
Abeles, Peter, xiv, 37, 38, 43, 44, 4849, 51, 53, 54, 58, 64, 66, 205

Alexander, John, 141; dismissed from SMH, 129136, 156; editor Fin Review, 93, 128129; editor SMH, 69, 84, 93; editor-in-chief SMH, 70, 123124, 125129, 251; and Packers, 129131, 132, 135136, 196; ‘running’ PBL, 185; at Seven West Media, 280

ALP conference 1991, 7778

Alston, Richard, 116, 121, 131132

Anderson, Chris, 35, 55, 6668, 70, 84, 125, 251

Anderson, Warren, xiv, 37, 42, 43, 51, 53, 54, 66, 114

APN Media, 196, 267

Askin, Sir Robert, xiv, 3840

Asper, Izzy, 181182, 276

Asper, Leonard, 182183

Associated Newspapers, 9

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, 248

Australian Associated Press, 64, 253

Australian Broadcasting Authority inquiry, 103, 104105, 137, 142146

Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, 82

Australian Business, 69

Australian Independent Newspapers, 84

Australian Information Media, 109110

Australian Jockey Club, 109

Australian Newsprint Mills, 6465

Australian Provincial Newspapers, 121

Australians for Northern Development and Economic Vision, 248249, 282

Australis, 107

Aylmer, Sean, 276

Bacon, Wendy, 44, 49

Bailey, Paul, 134

Barger, Matt, 105, 148

Barron, Peter, 116

Barwick, Sir Garfield, 8

Basset, Paul and Andrew, 164166

Bayliss, Mark, 167

Bearup, Greg, 123, 124

Beecher, Eric, 35, 234236

Benchley, Fred, 3536, 55, 100, 252

Bendixson, Hanne, 12, 202

BIL see Brierley Investments Ltd

Black, Conrad, 202; autobiography, 9798; classified advertising, 95; clean-out at Fairfax, 92, 128; cross-media laws, 115; cultural misfit in Australia, 92; and digital media, 95; disdain for journalists, 97; Fairfax shares, 92, 97, 99, 116117, 118; and Fairfax shareholders, 90; and Hawke, 97, 99; imprisoned, 81; intervention minimal, 9495; and Keating, 9798, 99, 102; London-based, 95, 103; low shareholding, 92; and Murdoch, 111, 117118; and Packer, xii, 72, 100, 102106, 111, 116117; at The Age, 92, 9394, 117, 128; sells The Age to BIL, 118119; and Tourang, 81, 83, 89; and Turnbull, 90, 9899

Bolt, Andrew, 259

Bolte, Sir Henry, 27

Bond, Alan, 37, 52, 59, 79, 80, 81, 113, 117, 126, 246, 282

Border Morning Mail, 197198, 218

bottom-of-the-harbour tax scheme, 4445

Bowers, Peter, 7374

Bowman, David, 3132, 35

Brierley, Sir Ron, 62, 138, 140

Brierley Investments Ltd, 100101; assets, 140; Fairfax shares, 118119, 138, 139, 140, 148, 155, 167, 178; internal problems, 139140, 155; Packer, 140141; and Powers, 140141, 142, 148

Broadcasting Act, 7879, 87

Brooks, Geraldine, 49

BskyB group, 110, 191, 281

Burge, Glenn, 134, 252253

Burns, Creighton, 44, 125

Burrows, Mark, 60, 172; Fairfax board, 117, 132, 148, 189, 212213, 228 ; and Fairfax sale, 71, 84, 87, 144; and Hilmer, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183; and Murdoch, 148, 183, 196; and Murdoch–Fairfax truce, 201202; opposes WAN buy, 180; and Southern Cross radio, 210; Tourang board, 149; and Walker, 189, 191

Business Review Weekly, 45, 52, 60

Business Spectator, 271, 272

Butcher, Andrew, 197

cable TV, 107

Calwell, Arthur, 1718

Camerlin Ltd, 139140

Canwest, 181183

carbon tax, 249

Carlyon, Les, 120

Carnegie, Mark, 163; background, 255256 ; and Fairfax redundancies, 266; and Macquarie Radio, 256257; and Singleton, 254256; and Tourang, 149, 256; and Walker, 256

Carnegie, Sir Roderick, 91, 105, 148149, 172, 189, 255, 256

Carnegie Wylie investment bank, 256

Carroll, Vic, 34, 41, 125; changes to SMH, 3536, 251; and Fin Review, 24, 2526, 27, 35; and Sir Warwick, 2526, 28, 29; and The National Times, 2829, 3132; at Sungravure, 31, 35

Cato, Sue, 220221, 228, 261

Chandler, Jo, 266

Chisholm, Sam, 176, 281282

Churchill, Don, 225

Citysearch, 171

Clark, Andrew, 28, 69, 93

Clark, Pilita, 133

classifieds, xiiixiv, 99, 161, 164166, 171, 198, 271, 281

Clegg, Brett, 177, 253

Clemenger, Peter, 130

Cola, Nic, 252

Coleman, Richard, 123, 128

Colman, Roger, 156

Colless, Malcolm, 116

Collins, Paul, 139, 140

Colson, Dan, 92, 99, 103; and ABA inquiry, 104105, 148; and Fairfax sale, 8384, 85, 88, 118119; and Packer, 84, 117

