First and last I thank Charlotte Kahn, who has been my inspiration, facilitator, and most fearless critic. She gave me the courage to explore the big issues and helped me focus my investigation, but most of all provided me with unfailing encouragement about the importance of this project.

Gail Winston, at HarperCollins, disproved almost everything I had been led to expect from a publisher. She coached me patiently throughout the process: from organizing themes to structuring chapters to crafting the language to preparing the final manuscript. Even more important, she was always enthusiastic and always believed in the value of telling this story fairly and completely. I quickly learned to trust Gail’s wise advice. Christine Walsh, also at HarperCollins, provided support and adroitly focused my attention on necessary details.

Kris Dahl, my agent, understood the importance of these issues immediately—even though this must have sounded like a wild story when we first met in March 2002—and has provided guidance since.

Delia Marshall skillfully, tirelessly, and compassionately labored with me to help organize the argument and improve the language. Her attention to detail and commitment to bringing forth the important points are greatly appreciated.

Besides showing me that well-researched, unflinching investigative writing can make a difference, Eric Schlosser provided friendly writer’s advice. He reassured me that the personal havoc that builds toward the end of a project is “normal.” And he suggested that I work with Ellis Levine, who would provide excellent legal advice and help me produce a better book. Ellis certainly did both. His attention to detail helped to ensure that I was telling this at times far-fetched-sounding tale fairly and accurately, and his literary sense helped me to tell the story better.

Bruce Spitz first introduced me to the pleasures and challenges of health policy research in 1981. We have been colleagues (intermittently) and friends (consistently) since, and I greatly appreciate the advice and guidance that he has provided over more than 20 years.

Many people have offered expert suggestions, and I am grateful for their efforts: Barbara Starfield, M.D., MPH; Elliott Fisher, M.D., MPH; Susan Love, M.D.; James Wright, M.D., Ph.D.; Marcia Angell, M.D.; Joe Vitale, M.D.; Arminee Kazanjian, Dr. Soc.; Richard Yospin; William Taylor, M.D.; Marty Farnsworth Richie; Paul Spirn, M.D.; Eve Leeman, M.D.; Stanley Sagov, M.D.; George Mann, Sc.D., M.D.; Larry Sasich, Pharm.D.; Richard Einhorn, M.D.; Professor Richard Lewontin; and Michael Klein, M.D. Herbert Benson, M.D., has provided sage advice and made many suggestions as these ideas have developed over the past five years. The inaccuracies that remain are my own.

Mike Curtis at the Atlantic Monthly read an early version of the chapter on Celebrex and Vioxx and confirmed its importance while at the same time gently suggesting that I be kinder to my readers. Melissa Ludke, from Nieman Reports, encouraged me to write about the press coverage of C-reactive protein.

Other friends have discussed these issues at length and contributed views from outside the world of medicine: Wolf Kahn and Emily Mason (who also suggested the second best title, “Pandora’s Pillbox”), Anne Spirn, Lynn and Joel Altschul, Thelma Dionne, Chester Wolfe, Bonnie and Peter Rollins, Nate Spiller, Rev. Edward Simms, Stephen Walker, Ron Fox, Elliot Lobel, Paula and Michael Nathanson, Carol Curry, Tom Jarvis, Ruth Kahn, Jean Abramson, Julie Nagazina, and Jay Altschul.

In the various stages of this project, Becky Shafir suggested that it was time for me to write a book; Jane Lawrence gave me the courage to put unrefined and disorganized ideas on paper as a first step; Jeannette Hopkins did her best to show me what I didn’t know about writing and how themes are organized into a book; and Virginia LaPlante skillfully coached me in the preparation of the book proposal.

Thanks to the dedicated people who worked with me in the office (especially Holly Bouchard, the office manager), contributing so much to the care of our patients. Great thanks to my former patients for their trust and for the lessons that they taught me. (Except for Sister Marguerite Kiley, I have changed the names and characteristics of patients in order to protect their privacy.)

I want to remember David Schmidt, M.D., who guided me through the early stages of my career—respecting me enough to let me accept his mature advice. I also want to remember Sister Marguerite, whose spirit still shines as a beacon in my family.

Special thanks to my children, Rebecca and Seth. They have put up with my career as a family doctor and with the demands of this project. And they have given me the greatest gift a parent can receive—they have become adults guided by their own sense of compassion and integrity.