Without the recollections, documents, memorabilia, and support of the brave men who sailed through Typhoon Cobra in December 1944—including those who survived the sinking of their ships—we would not have been able to write this book. Our debt to them, and to their families, is beyond reckoning.
For taking the time to recount their experiences, we wish to offer our sincere thanks to: Keith Abbott, Owen Atkinson, Harley “Bob” Ayers, Michael Bak, Floyd Balliett, Alvin Barras, John Bedrosian, Tom Bellino, Herbert Brooks, Charles C. Calhoun, William Christensen, J. Frank Cross, Les Denton, Archie DeRyckere, Pat Douhan, John Dowd, James Elder, Richard Fanning, James Felty, Evan Fenn, President Gerald Ford, Earl Frosch, Leo Gauthier, Ronald Gift, Phil Gingerich, Leonard Glaser, James Grimes, James Haveman, Linus Hawkins, Marion Hicks, J. W. “Bill” Hillis, John Hoagland, Lawrence Howard, George Johnson, O. J. King, David Loomis, Donald McCarthy, William McClain, John Mehill, Edward Miller, William Ogden, Gene Perry, Paul Phillips, William Pihl, O. K. Poulson, Paul “Ray” Ramirez, Walter Roberge, John Rosas, Lloyd Rust, Paul Schlener, Herman Schnipper, Ray Schultz, Lloyd Speulda, Tom Stealey, Robert Traver, Leon Vanderschaaf, John Walker, Elijah Watlington, Leonard Watson, Bob Winn, John Wisse, and Ray Zasadill.
We also received encouragement and invaluable assistance from relatives of sailors and airmen who served aboard Admiral Halsey’s Third Fleet during World War II and survived, or perished, in the great storm. We are particularly beholden to Tom DeFranco, Dorothy Glaser, Guy Lester, and Richard Strand. Arthur “Russ” Plage’s generosity—both in spirit as well as in providing us with his father Henry’s personal papers—enriched our work.
We were also blessed to find research sources that were over-seen by courteous and exceptionally competent people. The Web sites and newsletters maintained by Ray Booher, Leon Krog, John McKechnie, Pete Smith, and Donald Steffins fall into this category. We thank them. We would also like to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of Pamela Browne and Martin Hinton of the Fox Network, Jennifer Scott of Towers Productions, Inc., Jim Ryan, Lisa O’Neil, Anne S. Atkinson and Carrie Trimmer of the A&E Television Networks, Ruri Kawashima of the Japan Society, and Jann Wenner, Corey Seymour, and Nina Pearlman at Wenner Media.
A book, even one with two authors, cannot be written in a vacuum, and at important junctures the insights and suggestions of Bill Boyle, Arthur French, David Hughes, Capt. (USN) Michael Jacobsen, Bob Kelly, and Tom Kelly were instrumental in steering us down the correct path. Further, special thanks must be extended to the staff researchers, librarians, and directors of the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, and the Naval Historical Center. Finally, Archie DeRyckere’s persistent effort to secure a posthumous Medal of Honor for Lt. Comdr. Henry Lee Plage must be recognized.
The wisdom of family and friends was put to great use in both practical and emotional ways during the process of writing Halsey’s Typhoon. Our heartfelt thanks to Nancy Bartolotta, John Bonfiglio, Heather Buchanan, Kathryn and Brendan Clavin, Gertrude Clavin, James Clavin, Liam-Antoine De Busschere-Drury, Joe Flood, Michael and Shelly Gambino, Michael Griffith, Harry Kohlmeyer, Kate Lawton, Denise McDonald, Kitty Merrill, Kelly Olsen, Amy Patton and David Winter, Danny Peary and Suzanne Rafer, Bill Phillips, Valerie Pillsworth, Allen Richardson and Karen Curry, Tony and Patty Sales, Bob Schaeffer, Simon Smith and Janet Palmer, and David Zinczenko.
This book originally took form as a story in Men’s Journal, and without the foresight and demanding editing of Bob Wallace, Michael Caruso, and Larry Smith it would not be complete.
We are also grateful to our editor, Morgan Entrekin, for his enthusiasm, editor’s touch, and omniscient range of knowledge. Jamison Stoltz’s, Brando Skyhorse’s, and Jofie Ferrari-Adler’s insights, un-failing courtesy, and professionalism throughout the production of this work will not be forgotten.
Thank you to Jennifer Unter of RLR Associates for her consistent support. Finally, this project would not have been possible without the insight, unrelenting encouragement, and acute eye of Nat Sobel, whose strong shepherding brought this book to life. He is more than a literary agent and adviser. He is a great and good friend.