Running in place isn’t just for a warm-up before your workout: You can do it anytime you need an extra dose of serotonin and energy. Start slowly by bending each knee and simply lifting your feet off the ground one at a time, and then work up to a fast-paced jog with high knees. You want to feel out of breath at the end, so aim for at least two minutes of jogging to get your heart racing!
Quality time with the people you love directly impacts your mood—especially when you’re able to be together in person. Seeing your loved one’s face during a conversation, as well as having the ability to embrace or touch them, is a great feeling.
A short stint in a sauna can leave you feeling calm and ready to take on the day. In fact, studies show saunas can help lower your blood pressure while increasing your heart rate—both of which contribute to your health and happiness. Your local gym or spa will typically have a sauna you can use.
Remember that collage you made in art class as a kid? It’s time to tap into your creative side and give your mood a boost with this throwback to simpler times! Collages are a fun way to express yourself, and even reflect on and let go of something that has been on your mind. You can cut images and words from old magazines, print things out online, pop on some stickers, paint—the possibilities are endless!
Tap into the simple joy of being a kid by playing with LEGOs! Beyond being a fun pastime, it helps you nurture creativity, practice self-control, build resilience, and navigate tricky situations—all of which factor into long-term happiness. Pick up a cheap set or dig out your old bricks from storage and tinker around.
Turning clay into a mug, bowl, or funky vase is a fun and unique way to beat a bad mood. You’re getting into the zone and building something with your hands, which feels good. Plus, you get something new to take home or give as a personalized gift. Sign up for a class in your area.
If you tend to turn into an interior designer when you’re in a funk, know that you’re not alone: rearranging furniture makes us feel better. Why? It’s related to feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice known as the “art of placement.” In a nutshell, feng shui involves positioning your decor in ways that harness your energy and boost your mood. To refresh your space and clear out negative vibes, start by moving your bed so it is facing the door (but not in line with it). Hang up your favorite pictures in new spots and change up the items on your desk. Try a few different options for a look that feels right.
It might sound counterintuitive, but crying is great for your mood! It releases feel-good endorphins and signals your parasympathetic nervous system to focus on rest. Crying also allows you to process your emotions in a healthy way, (literally) washing away stress and negativity. So don’t hold back: Find a quiet place to have a good cry. You may even consider putting on a favorite touching movie or song to get the tears flowing. When you’re done, you’ll feel refreshed and a whole lot lighter.
Taking even just five minutes at the beginning of every week to think about what’s in store—and what you actually want to do—goes a long way in having a productive and happy week. Slot out time on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings to grab a planner or your smartphone calendar and write down any upcoming appointments, big meetings, work commitments, friend dates, etc. Then, go back through the week and add at least two to three acts of self-care.
Cutting veggies requires careful concentration: You’re using a sharp knife, after all! You’re also focused on a single, rhythmic activity that has a clear result. In other words, it feels good to refocus your thoughts on the simple, satisfying task of chopping that onion into perfect chunks for a stir-fry. And if you have any negative energy floating around in your mind or body, you can have some fun releasing it with a few solid thwacks.
Finding happiness can sometimes feel daunting, but yoga gives you a few great tools to help you along the way! It teaches you how to redirect the negative thoughts and feelings weighing you down so you can get into a more positive, empowered mindset. Check out a yoga class or follow along with an easy video online.