U.S. Navy Personnel Killed in Typhoon Cobra

The demands of war at the time and the suppression of information about the Typhoon Cobra tragedy resulted in lists of the deceased that are not completely reliable. The authors relied on lists created by the Navy’s Bureau of Personnel immediately after the event and then classified for over half a century. We apologize for any errors. As readers will note in the case of the Hull victims, first names were not supplied. Also, men swept overboard and men who died of injuries on other ships can account for the discrepancy between the number of men listed and the total of 793 who died in the typhoon.

We urge readers to visit the Web site, which has been created by Archie DeRyckere and the USS Hull Survivors Association. The site is dedicated to “those true heroes who made the supreme sacrifice,” as DeRyckere puts it. Donations made via the Web site go to a plaque honoring the victims of the typhoon at the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas.


1. Gherstly, G.I. Lt.

2. Baker, H.C. Lt.

3. Smart, Jr., F.G. Lt. (jg)

4. Snodgrass, F.L. Lt. (jg)

5. Kappus, K.H. Lt. (jg)

6. Bryant, H.H. Lt. (jg)

7. Nelson, G.C. Lt. (jg)

8. Anido, Alfred Ensign

9. Korinko, D.L. Ensign

10. Johnson, W.G. Ensign

11. Schuerman, O.E. Ensign

12. Abreu, M., Jr.

13. Ackerman, J.F.

14. Adams, M.

15. Albrecht, H.G.

16. Alexander, S.C.

17. Anderson, H.E.

18. Anderson, J.W.

19. Ashley, F.

20. Banes, D.R.

21. Banfill, D.P.

22. Belden, J.I.

23. Born, P.

24. Burleson, E.G.

25. Carlstrom, R.D.

26. Cobb, I.

27. Connor, J.T.

28. Cook, J.

29. Cooke, R.E.

30. Cosgrove, G.J.

31. Cothran, C.R.

32. Cotten, J.O.

33. Dean, B.B.

34. Deck, A.L.

35. De Vaney, W.F.

36. Eichen, D.J.

37. Eisenbach, A.E.

38. Eiskle, E.F.

39. Ellis, R.H.

40. Farrell, E.V.

41. Fenderson, R.N.

42. Fernandez, A.

43. Fisnefska, G.L.

44. Foster, H. L.

45. Fowler, R.B.

46. Gabler, D.M.

47. Gaulke, D.J.

48. Geddert, G.F.

49. Gilberg, J.A.

50. Gillette, W.F.

51. Gipson, R.B.

52. Gower, W.H.

53. Granby, H.

54. Green, O.L.

55. Gruner, H.

56. Gundel, H.E.

57. Guthrie, R.M.

58. Hahn, L.A.

59. Haislip, C.J., Jr.

60. Halladay, J.R.

61. Hart, W.F.

62. Haydon, M.R.

63. Henkel, E.

64. Henry, G.W.

65. Hicks, L.F.

66. Hicks, R.H.

67. Hill, L.G.

68. Hixson, M.B.

69. Homaug, G.

70. Horton, J.T.

71. Houghton, D.C., Jr.

72. Howland, W.K.

73. Hoy, M.L.

74. Hughes, S.N.

75. Ingraham, T.M.

76. Jambor, J.J.

77. Juson, R.D.

78. Karnopp, W.E.

79. Kelley, K.W.

80. Kelly, W.L.

81. Kendrovios, A.

82. Kennedy, W.H., Jr.

83. King, J.P.

84. Knadler, G.F.

85. Korponai, Z.A.

86. Kraus, G.W.

87. Kreidler, J.E.

88. Kunz, E.W.

89. Lagow, L.S.

90. Lane, A.B.

91. Leabo, D.C.

92. Leombrone, J.

93. Lewis, G.J.

94. Loney, D.W.

95. Mabius, J., Jr.

96. Macchio, J.

97. Martin, D.R.

98. Martin, P.A.

