Chapter 13

She’s here, mate. She’s here.

Calum gripped the railing at the top of the stairs; if he didn’t, he’d race down, fling his arms around her, wrap her up tightly and hang on…for a long, long time.

From the moment Jennifer left, Calum had planned to fly to London. It took forever to arrange his passport, but the moment it arrive by registered mail, he’d bought tickets to London. Two days later, she’d called and he was the happiest man in the country. He’d worked like a maniac, sometimes long into the night, to get the restaurant finished. He wanted it as close to perfect as possible when Jennifer arrived so she’d have no excuse to run.

‘G’day, Twinkles,’ Calum murmured from the top of the stairs. He couldn’t have stopped the grin if he’d tried.

Jennifer screamed and swung around. She stood in a pool of late afternoon sunlight that flooded through from an upstairs window.

Man, she looked amazing. His body ached to hold her in his arms, smell her skin and bury his face in her insane hair. The things she did to him without even trying had to be illegal.

‘Shit!’ Looking up at him, she slapped a hand over her heart. ‘You scared me.’

‘Wouldn’t have mattered what I’d done, I would’ve scared you.’ He paused, holding his breath. He had to relish this moment, had to let it sink in.

‘Hi,’ Jennifer said. ‘I almost didn’t recognise you without your overalls and covered in plaster dust. You scrub up well.’

Was she panting? He hadn’t scared her that much. Nah, she was panting for him, or so he wanted to believe…had to believe, otherwise all this waiting was for nothing.

‘Blame Michelle,’ he shrugged. He’d have to increase his sister’s pocket-money.

Michelle had insisted he wear stonewashed jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow. He’d asked her, ‘Why wear a shirt if you’re going to do that?’ But she’d mumbled something about strong forearms saying, ‘It’s a woman’s thing — just do it.’ Then she’d kissed him on the cheek and said, ‘Go get her, tiger.’ Calum didn’t care what he wore as long as it worked. ‘Sounds like you approve,’ he said, and kicked himself because he didn’t sound confident, and normally he was.

‘Approve? No — I mean yes, you look very…Oh never mind. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting…’

‘You seem a little prickly?’ Fuck…easy tiger.

‘I am not! I thought I’d timed it exactly so that I wouldn’t have to see…’ She shook her head. ‘Oh crap, I sound ungrateful, and I’m not — truly. Sofie told me how hard you’ve worked. It can’t have been easy for you via Skype and emails.’

‘Knowing it was for you made it the most satisfying job I’ve ever done.’ Had he said the wrong thing? She looked stunned. Quickly he headed down the stairs, his sneakers squeaking on the wooden treads. He stopped one tread above her, and without thinking, brought his hand up to cup her face, his thumb sliding across her cheek. Her eyes rounded, he leant closer, studying the sparkle and deep emotions at play: nervous anticipation, and hope. She wanted him, and seeing it made him shake inside. He needed to get a grip, slow things down or he’d rush, and neither would have time to savour the moment, make it special. He softened his gaze, and with superhuman effort withdrew his hand; voice husky, he said, ‘I’ll take those,’ and grabbed her suitcases.

‘W-wait a sec, please show me what you’ve done…for me.’

‘Sure,’ he said on a breath and hoped with every fibre in him that she liked the result. The cases thudded to the floor as he quickly dropped them. ‘Hold my hand and close your eyes.’

Her soft palm rested comfortably in his strong hand. Slowly, Jennifer closed her eyes. Without thinking, Calum brought her hand up to his chest and turned to face her; he yearned to kiss each soft eyelid.

‘We’re not moving,’ Jennifer murmured.

‘Sorry, you distracted me,’ he said with a smile, and led her down the hall. ‘Okay, you can open them now.’

Jennifer gasped in awe. Calum grinned.

‘Oh-my-God — fireplaces. Never in my wildest dreams. You never mentioned fireplaces.’

‘We wanted to surprise you.’

Her hand slipped out of his as she made her way to look at them more closely. ‘Well, you certainly have. They’re gorgeous.’

‘When we pulled the plaster off the columns on either side of the shop, there they were: two original, black marble fireplaces. Sofie chose the colours — they look okay?’

‘Colour changes when sent via email. But I knew there was nothing to worry about with Sofie choosing the palette. And I was right. The deep red looks stunning and the matching velvet drapes are perfect.’

