative thoughts about the future) by creating a vision board! Think about your goals—places you want to travel, things you want to accomplish, skills you’d like to learn—grab a big piece of poster board, and start covering it with images related to those goals. You can print out pictures online or cut them out of old magazines. Be sure to hang your vision board somewhere you will see it regularly.



A lingering unfinished project, whether it’s a book you’re halfway through or reorganizing your bedroom, can be a surprising source of stress and negative feelings. Finish it up—or get rid of it. This will help you follow through on what really matters to you and avoid procrastinating on stuff that isn’t important! You’ll feel good about checking something off your list, and even better about finishing what you started.



A cheap thrill is anything fun that doesn’t require a lot of time or money. They are an easy way to bring more joy into your life. Try to add a couple of cheap thrills to your week: Flirt with the barista at your favorite coffee shop, check out a new bestseller at the library, or indulge in a heaping ice cream cone with all the extras. The point is to give yourself permission to relish whatever small joys make you happy, without any guilt.



Anytime you’re able to save an extra 10 percent on a purchase, or use a gift card for an item you’ve been eyeing for months, it gives you a little jolt of joy. It’s also super satisfying to snag a good deal. Use up any vouchers or coupons you have to get rid of unnecessary clutter, save cash, and feel good instantly.



Overly cold or hot temperatures can influence your mood! While Mother Nature is out of your control, you can keep an eye on your indoor climate and adjust it to a temperature that you feel most comfortable in. You might love a chilly home where you can layer comfy sweatshirts and light a few candles for atmosphere. Or maybe you think a toasty household is optimal. Either way, change the temperature for an easy mood boost.