99. McDonough, W.T.

100. McGee, T.M.

101. McGill, C.J.

102. McGlauchn, W.M.

103. McIntyre, J.F.

104. McInvale, R.R.

105. McKeehan, L.

106. Melancon, C.F.

107. Miller, C.P.

108. Miller, E.H.

109. Millsaps, S.

110. Mink, M.S.

111. Mohr, O.E., Jr.

112. Moldenhauer, A.E.

113. Moon, R.R.

114. Moreno, J.

115. Mullins, L.C.

116. Mullins, L.W.

117. Murie, J.H.

118. Newsom, E.T.

119. Niss, A.W.

120. Northey, G.W.

121. Oakley, R.D.

122. Ostlee, M.L.

123. Papcke, F.A.

124. Parker, R.E.

125. Parrott, R.T.

126. Peek, J.T.

127. Peterson, J.M.

128. Pfander, S.E.

129. Pfeiffer, J.W.

130. Phillippi, E.A.

131. Phillips, F.B.

132. Phillips, L.O.

133. Piccin, E.R.

134. Pickett, F.M., Jr.

135. Pierce, C.W.

136. Pippins, W.E.

137. Poe, C.L.

138. Pratt, G.L.

139. Preisser, T.E.

140. Preston, A.R.

141. Price, C.E.

142. Pruitt, P.Q.

143. Rattaro, J.J.

144. Rotter, I.F.

145. Ruby, G.E., Jr.

146. Runyan, J.K.

147. Ryals, S.V.

148. Sackmaster, H.E.

149. Scarletta, J.A., Jr.

150. Scherer, K.R.

151. Scherzinger, R.J.

152. Schmiderer, J.A.

153. Schrader, H.D.

154. Sego, J.F.

155. Simons, M.E.

156. Skapsik, J.J.

157. Sloane, F.C.

158. Smith, J.H.

159. Smith, P.A., Jr.

160. Smith, W.W., Jr.

161. Snow, H.M.

162. Solano, H.J.

163. Spencer, C.C.

164. Stacy, A.J.

165. Stennett, J.

166. Stephens, J.H.

167. Stercula, W.V.

168. Stevens, P.Q.

169. Stipetich, G.L.

170. Stoddard, K.C.

171. Szente, G.A.

172. Tabor, H.G.

173. Teiffel, W.S.

174. Tenholder, A.J.

175. Terrio, L.L.

176. Thomas, K.

177. Thornton, K.G.

178. Torkildson, K.B.

179. Trapp, B.G.

180. Travis, A.H.

181. Updegraff, G.J.

182. Vaughan, A.L.

183. Vernon, W.H.

184. Vulcano, S.J.

185. Wall, C.J.

186. Ward, E.M.

187. Webb, W.

188. Weibel, A.J.

189. Weimers, G.L.

190. Weiss, V.J.

191. Whitehair, W.W.

192. Whitney, R.A.

193. Williams, C.E.

194. Wilson, R.

195. Wolfe, G.J.

196. Wolff, T.A.

197. Wolkins, M.W.

198. Wright, J.E.

199. Yarbrough, H.G.

200. Yonts, C.W.

201. Zawne, R. O.

202. Zielinski, L.A.

USS Monaghan

1. Garrett, F.B., Jr. Lt. Comdr.

2. Elliott, F. J., Jr. Lt.

3. Van Iderstine, D. H. Lt.

4. Mills, R. C. Lt.

5. Siegesmund, E.W. Lt.

6. Stark, S.F. Lt.

7. Gavin, R.C. Lt. (jg)

8. Hargrave, R.K. Lt. (jg)

9. Prather, J.W. Lt. (jg)

10. Burden, R.C. Lt. (jg)

11. Pedersen, R.F. Lt. (jg)

12. Blittersdorf, C. H. Lt. (jg)

13. Carlson, L.A. Lt. (jg)

14. Nolop, R.E. Lt. (jg)

15. Davidson, H.E. Ens.

16. Dubpernell, J. Ens.

17. Cochran, E.M. Ens.

18. Weber, H.H. Ens.

19. Adler, Victor L.

20. Alessi, Joseph R.

21. Allen, Fred A.

22. Amis, Hugh B.

23. Anspach, Roy R.

24. Anthony, James C.

25. Attaway, James R.

26. Aubrey, John T.

27. Austin, William J.

28. Bailey, Clarence A.

29. Baker, Willard R.

30. Barber, Horace L.

31. Bard, Richard F.

32. Barszczewski, Edward J.

33. Bassett, William M.

34. Beach, Gurney A. Sr.

