Chapter 11

Dylan laughed to himself as he watched Carina tiptoe gingerly along the vegetable plot. Instead of picking the squash, she poked at it with a branch.

“Good idea,” he yelled. “Make sure there aren’t any rattlesnakes before sticking your hand into the vegetable beds.”

She jumped and squealed, dropping the stick. “You have snakes here?”

“Just tap the ground and they’ll slither away. Sallie was almost bitten, so she’ll growl if she hears one.” He knew he wasn’t being nice, teasing her, but she was so damn cute when she was riled up.

He pushed Sallie toward Carina. “Go over there, girl. Help her watch for snakes.”

Sallie bounded toward Carina and jumped, landing her front paws on her breasts.

“Ah! She’s getting mud on me.” Carina stumbled and fell on her butt in the squash patch while Sallie enthusiastically licked her face. Carina ducked and squirmed, pushing Sallie. “Stop it.”

Dylan jogged to her side and pulled the dog off. “Down, Sallie. That’s not polite. If you want to kiss her, you have to ask nicely.”

Ha, ha, wonder what she’d do if he laid a big wet one on her.

Carina squeaked and wiped her hands frantically over herself. “Bugs crawling all over me.”

“Where?” Dylan helped her up and patted her muddy shorts to flick the clods of earth off.

“Stop touching.” She slapped his hand and swiped at her white shorts. “I must have sat on an anthill. Ow! Shit, they went up my panties.”

Lucky ants. They were crawling where he wanted to be.

“Need any help?” He rubbed his hands together.

“No, you, stay away.” She tap-danced on the path, brushing her hands between her legs and over her chest while fending off Sallie. “You too. You probably have fleas. Ow, ow. They’re biting me.”

By the way her ass was jiggling, they must be eating her alive. It was amazing how fast ants can come in for the kill.

She streaked toward the gardening shed and grabbed the insect repellant, pumping the spray between her thighs.

Yow, that’s a load of chemicals. A chuckle slipped from Dylan’s mouth before he could cover it. Uh oh, she heard him.

“Are we done?” Carina punched both hands on her hips and glared at him. “I thought you were nice, but you’re a big brat.”

Dylan doubled over with laughter. She was damn cute, especially wearing a streak of mud on her right cheek and a paw print on her white t-shirt, right over the words ‘Good Girls.’ He slipped his cell phone from his pocket and snapped a picture.

Sallie barked and Carina charged him. “Erase that right now. This isn’t funny.”

Dylan sprinted across the yard with Sallie bounding at his side. His repressed roommate couldn’t take a joke, and he’d definitely blown his chances of getting into her panties. But the paw print picture was priceless.

After chasing him around the chicken coop several times, Carina gave up.

“This is the worst date I’ve ever been on.” She stomped off toward the garden gate.

Dylan grabbed the basket and picked up the spray, watching Carina out of the corner of his eye.

She opened the gate, looked both ways and turned left.

“You’re going the wrong way,” he yelled.

“Thanks.” She walked past the gate and headed the other direction.

She was sure to get lost since they’d zigzagged several blocks on the way over. Dylan hurriedly filled the basket with summer squash, snap peas, leeks, and eggs. The sun was setting, and an evening mist descended on the garden.

He herded the chickens back into the coop and glanced over near the gate. Yep, she was back, sitting at the picnic table, her back stiff, arms crossed.

Dylan put the gardening tools back into the shed and wiped his hands with hand sanitizer. A pang tugged at his heart. Getting bitten by ants must have hurt, and even worse, he’d laughed at her. Sheila was wrong. He definitely wasn’t any good for her. Although it wasn’t his fault Sallie had charged her. Too bad, he didn’t have an excuse to paw her breasts and pretend to be an overgrown puppy.

How old are you, Dylan Jewell. Isn’t it time you grow up? Take life more seriously? What would your mama say about the way you treated Carina?

Dylan scratched behind Sallie’s ears and gave her a push in Carina’s direction. “You should go to that nice lady and say you’re sorry.”

Sallie sat and stared at him, her tail flinging back and forth, but made no move toward Carina. Dylan locked the shed.

“Time to make amends. Come on, Sallie.” He unbuttoned his chambray work shirt and shrugged it off his shoulders. Carina did look pretty pathetic, lathered in bug spray with mud up her cute backside.

Her arms were crossed as she stared at the chicken coop. He snuck up from behind and draped the shirt over her shoulders. She let it drop to the bench as she gave him a sidelong look. “What do you want?”

He shoved Sallie’s nose into Carina’s lap. “Sallie’s sorry for pushing you. She’s just a big puppy. Will you forgive her?”

Sallie’s tongue lolled as she wagged her tail, her entire rump wiggling and her big brown eyes blinking as if she were really sorry.