Commsec, 214, 215

Connell, Laurie, 67, 126, 206; and dynasty plan, 5760, 6364, 65; resigns from Fairfax board, 70; Rothwells Ltd, 5758, 60, 65, 66

Connor, Rex, 27

Conroy, Stephen, 259

Consolidated Media Holdings, 101102, 212, 245, 270271

Consolidated Press Holdings, 82, 101, 141

Cook, Patrick, xi, 28, 6869

Cooke, Andrew, 266

Coonan, Helen, 185, 200

Corbett, Roger, 189, 220221, 228; Beecher on, 234236; credentials, 226, 234, 235; Fairfax chairman, ix, 152, 226, 231232, 234, 237, 238239, 275280; and John B, 226, 234, 239; and McCarthy, 212, 232, 237239, 240241; personality, 226267, 236; and Rinehart, ix, 244245, 250, 260, 262, 272, 275; and Savage, 227; and Walker, 191, 226227; and Woolworths, 191, 226227, 234, 236

Corrigan, Chris, 76, 8485

Cosser, Steve, 107

Costigan Royal Commission, 43, 4446

Cousins, Geoff, 112

Cowen, Sir Zelman, 91, 92, 147

Cowin, Jack, 246, 267, 275276

Cowley, Ken, 6768, 108, 110, 111, 116

cross-media ownership, 82, 101; ABA inquiry, 103, 104105, 137, 142146; foreign ownership, 9899, 114115, 118, 193; under Howard, 114, 193194; see also KeatingMurdochPacker

Crown Casino, 188, 193, 195196

CVC Asia Pacific, 195, 212

Dahlsen, John, 210

Daily Telegraph, 48, 169170

Dale, David, 35

David Syme & Co., 1011, 2627, 117; see also The Age

Davie, Michael, 74, 125

Davies, Anne, 77, 130, 131

Davies, Barry, 165

Day, Mark, 156, 238239

Deamer, Adrian, 135

Deans, Alan, 57

Deans, Alison, 280281

Dews, Nigel, 161, 162, 163164, 165, 171, 251

‘Diet Coke Brigade’, 8384

Dougherty, Martin, 49, 5860, 63, 65, 6668, 6970, 163, 206

Douglas, Roger, 142

Ducker, John, 37, 41, 42

Dunlap, Al, 102

Eastern Suburbs Newspapers, 206

Ecclestone, Bernie, 151

Ecorp, 161162, 281

Elliott, John, 66, 126, 188

Evans, David, 191, 226, 236

F2 Domain, 151, 160164, 167, 171, 197

Fairfax: BIL stake, 118119, 138, 139, 140, 148, 155, 167, 178; under Black, 9099, 101, 118; buys Symes out of The Age, 52; changes under James Fairfax, 3436; classifieds, xiiixiv, 99, 271, 281; cost cutting, 267, 270; debt-free, 280; digital business, 95, 164, 165166, 186, 265, 270280281dynasty plan, 5760, 6364, 65; free afternoon papers, 168170; future, 281282; HSV7 purchase, 5355; journalistic culture, 216; last Fairfaxes leave, 71; magazines, 52, 65, 70, 95; making enemies, 3845, 51; Metro division, 238, 241, 252, 257, 274; Murdoch sells out of, 196197, 201; name change, 197; new headquarters, 197; News Ltd poaches staff, 67; 150th birthday, 8; online journalism, 166; organised crime investigation, 4050; outstanding editors, 125; overseas coverage, 274275; and Packer, 7374, 115, 119120, 139, 167, 168, 171; publicly owned company, 13; radio assets, 7, 9, 64, 70, 95, 253, 256257279; in receivership, 7079; redundancies (2012), 273274, 276277; Seven Network, 59, 95, 196; share price drops, xiv, 171, 214, 220221, 254; Telstra interest in, 175177; truce with Murdoch, 201202; Wran on, 41; see also F2 LimitedFXF TrustRinehart, GinaRural PressTourang consortium

Fairfax board: under Black, 9192, 148; Burrows’ Murdoch connections, 148; business networks, 150151; and CMH privatisation, 212; criticisms of, 152; Fairfax representation ends, 242; Fairfaxes ‘throw weight around’, 210211, 213; Fairfaxes target Kirk, 220221; FXF representative, 141; and Hilmer, 144, 150, 153173; Hywood, 239; and John B’s shares, 214215; John B and Walker, 226, 228, 230231; ‘mates club’, 150151, 152, 173174, 187; media expertise, 146, 151152; Nick undermined, 211, 239; Packer faction, 139, 148150; Powers chairs, 137, 138, 140142, 150, 151, 152, 172; relisted on stock exchange, 101; Rinehart’s seats, ix, x, 258263, 267, 272, 275276; Rural Press ‘mob’, 210212, 217; Sir Warwick steps down, 6, 1314, 3334, 61; Westfield clique, 52, 150, 177, 189; Wills, 172173, 177, 184, 235; and Young Warwick, 62; see also Walker

Fairfax Digital, 197, 218, 224, 238; see also F2

Fairfax family: Board representation ends, 242; dynasty plan, 5760, 6364, 65; and Lady Mary, 61, 203, 278279; sells out at loss, 242; sole owners of SMH, 3; see also individual family members