‘We’ve made sure the shop and house upstairs has plenty of security. You’ll never need it.’ No, because he intended to be here, every night, with Jennifer for the rest of his life. His body itched to take her, make her his. ‘Because the drapes are so high up, you’ve got a remote control that slides them back and forth. There’s an intercom from upstairs to the restaurant’s kitchen. And a list of all the gadgetry and how they work in Bob’s office.’

Taking her time, Jennifer scanned the room. ‘How did you get the mosaic floor to come up so beautifully?’

‘Sofie and I had a restorer look at the floor. The tiles are stone and his advice was to polish the grime off and reseal them. That way the floors would be good for another hundred years or more.’

‘It’s magnificent.’ She wiped at her wet cheeks. ‘You must have worked like a madman to get so much done.’ She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

His hand went to her waist and he couldn’t stop himself from flexing his fingers. When she stepped back, he almost followed.

She gazed at him, eyes large and greener than he’d ever seen them. ‘Thank you,’ she whispered.

‘You’re welcome,’ his voice rumbled deep with emotion and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. ‘Go explore.’

Calum leant back against Bob’s refurbished curved glass and brass-framed display case. Enjoying the sway of Jennifer’s hips as she rounded a table setting, as her fingers slid over chairs and down drapes, and her breasts that rose and fell as she marvelled at her new surroundings.

‘This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The photos Sofie sent of the tables and padded chairs didn’t do them justice. It’s all gorgeous and brilliant! I’m dying to see the kitchen.’

‘This way, and tell me if you need anything changed.’ He held the swinging doors open for her.

‘Wow, it’s a chef’s dream! It’s my dream. The steampunk cappuccino machine is brilliant, I love it. I love it all.’ She laughed softly. ‘I can’t wait to turn on the gas burners and create something. You’ll be the first to have a meal out of this kitchen.’

‘You’re on,’ he said. He could hardly believe his luck. ‘I’ll get the courtyard sorted before Sofie gets here.’

‘She can’t wait to start on the garden.’ Jennifer ran her hands over sparkling new appliances. She turned to face him, a tender look in her eyes.

Damn, he itched to reach out, hold her and kiss her soft mouth, carry her upstairs and throw her on the bed covered in flowers, strip her naked and… But he didn’t dare, not yet. He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. After a long pause, she stepped closer. Her expression changed from one moment to the next — grateful, happy, awestruck, and a few others he couldn’t fathom.

‘I’m so happy I decided to start a restaurant here. And you made it all so easy.’

‘I’m glad to have been part of it,’ he said. Jeez, is that all he could come up with. Tell her you couldn’t eat for weeks. Tell her you went to the mountains to scream. Tell her your dick doesn’t work anymore unless she’s around. Tell her it’s a package deal that you come with the kitchen. ‘C’mon,’ he managed to say. ‘I’ll take your bags up.’

Calum grabbed two cases while Jennifer grappled with the smaller one, plus her handbag the size of a small hippo.

‘Same room?’ he asked.

‘Yes, please.’

He could feel Jennifer behind him. Her heat stole up his back and around into his chest. As long as it stayed there and didn’t burn a trail south, he’d be safe. He placed her suitcases at the end of the bed.

‘Are there any more bags outside?’ He was out of breath, and it had nothing to do with the cases.

‘No, that’s it. The rest is coming by crate on a container ship.’

‘This is it, you’re staying for good?’

‘I’ve just spent thousands transforming this place; I intend to stay — forever.’

He nodded. ‘Nice idea, and a bit longer than last time.’ Ouch! Fuck. He could’ve kicked himself, again.

‘It’s not an idea.’

‘Uh huh.’ Calum studied her eyes. They were steadfast.

‘I’m staying,’ she said emphatically.

He shoved his hands in the back pocket of his jeans. Otherwise, he might lose the bet with himself that he’d play it cool.

‘I’ve seen countless city people come and go in this town. Few can hack it long-term; they miss the city and all it has to offer.’ Calum moved in closer, leaving only inches between them. The impulse to throw her onto the bed and kiss her senseless until they both got hot, naked and sweaty was overwhelming.

Jennifer’s wide green eyes spoke volumes; right now he didn’t know what they were saying. It could be that his one-track mind assumed she wanted what he wanted. On the phone to her in London, he’d said that he’d never sleep in without her…never, but she hadn’t parted with enough of her feelings for him to go and throw himself at her. Calum leant in slightly, on the verge of kissing her. She gave a little gasp. The air between them hummed hot with promises.