Carina petted her. “You’re a cute puppy aren’t you? It’s not your fault they haven’t taught you manners. Of course I forgive you, but I’ll never forgive the brute who sicced you on me.”

Dylan sat beside her and picked up his shirt. “Sallie says the brute’s sorry, too. He wants to be friends and give you the shirt off his back.”

~ ~ ~

“Well …” Carina scratched behind Sallie’s ears. “Sallie, what do you think? The brute was being mean. Shall we kick his butt? Me and you? How about it? Girl power.”

Sallie whined and thumped her tail.

Carina rolled her eyes at Dylan, who looked satisfyingly contrite. She flicked at his shirt and spoke to Sallie. “Should I take his germy shirt? It’s probably infested with ticks and lice. Maybe I should spray it with toxic chemicals, too.”

Dylan pressed the shirt over her shoulders, his hands lingering. “Sallie says you can squirt me anytime you want.”

Ooh! Carina’s mouth watered and her legs tingled. This guy was bad … real bad. Quick, think of a comeback.

Sallie licked her fingers and Carina moaned. “Didn’t Sallie tell you to lick up your own mess?”

By the way his face squeezed, she knew she’d hit him below the belt. She slowly pulled the shirt on, squirming as if fitting into an exquisite silk gown. Her eyes held his as she attached each button, one by one.

Goose bumps popped onto his bare arms, and the fact that he was only wearing a stretched white t-shirt stirred her in more places than one.

What would it be like to slip her hands under his shirt, running it across the planes of his muscles? How hot he’d feel, hovering over her, his weight resting on her. Almost two hundred pounds of pure male perfection pressed against her, wanting her, desiring, straining to get inside. Would he move fast or slow? Take his time or bang her to pieces? Not like she had any inkling of how that would feel.

Dylan stared at her as if thunderstruck. Could he read her mind?

“What?” Carina shrugged, putting on a nonchalant air. “Never seen a lady in a man’s shirt before?”

“Sure, lots of times,” he mumbled as if in a trance.

Wrong thing to say, bucko! Carina snapped out of her fantasy. “Shouldn’t we be going now?”

“We haven’t eaten yet. I can fry an omelet with the leeks and vegetables.”

Somewhere in there, Dylan’s circuits must be crossed. He thought she’d sit here in a chilly garden and have a picnic of naturally fertilized vegetables with him?

“Isn’t it kind of late? It might be dark soon.” She stood, tugging the edge of the shirt. It reached below the hemline of her shorts and made her look like she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

“Are you upset?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean for you to fall in the mud.”

Finally, an almost apology.

“Then what? You brought me here to laugh at me?”

“Not at all.” He pulled out his phone. “I’ll delete the picture if it’ll make you feel better.”

“You don’t have to.” She cupped her hand over his phone. “Can I see?”

He gave her the phone. “I shouldn’t have laughed at you. Forgive me?”

His baby-blues beamed at her, looking expectant. How could she stay mad at the fine male specimen standing in front of her? She flicked her thumb on the touch screen and brought up the photo.

“I have mud on my face? Why didn’t you tell me?” Carina dabbed at her right cheek. She stole another glance at her photo. Not bad. The white tee hugged her curves and her legs were slim and tan.

“You look cute,” he said. “Sure you want to erase it?”

Only cute? She thought she looked rather sexy. Oh well, at least he hadn’t said “nice.”

“Do whatever you want.” She gave him the phone.

Dylan looped his arm around her and bent so his face was level with hers. He stretched his arm out and pointed the camera lens back at them. “Think happy and smile.”

He kissed her cheek. Snap.

A sparkle tickled the spot where his lips touched. Wow. Carina purposely frowned to put him off track.

“Here, take a look.” He showed her his phone, seemingly unaffected by what just happened. Of course, he kissed women, babies, puppies, all the time.

His profile was strikingly handsome and in the picture, she was smiling as if she’d been kissed by a Greek god. A warm, fluttery feeling invaded Carina. This was the first picture of them together, and he was kissing her.

“Can I have a copy?” she asked in a disinterested tone.

“Sure, I’ll forward it to you and call a cab.”

“Now you’re talking.” Carina flicked her phone. While Dylan fed Sallie and locked the chicken coop, she made their picture her background image.

If only he were boyfriend material, someone with a promising career who’d stay home most nights instead of hanging out in clubs with loose women, then things would be perfect.

~ ~ ~

Back at the apartment, Carina showered while Dylan prepared the meal. He thin-sliced the summer squash and chopped up the leeks, then blanched the snap peas and put a dab of butter on them. After grating goat cheese, he cracked open a couple of eggs and beat them.