35. Benfatti, John J.

36. Berger, George W.

37. Bingham, Eugene D.

38. Binner, Clyde R.

39. Borouff, Jerome J.

40. Britton, Thomas L.

41. Brunkow, Ferdinand

42. Bryant, Leonard R.

43. Burgess, Fred J.

44. Burnett, Raymond O.

45. Burtch, Charles D.

46. Busch, Martin L.

47. Butler, Ralph J.

48. Cain, Frank A.

49. Camunez, James C.

50. Carbone, Richard E.

51. Carriker, Robert R.

52. Casson, Orval K.

53. Caswell, Floyd A., Jr.

54. Chapin, Gail W.

55. Cieszynski, Stanley J.

56. Cimino, Ceasar D.

57. Clark, George M.

58. Cochran, James H.

59. Coleman, William D.

60. Conrad, Carl E.

61. Cooper, Carl L.

62. Corley, Howard W.

63. Cote, Leonard G.

64. Cotton, Almer A.

65. Cradduck, Raymond A.

66. Crater, Ray E.

67. Croft, Edward J.

68. Culp, Donald A.

69. Debord, John G.

70. Dedmore, Gale A.

71. Delis, John S.

72. Devault, Francois L.J.

73. Doyle, George W.

74. Driscoll, Charles J.

75. Dumas, Frank S.

76. Eggen, Wendell J.

77. Ellis, John H., Jr.

78. Entrican, Carroll V.

79. Etheridge, Lindsey E.

80. Evans, Paul R.

81. Fantozzi, Frederick C.

82. Faught, Laurence M.

83. Felton, Russel B.

84. Ferrero, Robert E.

85. Ferrier, James J.

86. Finch, Lester J.

87. Fisher, Roland D.

88. Foster, Victor W.

89. Fox, Loyd S.

90. Gastmann, Harm

91. Geier, Donald C.

92. Givens, Robert P.

93. Godfrey, Harvey H.

94. Goetz, Otto J.

95. Gostyla, Bruno

96. Green, James B.

97. Grubham, Fred William

98. Haight, Benjamin E.

99. Hally, William

100. Hankins, Marvin R.

101. Harris, Harry L.

102. Heitner, Henry

103. Heflin, Dewey L., Jr.

104. Higginbotham, Sherman

105. Hill, Horace C.

106. Hirsch, Leonard H.

107. Holt, Jack L.

108. Hommel, John W.

109. Hudgins, Wendell R.

110. Iler, George Jr.

111. Ingoe, James E.

112. Jeffery, Charles W.

113. Johnson, William E.

114. Johnson, William L.

115. Jones, Alfred H.

116. Jones, Forest E.

117. Jordan, Harold L.

118. Karns, Forest E.

119. Karpinski, Milford J.

120. Kell, Ralph O.

121. Kimmel, Donald

122. Kowalk, Bernard A.

123. Kurikjan, Edward A.

124. Lamb, Arthur G.

125. Larson, Joseph J.

126. Larson, Simon P.

127. Lee, James S.

128. Lenig, Walter L., Jr.

129. Lewellen, Roy L.

130. Litton, John A.

131. Lindsey, Ben H., Jr.

132. Lindsey, David F.

133. Lomax, Clenn C.

134. Lopez, Jose E.

135. Lowe, Jefferson T.

136. Lyste, Chester M.

137. Maldonado, Alex J.

138. Malveau, Chester

139. Mann, Boyd

140. Manochi, William M.

141. Martin, Hubert M.

142. Mattern, Robert Allen

143. Matzener, John F.

144. Maxwell, Earl T.

145. Mayer, Kenneth G.

146. McConnell, Harley M.

147. McCormack, William

148. McFalls, Charles J.

149. McGough, Joseph N.

150. McIntosh, R. C. P.

151. McNally, Joseph L.

152. Meisen, Francis P.

153. Messa, Louis

154. Mickelson, Max L.

155. Mills, Houston E.

156. Moore, Carlus B.

157. Moore, John C., Jr.