He zeroed in on her mouth. She closed her eyes, or was that a slow blink? Mate, what’re you doing? He hesitated and drew back. Did he see disappointment? Last time he kissed her and made love to her, she’d left the country. Better slow this down. Rushing her wasn’t the way to go.

‘Are you hungry?’ he asked. Her wide-eyed look could have meant anything, but Calum decided it meant yes — safer that way. ‘Thought as much.’ He took her hand and led her to Bob’s kitchen. ‘Sit,’ he said, pointing to a chair. He made coffee and brought out a plate of massive, wholemeal sandwiches from the fridge. The crusts were crunchy and almost an inch thick.

‘Good God, are those for me?’

He chuckled. ‘It’s okay, just eat what you want.’

‘Did you make them yourself?’

‘Yeah, straight after I crutched four hundred sheep.’

‘Oh lovely, a little extra flavour for that country taste,’ she threw back dryly.

Calum winked and moved the plate closer to her. He poured steaming coffee into two large mugs and sat opposite Jennifer, who was squishing the sandwich down with the palm of her hand.

She turned to him with a help me look on her face. ‘I can’t get my mouth around it.’

Don’t even go there, pal. ‘Sure you can,’ he said, and couldn’t stop the grin.

Jennifer managed to bite off a hunk and chewed, closing her eyes. ‘This is delicious,’ she mumbled through a mouthful. ‘The silverside is cooked to perfection, and the pickle…Hmm!’

‘Gran’s homemade pickles. Don’t ask me what’s in it.’

‘Do you think she’d give me her recipe?’

‘As long as you didn’t enter it into any of the local fairs, she probably would. If you’re not too tired after this, I need to show you something else.’

‘I’m fine. I had a lovely week’s rest in Sydney with Sofie and Claudia. Got rid of all my jetlag.’ She inclined her head. ‘What do you want to show me?’

‘Hard to explain, easier if I show you.’

‘It wouldn’t have anything to do with the singing drunk, would it?’

‘ ’Fraid not…’ He trailed off as a vague thought occurred to him, something about Parrot Rock, but in a flash it was gone. ‘Hmm, strange.’

‘What’s strange?’

‘I don’t know, it’s one of those things you can’t quite get a handle on. Doesn’t matter. If it’s important it’ll come back to me.’

She washed her sandwich down with the swig of coffee. Calum went back to the fridge and came out with two small bowls of lemon sorbet.

Handing her a spoon, he said, ‘Gran insisted. She made so much of it yesterday that everyone she cares about is getting a helping.’

‘Oh,’ she breathed. Looking a mite stunned, she took a spoonful. ‘Hmm…this is delicious, so refreshing. Your gran knows a thing or two. But then, most people of that era do…my gran could turn her hand to just about anything.’

She licked her lips and Calum couldn’t help a throaty rumble from escaping. ‘That good, huh?’ He smiled as, sadly, Jennifer’s tongue popped back into her mouth. ‘Come on,’ he took her spoon and laid it on the table. ‘You can lick the bowl out later. I want to show you what’s been bothering me about your uncle’s rooms.’ He ushered Jennifer down the hall and into the pink bedroom. He could feel her body heat as she stood next to him gazing at the roses and swirling vine wallpaper that even his grandmother would reject — maybe.

‘Okay, here we are. What am I supposed to see?’ Jennifer wrinkled her nose and squinted. ‘Have to change that God-awful wallpaper.’

‘I know it’s hard, but forget the paper. There’s something odd about this room, and the bathroom. Come with me.’ He led her into the en suite. ‘See this corner here?’ He pointed to the right of the door.

‘Oh lord!’ Jennifer ignored him, and eyes wide, took in the luxurious new bathroom. ‘The old claw foot bath looks brand new. My God, the shower.’ She spread her arms out wide and hugged the curved glass door. ‘Six people could fit in here.’

‘Not with you they won’t.’ He gave her a look. When he saw her slightly stunned expression, he couldn’t help but smile. Oh well, he thought, I don’t care, you’re mine.

‘Um…well, of course not.’ And she let go of the door.

‘Okay, Jen. We’ll get to know the shower later.’ Pink flushed her cheeks. Part of him felt good that he had this effect on her, another part told him he should stop making her feel uncomfortable, but man, she was making it difficult. His eyes slowly drifted down to her open mouth.

‘Um…Jen? I want you to focus now.’

‘I am,’ she blurted out. ‘But you’re not.’