Fairfax, Lady Mary, 1, 205, 242; background, 61; on Brierley board, 6263; and Connell takeover plan, 5657; and Dougherty, 63; Fairfax equity lost, 70; and Fairfax family, 61, 203, 278279; and Fairfax management, 13, 16; and Henderson, 8, 1314, 34; influence on Sir Warwick, 13, 15, 16, 33; on James, 14, 278279; and John B, 6162, 205; Vincent distrusts, 204205; and Young Warwick’s inheritance, 61; see also dynasty plan

Fairfax, Annalise, 12

Fairfax, Andrew, 205

Fairfax, Caroline, 12

Fairfax, Charles, 3

Fairfax, Geoffrey, 6

Fairfax, James, 6, 12; board member, 13, 32, 34; Fairfax chairman, 7, 3436, 60; and father’s shares, 13, 34, 61, 204; and feuding family, 60; on Henderson, 7; and Lady Mary, 14, 278279; memoir, 9, 14; and Packer, 4748, 50; philanthropy, 278; resigns as director, 71; Retford Park home, 278; sells shares, 71; and Sir Warwick, 14, 22, 32; and The National Times, 50; and Toohey, 50; and Young Warwick, 56, 64, 278279; see also dynasty plan

Fairfax, John, 23, 7

Fairfax, John B (Brehmer), 6, 35, 5657, 84; on board, 60, 209212, 239; boardroom fight over shares, 214215; chairmanship, 208, 209, 210, 226; and Corbett, 226, 234, 239; and debt reduction, 219; expectations and training, 203, 204; and feuding family, 60; and Hilmer, 179, 198; and Kirk, 219221; and Lady Mary, 205; Marinya interest, 213214; mentors, 204; opposes Southern Cross buy, 210; and Rural Press, 64, 121, 179, 198199, 200, 201, 206208, 209, 242; provisions for sons, 213; refuses takeover strategy, 64; resigns as director, 71, 239240; and Savage, 227; sells out of Fairfax, 71, 242; and Walker, 198, 208, 209210, 211, 213, 214215, 222, 225231; and Young Warwick, 64, 203, 205

Fairfax, Nick, 205, 208, 210, 241; Fairfax board, 209212, 214, 237, 239, 242; and Kirk, 220; sells out of Fairfax, 254; tour of global media, 218219; and Walker, 211, 214, 226, 228, 229, 232

Fairfax, Ruth, 199, 205, 213

Fairfax, Sally, 199, 205, 213

Fairfax, Sarah, 2

Fairfax, Sir Vincent, 6, 213; board member, 32, 60, 204; Fairfax assets, 13, 204, 205207; and Lady Mary, 204205; refuses takeover strategy, 64; resigns as director, 71; and Rural Press, 206; and Sir Warwick, 22, 32, 33, 61, 204

Fairfax, Sir Warwick, 1, 6; and Carroll, 2526, 28, 29; as chairman, 7, 3233; clashes with Pringle, 2233; control of Fairfax, 6, 15, 16; death, 57; disillusioned with ALP, 1719; editorial comment, 5, 12, 16, 1719, 20, 21, 23, 2526, 29, 31, 33; and Fin Review, 2526, 28, 29; and Henderson, 7, 1112, 14, 15, 16, 22, 32; and John B, 204, 39; knighthood, 25; marriages, 1213, 202; rift with James, 14; share transfer to James, 13, 34, 61, 204; and Sir Vincent, 22, 32, 33, 61, 204; steps down as chairman, 6, 1314, 3334, 61; and Walsh, 25, 2829; writing, 6, 7, 12; see also dynasty plan

Fairfax, Tim, 199, 205, 213

Fairfax, Young Warwick, xxi, 13, 14, 15, 16, 74; avenging father’s ‘mistreatment’, 57, 61; and dynasty plan, xxi, 34, 5664, 194, 203, 205206, 278279; and James, 56, 64, 278279; and James’s shares, 62; and John B, 242; loses all Fairfax equity, 70; sells regional publications, 95; spends inheritance, 57; struggles with management, 6061; Tryart Pty Ltd, 59; ‘Warwick’s anthem’, 6869

Fairwater, 1, 34

Falkingham, Robert, 25, 3233, 3435, 204

Falloon, Nick, 182183

federal elections, 15, 1619, 2021, 27, 112, 181

Fennel, Jonathan, 165

Ferguson, Adele, 249

Ferguson, Rob, 255

Fin Review, 199; Alexander, 93, 1256, 128129; Benchley, 3536; Carroll, 24, 2526, 27, 35; circulation in 1960s, 24; established, 9; Gill, 162; Holmes à Court buys, 64; Hywood, 132, 134, 252253, 266; journalistic quality, 2324; Newton, 1718, 19, 20, 2122, 24; Pringle editor, 20; Saturday edition, 132; Suich, 235236; Walsh, 32; Sir Warwick, 2526, 28, 29; weekend publication, 27

Finance Week, 2728

Financial Review Group, 218

Fitzgerald, Tom, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 41

Fitzjames, Michael, 266

Flint, David, 145

Flynn, Doug, 183184

Foot, Rosemary, 42

Forbes, Cameron, 94

Foreign Investment Review Board, 98

foreign ownership of media, 9899, 114115, 118, 193

Formula One Group, 151

Forrest, Andrew, 247248

Fox Sports, 107, 271

Foxtel, 107, 110, 111, 176, 196, 271

Fray, Peter, 274

free afternoon papers, 168170

Friends of Fairfax, 7679

FXF Trust, 121122, 139, 141, 148, 167, 170, 178

Gardiner, Greg, 43, 52, 144, 160; and Askin story, 40; Fairfax general manager, xii, 34, 37, 40, 42, 59; and Keating, 37, 55; offer for Qld Press, 53, 54

