Daric stood before the Cauldron. The final day of spring was almost over. Four years had passed since he and Rain broke the curse, and he was once again back at the stone circle. He’d built another shelter. As usual, Braylian would blow it down the moment he left the clearing for longer than a few hours. He did get called away. He wasn’t fully free to live as a savage and ignore his name and kingdom, but when he could, he made his home next to the Cauldron. It brought him closer to Rain.
Everything had changed that day, especially him. Glittering parties and cozy family evenings now graced the House of Ash again—and sickened him more than anything. He’d done his duty and would do his duty in the future. For now, his parents were healthy and ruled wisely. When that was no longer the case, he would take their place. The only thing he wouldn’t do was produce an heir for Leathen.
The mockweed had indeed revealed Illanna Nighthall’s treacherous face, although he’d barely seen it through his tears and misery. When Daric had finally brought himself to leave the clearing and the Cauldron—to leave Rain—he’d focused and honed his anger and desperation until it was as sharp as a blade, and then he’d stabbed Raana.
The remainder of that first spring, with his heart wrecked and his spirit in agony, he’d plotted and struck, driving his army halfway to Nighthall with a gale and a tempest leading each attack. That summer, he’d secured Raana’s lake district for Leathen and taken back every single orin mine his father had relinquished. By autumn, Illanna’s struggling army had retreated to the capital city, and by winter, he’d defeated her last battalion. He took Nighthall on a frozen afternoon and plunged a cold dagger into the chest of the wicked Queen of Raana. A knife through her heart for the knife through his.
He hadn’t turned his blade on Astraea, despite the temptation and his brokenhearted fury. She knew he could, though, and she’d sheathed her claws in the interest of not dying. He had a contingent of guards watching her in her gloomy, inhospitable castle, making sure she didn’t touch sorcery, although he didn’t think she had her mother’s predilection for it. Astraea was cruel but not clever—and now lived as a prisoner in a land he’d conquered.
By the following spring, the second without Rain, Daric was no longer considered pleasant, fun, and easy-mannered. His people started calling him the Hallerhound Prince, and not only because of the way he bayed his misery into the Cauldron. He sought solitude and snapped and snarled at anyone who came near him. His kingdom was secure, largely expanded, and headed toward unparalleled prosperity, so he prowled the Wood of Layton, alone with his memories.
Each year since he’d given the bloodstones, the mockweed, and his precious Rain to Braylian, Spring had watered Leathen until the rivers nearly overflowed and farmers had to scramble between storms to do their planting. Rain wept her unhappiness for three moons, nearly drowning the kingdom. Then she slept while Summer brought them plentiful crops. She slumbered through Autumn’s crisp days and bountiful harvests. She slept while Winter allowed his people to rest once again in happy plenitude before crackling hearth fires—satisfaction and comforts that Daric refused for himself. He chose to winter among the beasts and blizzards of Layton.
He’d considered punishing the Barrow Witch for allowing Rain’s deception, but helping them end the drought had hastened her fall into insanity. She’d used so much sorcery that day to locate the curse stone that her decline had started early and struck her like a thunderbolt. Now, Daric hunted for her when he was in the forest, and she cackled and cawed and lived like a wild bird, hopping in and out of her barrow.
He was sorry for her. They’d all lost more than they’d imagined that day. The gain had never once outweighed his heartbreak.
Rain’s next sleep was almost upon them. Daric reached a hand into the thick cloud rising from the Cauldron, desperately hoping that cool feminine fingers would brush his skin in a loving caress and that a beautiful silver-haired woman would appear before him. She’d smile, join him, and he’d be complete again, not this hollow shell, not this man whose nightmares echoed with words he never should have spoken.
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He hadn’t been offering Rain. He would never have sacrificed Rain, and she’d known it.
Daylight waned, the healthy, leafy branches of the trees around the Cauldron blotting out what little sunlight remained on this last day of spring. Daric turned Rain’s starflower over in his hand. She’d left it in her saddlebag, and he’d rubbed the carving so often between his fingers that the shallower details on the flower had faded. Her hairpin still dangled from the loop, sometimes pricking him. He’d taken a few strands of silver hair from it, but those he kept in a safer place.
Rain would be dormant for the rest of the year soon. He’d still call to her. He’d call and call, but she would never answer. And next spring, she would wake again and pour her unhappiness down on Leathen. The farmers still cried tears of joy when spring rains started, but Daric watched the drops fall in torment. His love was gone, and he’d never accept it.
Rain’s new sister was jealous and possessive. She didn’t understand why she had to share her season. Rain tried to communicate with her, to explain that they could work together, but this new Spring didn’t understand the idea of producing those kinds of thoughts herself—or have any interest in listening. Rain shaped clouds into people she loved and missed, and her sister blew them away with disapproving gusts. Rain moped on clouds of gloom, and her sister threw down rainbows from her darkness simply to contradict her. Rain cried in gentle, steady streams while her sister did her best to cut through her clouds with violent weather.
After three seasons of bickering, Rain, who remembered her name, her life, her love—everything from her time in Leathen—claimed her land with the explosive force and fierce determination of a goddess much older and stronger than any spring infant. The sister born when Rain left the Cauldron, this child who hadn’t even lived the span of a human lifetime, ran to Braylian when Rain banished her from Leathen.
Braylian chose not to intercede, for Rain’s sister still had the rest of the continent, and Rain cared nothing about what happened in Parr or what used to be Raana, or anywhere that wasn’t her Leathen.
Her heart broke every time and somehow harder each time she saw Daric at the Cauldron. He barely resembled the prince she’d known. He was leaner, tougher, shaggier—more jagged all over. His eyes glinted like chips of blue ice, but they’d once held warmth despite their cool color. Now, they held only rage and bitterness.