One side of his mouth tweaked up. ‘Okay.’ He brought his hands up. ‘I’m on it. See where this wall ends here?’ Calum stepped back out into the bedroom. ‘It comes to about here, the left side of this closet. By rights it should meet with the hall, and obviously it doesn’t.’ He took her by the hand. Wanted to take hold of a lot more. Concentrate, he told himself. He ushered her out to the hall and began banging the wall with his fist, pointing out where the deep, hollow sound finished, about two metres along.

Jennifer gasped.

‘You catch on quick,’ he told her.

‘That would mean —’

‘Don’t look so worried. Yes, it’s a hidden room, but it could be as simple as a boxed in stairwell. Whatever it is, I have to find out, if there’s wiring in there it’d be like the rest of the house was,’ he said, slapping the wall for emphasis. ‘And there’s no telling if it’s live.’

Calum rubbed his chin and kept an eye on Jennifer as she processed the new problem.

* * *

Jennifer felt sick. There was no entry that she could find to get into a hidden space the size of a large walk-in closet. She covered her mouth as dark thoughts tumbled through her mind.

Enough apprehension grew inside Jennifer to want to pretend this didn’t exist. She and her sister had been unaware of large chunks of their uncle’s life — vineyards and the wine collection, for example. What else had he kept from them?

She felt Calum’s big hand warming the small of her back as he carefully ushered her through the door back into the pink room. She walked to the edge of the bed, and that gave her a reassuring buffer of about three metres. Standing with her arms folded, she silently eyed the enormous closet.

‘No one knows about this but you and me,’ Calum assured her, giving her a gentle nudge. ‘When Dwain worked on the plumbing up here, he concentrated on the bathrooms and kitchen. I did all the wiring and found some of it goes off into this space somewhere here. The first time I walked into this bathroom I thought it was odd.’

‘It was dark most of the time so I think my sister and I can be excused for not noticing. But the plumber worked in here for about a week, during the day, and he didn’t notice?’

‘It’s cleverly disguised, but yeah…Dwain is…’ Calum nodded, ‘… a great plumber.’

‘Dwain, the plumber?’

‘Yeah,’ Calum shrugged. ‘You should see his business card — Dwain Pipes.’

Jennifer choked out a laugh. Trying to hide her nervous hysteria didn’t work.

‘Ready for more surprises?’

‘Sure.’ Sure? Was she insane? ‘But I don’t think anything can top Dwain.’

‘You’re not wrong. Okay, let’s shove this closet aside and see what’s behind it.’

Negative energy surrounded Jennifer, it weighed heavy on her chest. She didn’t want to see what was behind the closet right now…or maybe ever.

She should stop him.

Calum began to push, but the closet didn’t budge. ‘This must weigh a ton,’ he grunted with effort. ‘Can’t do it alone.’

‘I know it’s big, but you should’ve been able to slide it little,’ Jennifer said, peering down the side nearest the wall, part of her hoping it was never going to shift. ‘It’s probably bolted to the floor, or the wall. Oh well,’ she shrugged.

Confused about what to do next, Jennifer sat on the edge of the bed. Gazing at the looming closet, her thoughts went to the dark side. What if there was something horrible buried behind these walls — like the dead bodies of women he’d lured into the pink bedroom? She loved and trusted her uncle; he was a kind and gentle man. But even nice men did strange things. How many times had she seen on the seven o’clock news bemused friends and neighbours saying, ‘We just don’t understand it; he was such a lovely family man. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. Pity about all the bodies buried in his backyard.’

Stomach churning, Jennifer looked at Calum. ‘I don’t think I want to know.’

Calum laughed. ‘Aren’t you curious? It may have nothing to do with Bob. It could’ve been the people who owned it before your uncle. Maybe they built it to stash their money. It might still be in there. Want to look for an opening?’

Jennifer pulled at a lock of curly hair. ‘I don’t know anymore.’

Calum stood back and calculated size versus area, versus weight, and said, ‘It has to be done.’

‘Well, it’s obvious,’ she said, ‘the only way in is through the closet.’

‘Yep.’ Calum nodded, hands low on his hips.

‘Okay,’ Jennifer said, giving in. ‘Let’s look. Otherwise I won’t be able to sleep, I’ll have one eye fixed on the damn doors, all four of them.’

‘Your house, your closet,’ Calum said, hand out. ‘Or would you rather I went in first?’