Garnaut, John, 275

Gerard, Robert, 217218

Gill, Michael, 162, 252, 253

Gillard, Julia, 249

Gilly, Marcia, 12

Gittins, Ross, 159, 276

global financial crisis, 218219

‘Goanna’ story, 4548, 51, 54, 80

Gonski, David, 154, 155, 163, 177, 185; Fairfax board, 105, 142, 148, 149, 172, 173, 184, 189; and F2 float, 162; influence and reputation, 149151; and Packer, 149151, 193; and Westfield clique, 150

Goodsir, Darren, 274

Gordon-Smith, Michael, 145146

Gottliebsen, Robert, 24

Goward, Russell, 62

Grade, Sir Lew, 9

Graham, Peter, 167

Grattan, Michelle, 94

Gray, Allan, 266

Greaves, John, 153

Gutenberg Investment Trust, 279

Guthrie, Bruce, 130, 131132

Hadley, Ray, 255

Hancock, Ginia, 262

Hancock, John, 261262

Hancock, Lang, 246, 258, 261262

Hancock Prospecting, 246247, 261262, 264, 275

Harley, Tom, 84

Harris, Steve, 132133, 171172

Hartigan, John, 169, 196197, 201280

Harvey, Gerry, 255

Haupt, Robert, 50

Hawke, Bob, 46, 47, 48, 54, 63, 84, 92, 97, 99, 193, 255

Hellman and Friedman investment bank, 80, 82, 101, 105, 138, 148, 151, 256

Henderson, Rupert AG (Rags): and acquisition of The Age, 8; background, 7, 33; board influence, 7, 32, 34; and Calwell, 1719; and classifieds, 160, 164; editorial policy, 12; and Lady Mary, 8, 1314, 34; and Newton and Fitzgerald, 20; retires, 22, 34; and Sir Vincent, 204; and Sir Warwick, 78, 1112, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 32, 61

Herald & Weekly Times, 5253, 54, 113, 194

Herald Sun, 111

Hickie, David, 3840, 93, 129

Hill, Stephen, 121

Hilmer, Fred: background, 153154; and BIL, 178; and board, 150, 178, 179, 180; book, 157158; and Burrows, 175, 179; CE OF Fairfax, 144, 150, 153186, 180, 189; and Channel 10 merger, 181182, 183; and classifieds, 160166, 170, 171; contract renewal, 171; and deal with Packer, 185186; editorial appointments, 159160, 171172; F2.Domain, 160162, 1634, 167, 171; and Fairfax expansion, 158, 177180; Fairfax seeks to replace, 183184; free afternoon papers, 168170; inherited problems, 155156; internet strategy, 157, 160166, 167, 171; and John B, 179, 198; major shareholders unhappy, 170; management strategy, 157159, 167, 171; and Murdoch press, 168; and News Ltd, 168, 169170; and Packer, 144, 153, 155, 156, 167168, 170; personnel management, 159; Regent Theatre launch, 168169; and Rural Press, 179, 200; sacks Hywood, 250251; staff shake-up, 171172; steps down, 183186; and WAN purchase, 180; Westfield clique, 150, 177, 178, 251; and Wills, 173, 177178, 181, 184, 185, 186; at World Economic Forum, 162163

Hilmer Report, 153

Hoare, Judith, 252

Hockey, Joe, 121

Hogue, Derry, 266

Holmes à Court, Robert, 5253, 54, 60, 6364, 65, 126, 195, 246, 282

Hope Margaret Trust, 261262

Horin, Adele, 47

Horne, Donald, 19

Hornery, Andrew, 275

Howard, John, 118, 189; cross-media laws, 114, 116, 119121, 138, 181, 185, 192, 193194; election (2004), 181; and Packer, 104, 112, 113116, 119120; and Telstra, 176, 181182

Hoy, Michael, 139

Hudson Conway, 149, 188, 255

Humphreys, Kevin, 41

Humphries, David, 266

Hungerfords, 92

Huxley, John, 266, 273

Hywood, Greg, 258; background, 239240; changes to Fairfax, 264265; digital-only format, 265266; Fairfax CE, 239, 240, 241, 251253, 260, 268270; Fin Review, 132, 134, 252253, 266; Hilmer sacks, 250251; move to The Age, 250251, 171172; and Rinehart, 250, 272; SMH, 134, 155156, 253

Illawarra Mercury, 10

Illyria (company), 245

Independent Business Media, 271

Independent News Ltd (NZ), 164, 178179

Jackson, Margaret, 151, 152, 169, 173, 180, 181, 184, 189

Jackson, Rex, 44

Jacob, Ashok, 138, 185

Jamison Equity, 76

Johns, Brian, 19, 20

Johnson, Mark, 220

Johnstone, Roger, 266

Jones, Alan, 145, 211, 255, 257

Joyce, Patrick, 218219, 220

Keating, Paul, 66, 75; aware of Fairfax takeover, 63; and Black, 9798, 99, 102; and cross-media ownership, 5152, 5355, 59, 75, 113, 194; and Fairfax, xii, xv, 37, 38, 41, 43, 5355, 77; and Holmes á Court, 53, 54, 195; on Howard’s media changes, 194195; and Murdoch, 51, 53, 195; and Packer, 53, 104, 114, 195; Prime Minister, 17, 92, 98, 102; retires, 77; on Suich, xii, 37; Suich on, 54; The Times on Sunday article, 51; ‘Tiberius of the telephone’, 37