Rain longed to go to him, to help him somehow. She was desperate to show herself and speak, even if she couldn’t touch him. Braylian wouldn’t let her. The great goddess stopped her with harsh elements every time Rain tried to take shape at the Cauldron. After being burned, battered, and overcome too many times to count—and seeing Daric also violently blown back by the tremendous force of Braylian’s power—Rain finally stopped trying and simply watched Daric from afar, giving her tears to him instead.
He’d turn his face up, and sometimes, she knew they wept together.
And when he told her it was too wet, that the land was flooding, she did her best to dry the eyes she didn’t truly have anymore and let the sun peek through, thinking not of loss but of happy memories.
Just hours from now, she would sleep. She’d spend three seasons without Daric, without being able to see him or watch over him. Four years ago, she’d sent thunder and lightning along with his army into Raana. She’d lashed storms down on his enemies. She’d done her best to protect him and Leathen. But a lot could happen while she slept, and it terrified her each time the Great Rest claimed her.
From the ground, Daric called her name until he was hoarse. He always did, his anguished rasp scraping across bark and branches. She’d been transformed into something without form, but heartbreak wasn’t physical. It was her soul that cracked and suffered.
Daric suddenly howled and threw her starflower into Braylian’s Cauldron with a curse that rattled the forest. Rain gasped, her shocked inhalation sucking at leaves that abruptly shook and churned upward.
His gaze rose sharply. Daric’s eyes narrowed. “Rain?”
Focusing on the starflower, Rain gathered all her power and barreled toward the Cauldron. Painfully hot flames shot up to deter her. She fought and dodged them. She had to save the carving. It belonged to her and Daric.
Pressing downward like a tornado, she blew out and crushed Braylian’s fire with her own formidable weather. Rain was just one season compared to the mighty goddess of all the elements, but she was determined.
The two ancient and savage forces clashed in the Cauldron. Rain doubled her efforts, drawing strength and courage not from knowing she was a deity but from the stubborn resolve she’d learned from humans, that boldness of spirit that embodied fight and sacrifice and hard, unwavering purpose.
Smoke and ash suddenly took the place of violent struggles—a war turned silent. She’d done it. She’d overcome Braylian. Extinguished her fire!
Rain took form in the center of the Cauldron. She stood on trembling legs and stared at Daric. He was so close, so close she could almost touch him.
He stared back. Then he roared and leaped for her. Rain bent and snatched up the starflower just as Braylian fought back, hard and fast, her flames surging high to reclaim her daughter.
Rain dove out of the Cauldron, fire licking her feet. Daric caught her and raced away, his broad back shielding her naked skin from the inferno Braylian hurled at them.
He set her on her feet at the edge of the clearing. Rain wobbled, unused to legs and the need for balance. Daric steadied her. He gripped her arms, his blue eyes wild and haunted. “You’re real.”
“I…think so,” Rain answered.
“I love you. So much.” His voice cracked, and Rain let out a sob. He held her face in his hands and kissed her. The kiss was hard but tender, heartbroken and unsteady. “Don’t leave me again. I won’t survive it.”
“I love you. I’ve been miserable without you.” The words trembled out of her, as shaky as her new limbs.
“These years without you…” Daric shook his head, his breath shuddering violently.
Rain wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Their lips collided, and warmth bloomed inside her, the heat of home and life and love, and she realized more than ever how cold and lonely she’d been without Daric.
She drew back to look at him, still shaking, her hands in his hair. She couldn’t stop touching him. “You threw away my starflower.”
“It was yours. I didn’t know how else to give it back to you.” He took off his cloak and wrapped it around her bare shoulders.
Fire popped, and they both looked at the Cauldron. As they did, the flames settled. The blaze turned into something resembling softness, and Rain instinctively knew that Braylian had forgiven her for rebelling. The goddess wasn’t angry. She understood that her daughter wasn’t hers anymore, and that Rain’s heart and spirit had belonged with Daric’s since the day they’d danced as children.
A triumphant, last sunbeam of the day hit the clearing at the same time as a wisp of fog. A rainbow shot through the moisture, and Rain threw her head back and laughed, happiness bursting out of her.
“Are you doing that?” Daric grinned along with her. It was the first time she’d seen him smile since the day she’d left him.
Rain shook her head, her heart healing as she gazed at him. “That’s my little sister, claiming Leathen before she sleeps for the next three seasons.”
“Spring will still see us? This hasn’t changed anything?”
“Spring will come to Leathen when she should,” Rain answered, trailing her fingers through the dark beard she would enjoy feeling all over her body as soon as she could. “And I have no doubt the little imp will split clouds over my head whenever she can. I probably won’t be able to leave the castle between the winter and summer months.”
Daric gazed at her in confusion.
“We fought violently over Leathen,” Rain explained. “I took it, of course.”
“Of course,” he murmured, his expression saying he believed she could do anything.
“My prince.” Rain held out the starflower to Daric, now cool marble again.
He took it, and she angled her head for him. Daric slid the starflower into her hair, pinning it back the way he had the morning of her birthday. It was the symbol of their love, and the sight of it disappearing into the Cauldron had given Rain the strength she needed to fight her way back to him.
“You’re several years late for your wedding.” Daric’s rusty attempt at humor tangled in his throat.
Rain slipped her arm through his and tugged Daric toward the shelter he’d built, already eyeing the furs she could see piled up inside as bedding with great interest. “The wedding can wait until after I’ve had my way with you.”
A spark found its way into Daric’s eyes again—the first in a long time. “I’m at your service, my lady.”