‘No, but thank you. I’m being a wuss.’ Jennifer mentally apologised to her Uncle Bob — for what, she didn’t know. ‘Okay, here we go.’ She reached for the doorknobs and hesitated.

‘C’mon Jen, nothing can be so bad that you can’t investigate with a good friend. It’s not like whatever is in there has anything to do with you personally.’

Jennifer knew it had nothing to do with her, but mud sticks, especially if it belongs to a relative.

‘Okay, but if it’s — you know, unsavoury — no one else must find out about it.’ She frowned, remembering the cryptic note Bob had left for her and Sofie. She repeated his words aloud: ‘Forgive me. Leave it alone — don’t search. I meant no harm, what I did was for me, no one else.’


‘That was in a note left to us from Uncle Bob.’

‘Look, I won’t tell a soul — Scout’s honour.’

Jennifer arched a warning brow as she glanced at his oh-so-innocent face. She removed her shoes and suggested to Calum he do the same.

‘Okay, here goes. If we’re transported to another time and place, I want you to promise to get me home in one piece.’

‘Stop procrastinating, Jen, and do it.’

She stepped inside. Her uncle’s clothes hung from a centre rod. Belts and ties hung from rails attached to the back wall. She slid his clothes aside, reached out and felt the old timber under the flat of her hands. ‘This is a bit like Doctor Who’s Tardis.’

‘I’m coming in,’ Calum announced. There was a rustle of plastic and hangers sliding as he moved in closer. ‘Found anything?’

A second later, she heard a soft click and then total darkness surrounded them.

A strangled cry escaped Jennifer’s throat. ‘What happened?’ Jennifer swung around, fingers outstretched. She caught hold of Calum’s arm and held on. ‘Why is it so dark?’ she asked sounding alarmed.

‘The door swung shut behind us.’

‘Well, go open it!’

‘Okay, don’t panic. Are you claustrophobic?’

‘Not as a rule, but this could change things. You do not want a hysterical woman with you in a closet.’

‘It’s not a problem, Jen, I’ll fix it.’

The sound of clicks and scrapes only made Jennifer feel edgier.

‘There, it’s open.’

‘Why is it still so dark in here?’

‘I had to slip a piece of paper in front of the lock. I could wedge it with a chair from the kitchen.’

‘No! As long as I know it’s not locked, I’ll be fine.’ Eyes wide, as if that would help, Jennifer turned carefully and ran her hands down the side and back wall. ‘Nothing’s happening.’

‘Move over.’ Calum reached forward, and his arm brushed her breast. ‘Sorry.’

Had it not been so dark he would’ve seen her smile.

They edged to the floor and her hair brushed him. She thought it was his face, but it could have been any part of him. He took a deep breath. Jennifer ducked.

Had it not been so dark she would’ve seen him reach for her and miss.

Jennifer came up and the top of her head collided with his chin. ‘Fuck!’ Calum cried out.

‘Sorry.’ She rubbed her head and felt his breath against her cheek. His mouth was near her ear, which sent goose bumps down her neck. She quivered, and tried to sound as normal as possible when she spoke. ‘You’re very quiet, are you okay?’ Her mouth brushed his jaw. How did that happen? In a blink, sensuous heat raced to all parts of her body. ‘I can’t stand it anymore. It’s hot and stuffy, and sweat is starting to trickle —’

‘Really?’ Calum’s amused voice sounded hopeful.

Oh, not fair. Can I bite him? A nibble maybe…No? Bugger.

‘Let me just get over this side,’ he said, crawling over the top of her.

Oh, now I’m definitely going to bite him.

His leg slipped between her thighs. That was it. She lost control, swung around, and lunged for his shirt. Her fingers tingled as she grabbed hold of him and pulled him down. They fumbled for each other’s lips, and only missed once. His mouth crushed hers, lips and tongue playful. She slid her fingers into his hair and grabbed handfuls, luxuriating in the silken strands. Her breath came short and fast. His mouth was delicious. Soft, yet firm — hungry, eager.

‘Jen, Jen,’ he moaned against her mouth.

The need to feel his skin was more than she could bear. Jennifer took hold of the front of his shirt and yanked it apart. Buttons went flying, clattering against the closet walls and floor. She grabbed his broad shoulders and leant in to nuzzle his skin. ‘God, you smell good, I can’t get enough.’

Suddenly, Calum disappeared.

‘Don’t go!’ she fumble for his chest, but found his thighs. Her hands moved up to his chest and that was when she heard the sound of ripping shirt fabric and elbows banging against the walls.