What a day. Carina had turned from a repressed straight-laced banker to a woman with potential. He’d bet there was a naughty girl lurking in the shadows of her psyche—playful and adventuresome.

Dylan heated the oil and poured the egg mixture into a frying pan. The woman was hot, but also cold. Every time he waited for her to make a move, she had stalled. It would take a lot of cajoling and tempting to make her feel at ease, but it would be loads of fun.

The image of her underneath him, staring up at him with those beautiful almond shaped eyes, rocketed heat through him. He’d start slow, savoring every moan he’d elicit from her. He could almost feel her hands running over his shoulders and see her arching into him. He’d spread her legs, running his fingers through her velvety wetness … He couldn’t wait to taste the scent of her arousal …

Carina’s door cracked open and she stepped out wearing a motorcycle blazer over a pair of thin black jeans. She handed him his shirt. “Thanks for wrapping me in your sweat.”

“Any time.” He sucked in his drool, hoping he wasn’t panting like a rabid dog.

She took a deep breath and crossed into the kitchen. “Whatever you’re cooking smells heavenly.”

The smile she gave him was encouraging and frightening. It was the kind of smile that made a man drop on his knees and blabber.

He slid the omelet onto a plate. “I bet you’re sick of eggs by now.”

“Oh, I love them. You make so many varieties, it’s all good.”

“Great, let’s pop open a bottle of champagne and celebrate.”

“What are we celebrating?” Carina propped herself with one elbow on the counter, her jacket open to a low cut tank top that showed her slight cleavage.

She had perfect curvature. What he wouldn’t give to touch those puppies, suck on them. They’d be soft and oh, so sweet.

“Dylan, hello.” She snapped her fingers in front of him and smiled. “What are we celebrating?”

Oh, yeah. He cleared his throat and let out a chuckle. “BRF.”


“Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of BRF—Best Roomies Forever.”

“What are we, fourteen years old?” She made a gagging motion. “Barf.”

“You’ll love it, trust me.” Dylan fist bumped her. “Shall we have some rules? I know you like rules.”

“Sure, while you think up the rules, I’m going to serve myself some of this delicious food. I’m starving.” Carina grabbed a plate and stood with her back to him in front of the counter.

“Me too.” He put both hands on each side of her and leaned down. She smelled sweet and clean, her conditioner scented with a touch of jasmine. “Rule number one. BRFs get to hug and hold hands.”

She tipped her head back. “Is this an excuse to come on to me?”

“Oh no.” He feigned indignation. “Just making sure we get along, like when you had those rules for chores?”

“Which my cleaning service is taking care of.” She picked a snap pea out of the omelet and popped it into her mouth.

He leaned around toward her lips. “Rule number two. BRFs can kiss.”

She ducked and placed her index finger on his lips. “Barfs can kiss, except on the lips, and cuddle together while watching a movie.”

“Why not the lips?” He tucked a kiss on her temple.

“Because we’re Barfs.” She giggled. “That would be gross.”

“Bee. Err. Eff.” He enunciated each letter. “One more. Rule number three. BRFs can tickle and wrestle each other every night before going to bed.”

“Except …” She turned and poked his chest. “… no touching certain body parts.”

“Certain? Sounds too vague to me.” His erection knocked hard in his jeans and he was having trouble maintaining a casual note in his voice. “You’ll have to name the exceptions, one by one, or show me.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’d think the exceptions should be obvious.” Carina trapped his left hand. “It means wherever you want to touch, you can’t.”

He moved his right hand around the small of her back and caressed her behind. She made a small gasp, still holding his left hand, as her other hand rubbed the muscles on his forearm.

Her sharp jeweled eyes, glittering like black onyx, opened wider as her mouth relaxed, inviting him to capture it. But she was the one who made the no-kissing-the-lips rule, so he’d let her suffer.

He worked his hand from her behind to the side of her waist, sweeping up her rib cage. Her eyes were still luminous, focused on him, daring him to brush her breast, maybe even roll her nipple.

The biker jacket was in the way. He lifted his eyebrow, asking permission, as he loosened it off her shoulder.

Her gaze still challenging him, she nevertheless let the jacket slip to the floor, baring her smooth, creamy shoulders.

He dipped his head and pressed his lips on her neck, eliciting a sigh as her arms went around his shoulders. Kissing a trail from her neck to her collarbone, he alternately licked and nipped her exquisitely delicate skin.

“Any more rules?” he mumbled as he gently rubbed his beard shadow over her chest.

“No, except—”

Her phone rang.

~ ~ ~

Carina whimpered, her fingers wrapped in Dylan’s hair. “I have to get it.”

“Moonlight Sonata” was her parents’ ringtone.

“It’s okay.” He backed away abruptly. “I think the omelets are getting cold.”

