He that wyll wryte well in any tongue, muste folowe thys councel of Aristotle, to speake as the comon people do, to thinke as wise men do : and so shoulde euery man vnderstande hym, and the iudgement of wyse men alowe hym.
ROGER ASCHAM, Toxophilus, 1545
A book designed as a guide to officials in the use of English runs the risk of giving a false impression. It cannot help being concerned mainly with faults to be corrected, and so may make the picture look blacker than it is. The true justification for such a book is not so much that official English is especially bad, as that it is especially important for it to be good. The efficiency of government, central and local, depends to an ever-increasing extent on the ability of a large number of officials to express themselves clearly. At present there is a popular idea that most of them cannot—or will not—do so. The term officialese has been invented for what is supposed to be their ineffective way of trying.
I do not know exactly what the word means, and for once the Oxford English Dictionary is not illuminating. It defines officialese unhelpfully as ‘the language characteristic of officials or official documents’.* Even with the illustrations the OED cites we are left in some doubt about the true characteristics of this language. But that officialese is not ordinarily used as a term of praise is certain.
I should be sorry to be thought to support the popular notion that officials write a language of their own of a uniquely deplorable kind. Undoubtedly they have their peculiar faults of style. So have journalists theirs. It is reasonable to attribute those of officials in the main to the peculiar difficulties with which they have to contend. Much of their energy has to be devoted to the task of translating the language of the law into terms that are simple and yet free from ambiguity, a Herculean undertaking when the original has been made obscure precisely in order that it should be unambiguous. Moreover our system of government imposes on officials the need always of being cautious and often of avoiding a precision of statement that might be politically dangerous. And officials do not easily shake off the idea that dignity of position demands dignity of diction. But it is certainly wrong to imagine that official writing, as an instrument for conveying thought, is generally inferior to the lamentably low standard now prevalent except among professional writers. It is not only officials who yield to the lure of the pompous or meretricious word, and overwork it; it is not they alone who sometimes fail to think clearly what meaning they want to convey by what they are about to write, or to revise and prune what they have written so as to make sure that they have conveyed it. From some common faults the official is comparatively free. Most write grammatically correct English. Their style is untainted by the silly jargon of commercialese, the catchpenny tricks of the worst sort of journalism, the more nebulous nebulosities of politicians, or the recondite abstractions of Greek or Latin origin in which men of science, philosophers and economists often wrap up their thoughts.* Sometimes their writing is very good, but then no one notices it. Occasionally it is excellent.
The fact is not that officials do uniquely badly, but that they are uniquely vulnerable. Making fun of them has always been one of the diversions of the British public. The fun sometimes has a touch of malice in it, but the habit springs from qualities in the British character that no one would like to see atrophied. The field for its exercise and the temptation to indulge in it are constantly growing. De facto executive power, which during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries moved from monarchs to ministers, is being diffused lower still by the growth of social legislation. Tennyson’s ‘fierce light which beats upon a throne, And blackens every blot’ is no longer focused on the apex, but shines on the whole pyramid. So many people have to read so many official instructions. These offer a bigger target for possible criticism than any other class of writing except journalism, and are more likely to get it than any other class, because our critical faculties as readers are sharpened by being told—as we all so often have to be nowadays—that we cannot do something we want to, or must do something we do not want to, or that we can only do something we want to by going through a lot of tiresome formalities.
So it is natural enough that official writing, undeniably inclined towards certain idiosyncrasies of style, should have been worked up into a stock joke. The professional humorist, in print or on the stage or on the air, by quoting or inventing bits of it can always be sure of a laugh. It is a way of getting one’s own back, and is pleasantly flattering to the critics’ sense of superiority. Walter Bagehot once pictured the public of his day as saying to themselves with unction:
Thank God, I am not as that man; I did not send green coffee to the Crimea; I did not send patent cartridge to the common guns, and common cartridge to the breech loaders. I make money; that miserable public functionary only wastes money. (The English Constitution, 1867)
So may we imagine the critic of today saying: ‘Thank God, I am not as the official; when I write I make my meaning plain; those miserable public functionaries only obscure theirs, if indeed they ever had any’. The critic may even be right—about the miserable functionary.
Though the spirit that still moves us to mock our officials may be healthy, the amusement can be overdone. One or two recent critics of so-called ‘officialese’ have indulged in it to excess, deriding without discrimination, putting in their pillory good as well as bad, sometimes even mistaking the inventions of other scoffers for monstrosities actually committed. That is regrettable. It is a curious fact that attempts to teach ‘good English’ often meet with resistance. Probably the explanation is that an exaggerated importance was for a long time given to things that do not greatly matter. The conviction still lingers that instruction in good English means having to learn highbrow rules of no practical usefulness. It will be no easy task to put the truth across that ‘good English’ consists less in observing grammatical pedantries than in a capacity to express oneself simply and neatly. Unfair criticism arouses reasonable resentment, and increases the difficulty of creating an atmosphere receptive of the new ideas. Even the notion that officialese in its derogatory sense is encouraged by authority has not wholly disappeared. The truth is, on the contrary, that great pains are now taken to train staffs to write clear and straightforward English. This may not always show in the results, but that is another thing.
It does not seem to me to be true to say that the language itself is in decay. Its grammatical and syntactical usages are carefully preserved, perhaps too carefully; but it is constantly being invited to assimilate new words, and seems capable of digesting many of them without any great harm, many indeed with profit. Some of the changes that have taken place in the meaning of words have weakened the language, but others have strengthened it, and on the whole there is no great cause for disquiet here. The language remains as fine and flexible an instrument as it was when used by Shakespeare and Bacon; in some respects it has been enriched. There are those alive today, and those recently dead, whose exact and delicate English would bear comparison with the outstanding writers of any generation. What is wrong is not the instrument itself but the way we use it. That should encourage us to hope that we may do better. When we are tempted to say that we have fallen away from the high standard of those who came before us, we must not forget the vast increase in the part played by the written word in our affairs. With such an increase in quantity it would be surprising if there were not some deterioration in quality. The field in which these faults are most readily noticed—the writings of officials for the guidance of the public—is relatively new. We cannot say whether the crop that grows there is better or worse than it was a hundred or more years ago, for no crop then grew there.
However unfair it may be that official English should have been singled out for derision, the fact has a significance that the official must not forget. Readers are on the lookout for tricks of style that they have been taught to expect from official writing. Shortcomings are magnified, and the difficulties that all writers have in affecting the reader precisely as they wish are for officials wantonly increased. So much the greater is the official’s duty to try to convert officialese into a term of praise by cultivating unremittingly the clarity of thought and simplicity of expression that have always been preached by those who have studied the art of writing. Thus may we learn, after the centuries-old advice that heads this chapter, how, by speaking as plain people do, and thinking as the wise, to make ourselves understood by all.