Jennifer peeled her top off, fighting to get it over her head quickly. Calum came back and tugged at her waist. He slowed the pace, slid her bra straps off her shoulders and trailed soft tongue kisses all the way up her neck. He pulled her into his embrace and unclipped her bra. Jennifer grabbed the front and tugged the straps down her arms, then tossed the bra aside. She moaned with pleasure as her nipples brushed his chest, they swelled and pebbled. She wanted more, and that’s what she got. He dipped his head and circled each puckered little bud with his tongue.

‘Oh God,’ she whispered, grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him up to her face. She wanted his mouth on hers.

Calum slipped his hands inside her jeans and squeezed her bottom, tugging her firmly against his bulging erection.

‘Oh God,’ she groaned again and kissed him harder. He lost his balance and fell back. Plastic squeaked and rustled. For an instant, she lost him among the hanging coats and suits.

‘Crap!’ he yelled.

She could hear him scrambling; seconds later coats and plastic hangers went flying. Jennifer couldn’t see and didn’t really care at this point. She twisted over onto her hands and knees, found his legs and yanked at the hem of his jeans.

‘Woman!’ Calum slid forward. ‘You don’t know your own strength, and I love it. It’s been months without the taste of you, the feel of you. I need you now. Where are you?’

‘Right here.’ Jennifer trailed butterfly kisses up his hard, naked stomach.

‘Agh — shit that’s good!’

She teased him with a feather light touch of her breasts against his skin. Calum’s gasp intensified her arousal.

A film of sweat on his hot skin made his musky scent even more pronounced.

‘Oh,’ she purred, ‘I love your smell.’

She wanted all of him and pushed him down to tug at his jeans again. His elbows hit the floor with a thump.

‘Get them off — get them off!’ Jennifer pleaded.

‘Wait a minute,’ Calum mumbled.

‘I don’t want to wait a minute.’

‘Just give me a little room for a sec.’ He grunted with effort and the closet floor wobbled underneath her. ‘Got it,’ he said, triumphant. His hands were on her legs, caressing their way up to the waistband of her jeans. He yanked, and the brass button went flying.

Jennifer giggled. ‘You owe me a pair of jeans.’

‘I’ll buy you five — ten pairs.’ He peeled them off her hips. In one swift movement, Jennifer’s legs were in the air and she was free of her jeans. She tried to kick them aside and her knees skimmed past what she assumed was his nose. ‘Don’t help — please!’ he said breathlessly. Her undies and jeans went flying. ‘Don’t move.’

She didn’t dare. Then he gathered her to him, and he was all deliciously hard muscled, hot nakedness. She explored every inch of him, all her senses heightened in the dark closet. Knees and elbows thumped and drummed on the floor and walls as Jennifer brought her hips closer. Calum lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

‘I want you. Now and —’ Before she said too much, like now and forever, she kissed his mouth.

Calum slipped inside her warm, wet, delicious place, and she lost herself in him. Her limbs, right down to the tips of her fingers and toes tingled. She gripped his sexy butt as his hands squeezed her bottom and she worked her hips against his. Their kiss continued, his tongue dipping into her mouth as his cock slid inside her.

‘You’re so wet, so fucking amazing to feel you surrounding me, squeezing me.’

She groaned louder, pulling him in deeper with her feet and calves.

‘Oh God!’ She bit into his shoulder. He managed to find a nipple and sucked. A quiver zipped all the way down to the pulsing nub between her thighs. She met his thrusts, harder, deeper, faster. Her body craved the sweet ecstasy glowing ever stronger around belly and through her groin. Her toes curled, her nipples peaked hard against his chest.

‘I want more…give me more,’ she cried out. ‘Cal please, I’m…’

He pushed deeper, grinding his hips against her until she reached an unbelievable orgasm. For Jennifer, it rolled on and on until her limbs felt like jelly. Every sense focused on one delicious pulsing area, yet every part of her glowed and tingled to the point where a touch would make her giggle with pleasure.

Calum’s big hands spanned her bottom and held on tight as he thrust in and out; slamming into her one last time, he buried his face in her neck and didn’t move.

Panting, Jennifer enjoyed the moment as they stayed connected; arms wrapped around each other, Calum’s cock deep inside her, just where it should be.