Keenan, Andrew, 66

Kelly, Paul, 28

Kemp, Charles, 23

Kennedy, Alan, 131, 186

Kennedy, Trevor, 24, 28, 81, 98, 111; leaves Packer for Fairfax, 137; and Rinehart, 258, 263, 267; and Tourang, 80, 82, 8384, 8889, 103

Kennett, Jeff, 117, 152, 168, 169, 173174, 189, 267

Khemlani, Tirath, 27

King, Julia, 132, 172, 191, 226, 236

King, Peter, 67, 70

‘Kinghaven arrangement’, 13, 14

Kirk, David: achievements, 218; asset acquisition, 218; background, 186, 190, 216; Fairfax CE, 186, 190, 197198, 222; Fairfaxes’ perception of, 217, 218222; and global financial crisis, 218219; and McCarthy, 216217, 218; memories of Fairfax, 217218; and Murdoch, 196197; personality, 190191, 216; resigns, 220221, 222, 237; and Rural Press, 198, 216, 217, 218; and Southern Cross radio, 210211, 257; and Trade Me, 191192

Kissane, Karen, 266

Kitney, Geoff, 49

Klepec, John, 262263

Kohler, Alan, 93, 134, 135, 176, 200, 272

Kroger, Michael, 116

Lang, Jack, 56

Latham, Mark, 181

Law, Ian, 180

Laws, John, 58, 210

Leck, Lou, 18

Linnell, Garry, 274

Lloyd, Simon, 77

Love, David, 20

Lowy, Frank, 52, 59, 107, 150, 154, 246

Lyons, John, 9495, 123, 130131, 134

McCarthy, Brian, 252; ambitions for Fairfax, 209; background, 216; and Corbett, 212, 232, 237239, 240241; Fairfax CE, 222223, 224225, 234, 237239, 240241; five-year plan, 2389, 2401; and Kirk, 21617, 218; resigns, 241; revenue struggles, 225; at Rural Press, 199, 207, 208, 216; and Walker, 208, 222223, 238

McClymont, Kate, xv, 123, 124, 127128

McCrann, Terry, 200201

McCusker Report, 66

Macdonald, Ranald, 10, 2627

McDonald, Hamish, 266, 273

McGeoch, Rod, 139

McGuinness, Paddy, 252

McKay, Robert, 84

Macken, Deirdre, 266

McLachlan, Angus, 8, 14, 1819, 22, 32, 33, 204

McMahon, Sir William, 29, 37

McPhee, Sandra, 237

Macquarie Broadcasting Network, 7, 9, 64, 70, 95

Macquarie Media, 209

Macquarie Radio Network, 255, 256257279

Man Bites Murdoch, 130, 131

Mann, Simon, 266

Manners, Ron, 248249

Mansfield, Bob, 106, 117, 129, 130, 175177

Marais, Simon, 266, 267268280

Marinya Media, 199, 207, 213214, 220, 221, 224, 230, 254

Marr, David: National Times editor, 8, 35, 3839, 43, 44; redundancy, 266, 273274

Mason, Peter, 205

Matthew, Bob, 140

Matthews, Jack, 197, 224225, 238, 239, 241, 252, 274

Maxwell, Robert, 74, 93

Mayne, Stephen, 173174

‘Media in Peril’ conference, 75, 76

media ownership see cross-media ownership

Melbourne Express, 169, 170, 171

Mellish, Morgan, 217218

Menzies, Sir Robert, 15, 1617, 21, 30

Metro division (Fairfax), 238, 241, 252, 257, 274

Miles, Neville, 76, 79, 101, 139, 141

Millar, James, 262

mining tax, 249

Monckton, Christopher, 249

Moore, Matthew, 97, 265266, 273, 276, 277

Morgan, Sam, 237

Morgan, Suellen, 229, 231

Mulholland, Stephen, 128, 144; altercation with press, 105106; background, 93; and editorial independence, 95; Fairfax CE, 93, 94, 95, 96, 117; leaves Australia, 106, 117; sells Broadway building, 94

Murdoch, Sir Keith, 8

Murdoch, Lachlan; deputy chief executive News Ltd, 129; on Hilmer and joint-venture, 170; Illyria investment co., 245; and James Packer, 212, 213, 245; lobbies for Rupert, 116; media holdings, 245; and Rinehart, 246; Ten Network, 245246

Murdoch, Rupert, 37, 58, 63, 92, 149, 256; and Abeles, 48; attracts Anderson and Fairfax staff, 6768; and Black, 111, 117118; and Burrows, 148, 183; and cross-media laws, 5152, 115, 121; Fairfax stake, 108, 119; and Howard government, 119; HWT takeover, 52, 53, 113; and Keating, 51, 53, 195; metropolitan papers, 55, 59; move on Fairfax, 196197; Qld Press takeover, 52, 53; rivalry with Packer, 10, 106112; sells Fairfax stake, 119, 196197, 201; Sydney foothold, 9; television interests, 53, 59, 106112, 115, 246, 270272; and The Age deal, 11; The Australian launched, 19; truce with Fairfax, 201202; WA Newspapers sold, 53; see also News Limited