“Thanks.” She picked up her jacket and dug the cell phone from its pocket. “Hello?”

“Oh, thank goodness,” her mother said. “Your brother’s refusing to take his medicine. He accuses us of poisoning him.”

Carina wiped her forehead and paced to the living room. “Will he talk to me?”

“Yes, you’re always so good with him. He doesn’t understand why you’re all the way in California and can’t jump on a plane to see him. Let me get him.”

Dylan set a flute of champagne on the coffee table along with a plate of food. “I can eat in my room if you want privacy.”

“No, you stay, it’s fine.”

“Here he is,” her mother said.

“Hi Eddie,” Carina chirped. “What’s happening?”

“I’m in danger,” Eddie said breathlessly. “The spies of the Southern Barbarian King have switched my pills to poison me.”

“Oh, but Mom and Dad have killed the spies and spoken to the Moon Goddess. She will send new pills down for you tonight. But she is very lonely and wants you to be her friend. All day long, she is stuck on the moon, making pills of life, but people are ungrateful and won’t take their medicine. She’s crying and her tears are rolling like a river of moonlight. Can you look out the window and tell me what you see?”

Carina waited for Eddie to sweep aside his curtains and come back to the phone. She cupped her hand over it and said to Dylan, “My brother’s having a manic episode and won’t take his medicine. He thinks he’s the Lost Emperor of China and people are poisoning him.”

“Oh … you don’t have to explain.” Dylan rubbed her upper back. “You’re tight.”

She rolled her head. “That feels good. But I’m tired. We have a client presentation coming up next week.”

“I’m glad we had a chance to spend time together.” He nuzzled the back of her neck while both strong hands worked on her shoulders.

“Carina, I see her,” Eddie said. “She looks like you.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful.” Her voice was shaky and she bit back a moan. “Did she leave a packet of pills for you?”

Dylan nibbled her ear, his breath sending a cascade of tingles down her spine. Oh, gosh, his touch had her melting like butter, weak-kneed.

“She did, and she promised to tell me a bedtime story.” Eddie sounded happier. “I want to hear the one about the spider witch.”

Carina cupped the phone and whispered to Dylan. “He wants to hear the spider story.”

Dylan wiggled his fingers and sat back on the couch. “Sit on my lap. I want to hear it too.”

~ ~ ~

“And so … once a year, the spider witch takes pity on the two lovers and weaves them a bridge of stars.” Carina slapped Dylan’s hand. “Stop it.”

“Why does the spider say that?” Eddie sounded like a petulant child, despite his manly voice.

“Oh, because the Lute Maiden wants the Traveling Bard to pluck the lute strings, not pull her hair.”

Dylan snickered. “You have any hair you want me to pluck?”

“You nasty boy.” She elbowed him.

“I promise to be good,” her brother whined. “Tell me the rest of the story.”

“It’s almost finished,” Carina said, glaring at Dylan.

He shifted and grabbed her hips, moving her bottom against his erection.

“Oopf.” She gasped as sparks sizzled throughout her body. Did he have a peg leg in there? Damn, he was bigger than all the guys she’d ever danced with.

“What does the bard do next?” her brother demanded.

“Oh, ah. The bard kisses his lovely maiden, but before he can sing her a love song, the mean spider witch dissolves the bridge of stars, and the two lovers are flung back to their separate planets to wait another year before they can see each other again. The end.”

“That’s a shitty ending,” Dylan whispered. “If I were telling the story, the hero would kill the spider witch, rescue the maiden and take her to his woodland home. They’d live happily ever after, have many children, and make love on a bed of stars at night and on a table of moss during the day.”

“Eddie, nighty night, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.” Carina ignored the big bug trying to bed her and said goodbye to her brother. Not that it was easy when her girlie parts yowled like cats in heat.

“Bye, Car. You sound tired.” Her brother yawned and hung up.

“You, Barf Boy,” Carina said, unable to resist a wiggle, “broke all the rules.”

“Girl, if you don’t stop moving, I’m going to bend you over my knee and spread those silky lips of yours, and …” His baritone voice drew a delicious shiver in her ear.

“And what?” Carina lifted her face, exposing her neck, challenging him.

Dylan’s breath rasped against her moist lips, but he lowered his eyelids and inhaled deeply through his nose. “Go ahead, break your no-kissing rule.”

Sweat moistened her upper lip. He was so close, smelling so sweet, inviting. But one kiss would lead to another, and what would stop them from going further? Could she handle it? A relationship with a player? One of thirty-one flavors?

Her heart thudded like a dirge at a funeral. She played for keeps, and Dylan Jewell was not a one-woman man. There was no way she could stand by and watch him have another woman over after sleeping with her.

“Good night, Dylan. The rule stands.”