He murmured, ‘I want to see you.’ He raised his head and hauled them both up, which Jennifer thought was outstanding. She shoved her face in his neck and hung on. Then he backed towards the door. ‘I just have to…’ With a regretful-sounding sigh, he pulled out and set Jennifer on the floor, then thumped the door a couple of times with his hip.

‘I thought it was open.’

‘That may have been a little white lie.’

Her fingers dug into his shoulders. ‘You mean we’re locked in?’

‘Not for long. I didn’t want to say anything earlier in case you panicked; I can get us out of here, not a problem.’ Calum’s hands patted her body until he found her face. He cupped her jaw, then kissed her softly on the mouth. ‘We have two choices.’ He kissed his way to her forehead. ‘I can break the lock, which may splinter the door.’ He kissed his way down to her nose. ‘Or I could grab my mobile out of my jeans and ring a locksmith.’ He kissed her mouth again.

‘I don’t fancy the last one. Us stuck in the closet together — not to mention buttons missing on our clothes — would be through town before he’s down the stairs. Just force the door open, slowly. Please.’

‘Okay.’ Calum braced his shoulder against the door and his foot against the opposite wall and pushed. The door popped open with nothing more than a bent lock.

He swept her up and, cradling her, headed for the bathroom where he set her down on the bath mat. He gave her one of his sexy quirky grins and held his hand out. She took it. Calum turned her palm up, kissing and licking her there. Moving his mouth away he drew her into the brand new, state of the art shower cubicle. Warm water fell upon her skin like gentle rain. He took his time to lather and slide his hands all over her body. Jennifer lifted her arms above her head, stretching. Calum wrapped his fingers around her wrists and slid them down her forearms, splayed his hands and slid further to her armpits, breasts, over her hips and around to her bottom. And she writhed under his touch. Then like a dancer, feet splayed, he slowly slid his tanned athletic body over hers. Jennifer followed his lead and discovered that wet, naked dirty dancing in the shower was breath-taking, magnificent, spectacular.

His hand slipped down between her thighs, and he played the water over her there. Then his fingers lowly slipped in, drawing out the slippery wetness that was all Jennifer.

‘I love how you get wet for me,’ he murmured.

She rocked her hips, sliding her sex over his hand. ‘It’s you…all for you,’ she breathed, then wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed. ‘You should do something with this,’ she said, her voice husky.

‘My pleasure.’ He took her arms and slid them around his neck. ‘Hang on.’ Then he braced himself as he cupped her bottom and lifted her up. She swung her legs up around his hips, could feel his heart thumping against her chest as he must feel hers. Eyes locked, mouths almost touching, breaths mingling, they stood as warm water cascaded over them. Jennifer could feel Calum holding back, waiting as the fire built inside her. The tip of his cock pulsed between her wet folds.

‘I want to slide inside you. Feel me…fuck you, Jen.’ Still looking at her, he nipped her mouth with his.

Her breathing laboured. ‘Oh God, yes do that.’

He pressed her up against the tiles, the tip of his cock at her entrance, he pushed the head in, but no further. She gasped, and demanded, ‘More!’

‘You’re ready?’ His hands squeezed her bottom, his handsome face and soft eyes watched her closely.

‘Yes, yes, so ready,’ Jennifer said on a breath.

He eased her down over his length, filling her all the way to the root, then eased out and back in. A slow sensuous rhythm that was driving her wild.

‘I love looking at you while I’m inside you. Beautiful.’ He shifted his forearm under her and brought his free hand around her hip then dipped it in between, found her swollen nub, and lightly, slowly swirled his thumb. Jennifer arched back pressing her hips against his hand.

‘Oh, that’s…that’s…God!’

He moved his hand away and went back to her to hold her bottom.

‘Harder.’ She nabbed his bottom lip and gently sucked it before letting it popped out of her mouth. ‘Harder Calum.’

Watching her closely, he jerked his hips.

Jennifer threw her head back and moaned.

‘Jen…Jen, back at me.’ She straightened, eyes back to his, which in itself was hot. ‘I want to see your beautiful face when you come.’ His words brought her close to the edge. Riding him, her face softened, her lips parted, and her body quivered around him. Jennifer whimpered, and then her pulsing orgasm hit, muscles clutched at his cock. He pushed her down over him and ground his hips, deeper. ‘Fuck yeah!’ Calum’s voice rumbled low.

It was her turn to watch the beauty of his orgasm fill his face. Buried deep inside her, Calum growled, ‘I’m coming.’ He didn’t move while his cock pulsed inside her.