Murphy, Lionel, xv, 43, 44

Muscat, Bob, 125125, 129135, 141, 143, 144, 150, 155

MX free paper, 169170

Narayan, Sankar, 211, 225

Nation, 19, 23

National Crime Authority, 45, 46

NBN Television, 10

Neill, Edwin, 10

Nelson, Brendan, 121

Netus, 280281

Newcastle Herald, 910, 207

News Limited: buys Business Spectator, 271272; commitment to print, 271; Consolidated Media bid, 270271; controls pay TV, 271272; daily financial paper, 67; and Hilmer, 168, 169170; Independent Media takeover, 271; Lachlan Murdoch, 129; online real estate ads, 170; and pay TV, 270271; restructuring, 270; Williams on its future, 271; see also The Australian

newspapers, early, 45

Newton, Maxwell, 41, 125; background, 1920; joins The Australian, 24; Fin Review, 1718, 19, 20, 2122, 24; SMH political correspondent, 20

Nicholl, Des, 7273, 74

Nicholls, Linda, 237

Nine Network, 246, 281

Ninemsn, 269

Norton, Ezra, 8, 9

O’Reilly, Cameron, 121

O’Reilly, Tony, 71, 80, 84, 85, 88, 196, 202, 207

Observer, 19

One.Tel, 171

Optus Vision, 107, 110, 111, 112

Pacific Access, 163

Packer, Sir Frank, 8, 9, 10

Packer, Gretel, 58

Packer, James, 202, 258280; confronts Hilmer, 170; control of classifieds, xiv, 164, 165; corporate restructure, 195196; father’s death, 192; gaming interests, 193, 195196, 271; inherited businesses, 193; and Lachlan Murdoch, 212, 213, 245; Nine network sold, 246; and PBL, 141, 185, 193; and Rinehart, 246; Ten Network shares, 245, 246

Packer, Kerry, xiv, 11, 37, 43, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 92; ABA inquiry, 103104, 143145; and BIL, 140141; and Black, xii, 72, 100, 102106, 111, 116117; Canberra lobbyists, 116; and Costigan Royal Commission, 4445; and cross-media laws, 5152, 53, 79, 103104, 121; death, 185, 192193; Ecorp (digital division), 161162, 281; endorses Howard as PM, 104; estate, 193; on Fairfax business model, 145; and Fairfax journalists, 73; Fairfax share, 102, 103, 108, 138139, 167; Fairfax shares sold, 121122, 168, 171; on foreign ownership of media, 115116; ‘Goanna’ story, 4548, 51, 54, 80; and Gonski, 149151, 193; grievance against Fairfax, 37, 38, 54; and Hawke, 47; health, 140141, 143, 171, 185; and Hilmer, 144, 153, 155, 156, 167168, 170; and Howard, 104, 112, 113116, 119120; Hoyts Cinemas bid, 151; and Keating, 53, 104, 114, 195; and Mansfield, 106; One.Tel losses, 171; rivalry with Murdoch, 10, 106112; and Singleton, 256; television interests, 59, 79, 80, 81, 106112, 113, 115, 117, 195; and Tourang consortium, 7981, 82, 85, 86, 101; Wills proposes deal, 185

Pagemasters, 253

Parker, John, 207

PBL see Publishing and Broadcasting Limited

Peacock, Andrew, 47

Penberthy, Jefferson, 45, 49

Pennells, Steve, 262

Perkin, Graham, 2627, 32, 74, 125

Personal Investment, 52

Petre, Daniel, 280281

Petrov affair, 29

PMP (printing co.), 186, 190, 191

PMT consortium, 107, 112

Porter, Jeni, 153, 154155

Powers, Brian, 102, 105, 108109, 131, 151; ABA cross-media enquiry, 143, 145; and AIM, 109110; appoints Hilmer, 155, 156157; and BIL, 140141, 142, 148; chief exec Consolidated Press, 101; Fairfax board, 101, 129130, 132, 134, 138, 140, 148, 152, 173; Fairfax chairman, 111, 122, 137, 141142, 150, 155, 172, 173, 177; and F2 float, 162; FXF stake, 121122, 141142, 144, 167; and James Packer, 141; and Kerry Packer, 8081, 84, 101; leaves Packer for Fairfax, 137, 138; and Tourang, 8081, 8384, 85, 88; and Walker on board, 174, 187, 189; wants ‘swagger’ for The Age, 187

Price, Rod, 118, 139, 140, 142, 148

Priestley QC, LJ, 4344

Prime Media Group, 245

Pringle, John Douglas, 7, 20, 2223, 125

Prisk, Max, 126

Project Falcon, 76, 7980

Publishing and Broadcasting Limited, 121122, 139; Alexander, 185; Crown Casino, 188, 193; James in charge, 141, 185, 193; share losses, 171; and Seek, 179

