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Chapman, Charles E. A History of California: The Spanish Period. New York, 1921 (rev. ed. 1928).
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Cleland, Robert Glass, and Osgood Hardy. The March of Industry. Los Angeles, 1929.
Coblentz, Stanton A. Villains and Vigilantes. New York, 1936.
Cowan, Robert E. Forgotten Characters of Old San Francisco. Los Angeles, 1938.
Cowan, Robert E., and Robert G. Cowan. A Bibliography of the History of California. 3 vols. San Francisco, 1933.
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Cross, Ira B. Financing an Empire. 5 vols. Chicago, 1927.
_____History of the Labor Movement in California. Berkeley, 1935.
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Dana, Richard Henry. Two Years Before the Mast. Boston, 1840 (later ed. 1936).
Davis, William Heath. Seventy-five Years in California. San Francisco, 1929.
Dawson, William Leon. The Birds of California. Los Angeles, 1921 (later ed. in 4 vols. 1923).
De Veer, Daisy Williamson. The Story of Rancho San Antonio. Oakland, 1924.
Dobie, Charles Caldwell. San Francisco, a Pageant. New York, 1933.
_____San Francisco's Chinatown. New York, 1936.
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_____The Beginnings of San Francisco. 2 vols. New York, 1912.
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Lyman, George D. John Marsh, Pioneer. New York, 1934.
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Merrit, Frank Clinton. History of Alameda, California. Chicago, 1928.
Morphy, Edward. The Port of San Francisco. Sacramento, 1923.
Murphy, Celeste C. The People of the Pueblo, or, the Story of Sonoma. Sonoma, Calif., 1935.
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Neuhaus, Eugen. The Art of Treasure Island. Berkeley, 1939.
Neville, Amelia Ransome. The Fantastic City. Boston, 1932.
Nevins, Allan. Frémont, Pathmaker of the West. New York, 1939.
Northern California Writers’ Project. Festivals in San Francisco. San Francisco, 1939.
Older, Fremont. My Own Story. San Francisco, 1919 (later ed. New York, 1926).
Palou, Fr. Francisco. Historical Memoirs of New California. 4 vols. Translated and edited by Herbert Eugene Bolton. Berkeley, 1926.
Parsons, Mary Elizabeth. The Wild Flowers of California. San Francisco, 1902 (later ed. 1914).
Pennell, Joseph. San Francisco, the City of the Golden Gate. Boston, 1913.
Phillips, Catherine C. Portsmouth Plaza. San Francisco, 1932.
Potter, Elizabeth Gray. The San Francisco Skyline. New York, 1939.
Prieto, Guillermo. San Francisco in the Seventies. San Francisco, 1938.
Richman, Irving B. California under Spain and Mexico, 1535-1847. Boston, 1911.
Rider, Fremont, ed. Rider's California: a Guidebook for Travelers. New York, 1925.
Rosskam, Edwin. San Francisco, West Coast Metropolis. New York, 1939.
Rourke, Constance M. Troopers of the Gold Coast. New York, 1928.
Royce, Josiah. California from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San Francisco (1856). Boston, 1886 (later ed. 1892).
Sawyer, Eugene Taylor. History of Santa Clara County. Los Angeles, 1929.
Scherer, James A. B. The Lion of the Vigilantes. Indianapolis, 1939.
Shuck, Oscar Tully. Bench and Bar in California. San Francisco, 1889.
Soulé, Frank, John H. Gihon, and James Nisbet. The Annals of San Francisco. New York, 1855.
Stanger, Frank M. History of San Mateo County. San Mateo, 1938.
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Stewart, George Rippey. Bret Harte, Argonaut and Exile. Boston, 1931.
Stoddard, Charles Warren. In the Footprints of the Padres. San Francisco, 1902 (rev. ed. 1912).
Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado: or Adventures in the Path of Empire. New York, 1850 (rev. ed. 1882).
Thompson, Ruth, and Chef Louis Hanges. Eating Around San Francisco. San Francisco, 1937.
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Tuomey, Honoria. History of Sonoma County. Chicago, 1926.
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Wells, Evelyn. Champagne Days in San Francisco. New York, 1939.
White, Stewart Edward. Old California. New York, 1937.
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Woon, Basil. San Francisco and the Golden Empire. New York, 1935.
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