His hands held her tight under her bottom and, head slanted, his mouth came down on hers for a long deep, hungry kiss. He came up for air, kissed her again quickly and, breathing hard, rested his forehead on her shoulder.

After a short time, he lifted his head and looked at her, really looked with an intense gaze that made her heart swell. ‘You have to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.’ He shook his head. ‘And that just doesn’t cover it. You drive me crazy.’

‘Oh,’ Jennifer said, ‘that makes us even. You drive me nuts. But keep talking.’

‘Legs, Jen.’

She smiled and unwrapped her legs from around his hips. Holding her at the waist he pulled out and, skin sliding against skin, he slowly eased her down until her feet touched the tiles.

He cupped her face. With warm penetrating eyes on hers, he softly asked, ‘You okay?’

She leaned up and answered with a long, slow kiss.

Calum wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, the warm water cascading down over them. ‘Fuck, I’m glad you’re back.’

‘Me too.’ She pulled away far enough to focus on his face. ‘Can I ask what all this “fuck” stuff is about?’

He chuckled, a deep infectious chuckle, and voice grating low for emphasis, he said, ‘Because if I don’t swear, I’ll explode. Seeing you, holding you, it’s…it’s intense.’

‘Oh,’ she breathed, felt her eyes grow big and nodded in understanding.

‘Good to know I’m not alone in this.’ His expression became deadly serious. ‘Fuck!’ Calum laughed. ‘Looking at you like this makes me want to…’

‘Makes you want to what?’ Jennifer breathed.

‘Makes me not want to miss a second of you.’ His hand curled around her neck, thumb sweeping across her jaw, he said, ‘I’m staying the night.’

‘Okay,’ she said calmly, while inside she was doing a major happy dance.

‘Good, not that I was taking no for an answer anyway.’ He swept a hand across her waist, turned the water off and wrapped her in a towel.

Warm and dry, Jennifer tilted her head and, with a contented smile, watched Calum dress. The best part was how his jocks slipped over his firm butt. Head bent as he adjusted himself to a comfortable position with a quick dip to the knees, he turned and grinned, eyes saying everything. Focus, girl, start on the dessert menu! Put undies on. Chocolate mousse…yum, lick it off his flat, hard stomach. Oh my God, I did not think that. Put bra on. She shook her head and cleared her throat. Calum had a powerful physique, she guessed it was because he climbed ladders and hauled cables, not to mention all the farm work he did. And he’d refitted her shop. It was a wonder he’d had energy left to do the wild thing in the closet and shower. From now on, when she looked in his eyes, there’d be that knowing, cheeky sexy thought exchange. Like just then when he was adjusting his man bits. A private look that even in public said, if we weren’t here we’d be in the closet, the shower or some other part of the house, touching, holding, loving.

Calum moved, slowly and with purpose, towards her. He took her hand, brought it to his mouth and leisurely kissed her palm. An erotic tingle travelled up her arm into her chest, down past her belly and straight between her thighs. Oh, what this man can do. Head dipped close to hers, he placed her hand on his chest; she could feel the thud of his heart. He smiled at her with a soft, warm look in his eyes.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked gently.

Do you think she could talk? ‘Huh?’ she paused, collected her brain and said, ‘Ever so good!’

He laughed, and he looked great when he did. ‘Ever so good?’ he mimicked.

‘Was that a bit naff?’

‘Stop it you’re killing me.’ He kissed her warmly and said, ‘We can do this all again?’ He cupped her chin and lightly brushed the pad of his thumb over her lips.

‘Are you kidding, I’m not letting you out of my sight,’ she nodded. ‘I’ll have a lot more of the same please.’ She sucked his thumb into her mouth and played her tongue around the pad.

Calum gave a soft gasp and held his breath, then let it go with a chuckle. ‘Stop that or I won’t be responsible.’

He only needed to speak and her insides turned sweet and gooey. Jennifer smiled and let his thumb slip through her teeth. He inclined his head and moved in until his warm soft lips touched hers. The tenderness in his kiss almost made her cry. He pulled back far enough to allow him to talk. His eyes brimmed with passion — and more, much more. Love so deep and strong that it turned her bones to jelly and yet at the same time scared the pants off her.

‘Ready to explore what’s behind the closet? Come on, Jen, let’s do it.’

Calum stepped into the closet wearing nothing more than his jocks and a wink.

Jennifer gulped, hastily jiggled into her bra and followed.