Queensland Press, 52, 53, 54

Ramadge, Paul, 274

Ramsey, Alan, 159

Randerson, Roger, 9

Rares, Stephen, 124

Ray, Brian, 45

Reuter, Ben, 59, 60, 6364

Revell, Alan, 172

Rich, Jodee, 171

Richardson, Graham, 116, 193

Ries, Ivor, 140

Rinehart, Bianca, 261262

Rinehart, Gina: and ANDEV, 248249; background, 246247; and Channel 10, 259; on climate change, x, 249; and Corbett, ix, 244245, 250, 260, 262, 272, 275; dispute with children, 261262; Fairfax board seats, ix, x, 258263, 267, 272, 275276; on Fairfax corporate governance, 262263; Fairfax shares, ix, 244245, 246, 249, 250, 254, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266; future role at Fairfax, 281282; Hancock Prospecting, 246247, 261262, 264, 275; and Hywood, 250, 272; journalism, 249; and Kennedy, 258, 263, 267; and Lachlan Murdoch, 246; on Rudd’s mining tax, 247248; and Singleton, 258, 259260; Swan reference to, 261; Ten Network shares, 245246; undertaking not to sue, 272273; and Walker, 258; wealth, 246247, 259

Robertson, Ian, 145146

Robinson, Peter, 24, 25, 26

Rockman, Irvan, 164165

Rockman, Matthew, 164165

Rothwells Ltd, 5758, 60, 65, 66

Rudd, Kevin, 247248

Rural Press, 70, 95, 196; associated assets, 200; culture, 208, 216; and Fairfax break-up, 267; Hilmer tries to buy, 179; John B, 64, 121, 179, 198199, 200, 201, 206208, 209, 242; and Kirk, 198, 216, 217, 218; McCarthy, 199, 207, 208, 216; newspaper mastheads, 200; regional radio assets, 200; sold to Fairfax, 198199, 200, 206208, 209, 211212, 218, 222, 225, 234, 242

Ryan, Morgan, 42, 44

Rydge, Norman, 9

satellite licences, 107

Savage, Bob, 226, 227, 237, 262

Save The Age, 84

Schofield, Leo, 126127

Scott, Phil, 6869

Seek, xiv, 164166, 179, 196, 212, 281

Sensis, 175

Seven Network, 59, 95, 196

Seven West Media, 280

Shoebridge, Neil, 216

Sinclair, Ian, 42

Singleton, John: in advertising, 255; and Carnegie, 254256; and Fairfax, 9192, 256279; and Macquarie Radio, 256257279; and Packer, 256; radio assets, 210211, 267279280; on Rinehart and Fairfax, 258, 259260; and Tourang, 8586

Skase, Christopher, 59

Sky News, 110

Smark, Peter, 7273

Smith, Ian, 261, 171

Souter, Fenella, 266

Souter, Gavin, 1718, 20, 43

Southern Cross Broadcasting, 209, 210211, 218, 224, 253, 257

Southern Star production studios, 224

Spalvins, John, 126

Spinks, Victor, 127128

Stayz rental website, 198, 252

Steketee, Mike, 96

Stephen Jacques, lawyers, 92

Stereo FM, 206

Stewart, Justice Donald, 45, 46

stock market crash (1987), 65

Stokes, Kerry, 110, 111, 120121, 149, 195, 196, 196, 258, 272, 282

Strategic Publishing, 166

Street, Sir Laurence, 41, 91, 92, 148

Street Royal Commission, 4142

Stuchbury, Michael, ix, 253, 260

Suich, Max, 24, 49, 125; and Askin exposé, 38, 3941; chief editorial executive, 3536; Fin Review, 3536; and Keating, xii, 37, 54; The National Times, 28, 29, 31, 32, 3941, 4950, 251252; and Toohey, 45

Summers, Anne, 28

Sun News Pictorial, 26, 52

Super League, 108, 109, 110, 115

Swan, Wayne, 247, 261, 272273

Switkowski, Ziggy, 163164, 175, 176, 177

Sydney Herald, 23

Syme family, 5, 8, 1011, 52, 125

Symonds, Cedric, 12, 1314, 61

Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan, 139140

Tandberg, Ron, 169

Telegraph Group, xii, 92, 97, 99, 100, 102, 111, 117, 118

Television: cable, 107; free-to-air, 108, 111, 193; licences, 106107; satellite licences, 107; sport, 108109, 110, 111112, 115, 116; see also Murdoch, RupertPacker, KerryStokes, Kerry

Telstra: interest in Fairfax, 175177, 179; PMT consortium, 107; privatisation, 176, 181182; The Trading Post, 179180

Ten Network, 52, 150, 195; Hilmer and Canwest merger, 181182, 183; Lachlan Murdoch buys in, 245246; receivership, 276; Rinehart buys in, 246

The Age, xiv, 7; Black, 92, 9394, 117, 128; Black sells to BIL, 118119; board intervention, 3132; circulation dropping, 129; classifieds, 95, 170, 198, 252; editorial independence, 35, 95; Fairfax stake, 1011, 52; Henderson and acquisition, 8; Hywood outsources subediting, 253; independent voice, 32; and Kennett, 117, 168, 169; Melbourne bond, 94, 152; new premises, 197; Perkin, 2627, 32; Powers’ cost-cutting, 155; presses upgraded, 94; redundancies, 266, 273; reputation, 74; ‘soul of Melbourne’, 152; staff lockout, 170; staff swap with SMH, 171172; tabloid, 265; see also individual editors

The Age Company Limited, 11

The Age Independence Committee, 74, 7576, 77

‘The Age Tapes’, xv, 44, 45

The Argus, 26

The Australian, 19, 2122, 24, 27, 28, 67, 74, 180, 265

The Australian Financial Review see Fin Review

The Bulletin, 28, 80, 194

The Canberra Times, 10, 65, 95, 143, 200, 203

The Company of Heralds, 1718

The Courier-Mail, 24, 111

The Daily Mirror, 9

The Daily Telegraph, 111

The Dominion Post (NZ), 178

The Financial Review see Fin Review

The Financial Times, 121

The Good Food Guide, 219

The Herald, 26

The Independent (NZ), 198

‘The Jockey Tapes’ story, 127128

The National Times, xiv, 69, 251252; Abeles coverage, 4849; Carroll, 2829, 3132; circulation problems, 45, 4950; groundbeaking (1980s), 3755; Haupt recruited, 50; Hickie’s Askin exposé, 3840; Kennedy first editor, 28, 80; launched, 2728; losing money, 4950; Marr, 8, 35, 3839; Penberthy, 45; enemies, 51; renamed The Times on Sunday, 4950; Suich, 28, 32, 35, 50; Toohey and ‘Goanna’, 4548; Toohey loses editorship, 50; Vietnam War coverage, 2930

The Press (NZ), 178

The Sun, 9, 35, 70

The Sunday Age, 117

The Sunday Telegraph, 28

The Sun-Herald, 6, 24, 35, 93, 132, 171172

The Sydney Morning Herald: Alexander sacked, 129138, 156; beginnings, 25; ‘break and enter’ reporting, 19; business section, 125; Carroll’s changes, 3536, 251; court case (heroin trade story), 123125; Fairfax flagship, 89; Hywood, 134, 155156, 253; James Fairfax, 7, 3436, 60; loses govt advertising, 48; magazine sections, 35; McLachlan, 22; Mulholland, 128; Newton and Fitzgerald, 1920, 2122; on Menzies’ credit squeeze, 17; and 1963 elections, 1619, 2021, 27; Packer takeover concern, 136; Revell new publisher, 172; redundancies, 265266, 273, 274, 276277; staff swap with The Age, 171172; ‘Stay in touch’ column, 35; Suich, 3536; tabloid, 265279 ; The Good Food Guide, 219; ‘The Jockey Tapes’, 127128; on Vietnam War, 29, 30; youthful readership, 35; see also individual editors

The Times on Sunday, 4950, 51, 64, 70

The Trading Post, 179180

The West Australian, 180, 262

Toohey, Brian, 125; Abeles investigation, 49; and Costigan Royal Commission, 4447; deputy editor National Times, 40, 43; editor National Times, 4447, 50, 2512 ; ‘Goanna’ story, 458

Tourang consortium, 7989, 989, 149, 100, 256

Trade Me, 191192, 197, 218, 222, 237, 253, 265, 267280

Triple A, 52

Tryart Pty Ltd, 59

Turnbull, Malcolm: and Black, 90, 9899; and eCorp float, 161; and Packer, 47, 80, 87; and Tourang, 76, 7980, 82, 8384, 8889, 9091, 101

Tyndall Australia, 138

Vietnam War coverage, 29, 30

Walker, Ron, 201; background, 188; and Burrows, 189, 191; business activities, 173174; and Carnegie, 256; and Corbett, 191, 226227; and Ecclestone, 151; Fairfax board, 152, 169, 173174, 186, 187189, 191192, 208, 209, 210, 216, 223, 225, 226232, 236, 237; and Fairfax prestige, 233; and John B, 198, 208, 209210, 211, 213, 214215, 222, 225227; and Hilmer, 180, 181; and Hudson Conway, 188, 255; and Liberal Party, 188189; and McCarthy, 208, 222223, 238; and media, 233234 ; and Nick Fairfax, 211, 214, 226, 228, 229, 232; personality, 188, 190191; and Rinehart, 258; and Southern Cross Broadcasting, 210211, 253; and Westfield clique, 189

Walkley awards, 29, 31, 217, 262

Walsh, Maximilian, 125; Fin Review, 20, 26, 32, 36, 134, 252; on govt intervention in media, 75; The Bulletin, 134; The National Times, 28, 29; Sir Warwick’s issues with, 25, 2829

Warner, Denis, 29

Weiss, Gary, 138

Welder, Hope, 261262

Wendt, Jana, 86

West Australian Newspapers, 53, 54, 180, 195, 196, 272

Westerway, Peter, 88

Westfield clique, 52, 150, 177, 189

White, Jeff, 165

Whitlam government, 27, 32

Whitton, Evan, 2931, 32, 35, 41, 45

Wilkinson, Marian, 44, 45, 49, 123, 134

Williams, Allen, 238, 241

Williams, Kim, 270271, 272

Williams, Lloyd, 150, 188, 193, 255

Wills, Dean, 150, 189; Channel 10 share swap, 181183; at Coca-Cola Amatil, 172173; Fairfax chairman, 172173, 177, 184, 235; and Hilmer, 173, 177178, 181, 184, 186; and Kerry Packer, 185

Wilson, Amanda, 274

Wilson, Brian, 198199, 205

Wilson, David, 7576

Wilson, Lloyd, 224225

Winter, Marguerite, 266

Withers, Joan, 225

Wolfensohn, Jim, 81

Wran, Neville, xv, 37, 4143, 51, 58, 80, 193

Wylie, John, 256

Young, Peter, 191, 226, 237