158. Moran, Voy G.

159. Morrison, Melroy E.

160. Nichols, Robert J.

161. Nutting, Roland B.

162. Ogborn, John “J”

163. Osterby, Albin E.

164. Panas, Peter

165. Peerenboom, Donald G.

166. Perry, Joe E.

167. Peterson, Wayne L.

168. Phister, Harold C.

169. Platt, Bryce L.

170. Ragland, Ralph K.

171. Ravnell, Stacks

172. Richmond, Ganis J.

173. Ricker, Doyle L.

174. River, Francis N.

175. Rogers, Harry A.

176. Ross, Charles L.

177. Sables, John A., Jr.

178. Sanford, Clyde H.

179. Sanford, James L., Jr.

180. Schubert, Elmer H.

181. Schuler, Carl F., Jr.

182. Shalkowski, Louis P.

183. Shaner, Leonard P.

184. Sherrill, Harvey “J”

185. Shoemate, Roy C.

186. Sigafoos, Jack R.

187. Simmons, William W.

188. Smith, Dewey L.

189. Smrkolj, Harry

190. Spence, Louis L.

191. Stapleton, James “N”

192. Stark, Robert M.

193. Stevenson, James H.

194. Stewart, Harold B.

195. Stewart, Robert F.

196. Stewart, Robert L.

197. Still, Frederic P.

198. Stimolo, Sam, Jr.

199. Stone, Edward

200. Stoner, Howard A.

201. Stopher, Robert H.

202. Storz, Andrew “J”

203. Stowe, Marvin E.

204. Strahan, Everett N.

205. Stravinski, John J.

206. Strength, Luther N.

207. Strickland, Henry P., Jr.

208. Strickland, “J” “M”

209. Stricklin, Arthur G., Jr.

210. Stutes, Lee R. J.

211. Sullivan, Earl P.

212. Sutherin, Donald G.

213. Swartwood, James N.

214. Thomas, Cyril J.E.

215. Tondreau, Joseph A.

216. Tripp, Alonzo W.

217. Trostel, William J.

218. Tschimperle, Matthew J.

219. Tyler, Fred D.

220. Tyler, George “L”

221. Varazo, Siver C.

222. Varvil, Kenneth E.

223. Villanueva, Gustavo B.

224. Wallace, Ronald J.

225. Walters, William, Jr.

226. Warren, Coleman Y.

227. Warren, Robert F.

228. Weaver, William D.

229. Werbelow, Louis C.

230. White, Clifton J.

231. Willenborg, Ervin E.

232. Willhite, Lawrence W.

233. Willis, Edward

234. Wilson, Willie

235. Witcher, Leroy

236. Working, James W.

237. Wright, Evert

238. Wright, Paul

239. Wright, Ralph J.

USS Spence

1. Andrea, James P. Lt. Comdr.

2. Andrews, Frank V. Lt.

3. Sundin, Lawrence D. Lt. (jg)

4. Collins, David H. Lt. (jg)

5. Harnish, Paul R. Lt. (jg)

6. Isham, George P. Lt. (jg)

7. McClelland, Vincent Lt. (jg)

8. Robinson, Lester V. Lt. (jg)

9. Bellion, John J. Lt. (jg)

10. Whalen, John Lt. (jg)

11. Gaffney, John C. Lt. (jg)

12. Smith, Donald H. Ensign

13. Bickel, Charles P. Ensign

14. Poer, George W. Ensign

15. Ligon, William R. Ensign

16. Kissinger, Rexal H. Ensign

17. Brightman, Robert W.Ensign

18. Sellers, William I. F. Ensign

19. Luebbe, Herbert Ensign

20. Adams, Vern Oliver

21. Adams, William Jerome

22. Akers, James Robert

23. Alarie, Karl Joseph

24. Aldrich, Raymond Earnest

25. Alexander, George James

26. Alexander, Thornton Ross

27. Allen, Edgar Arthur

28. Alley, George William

29. Anastoff, Carl (n)

30. Anderson, James (n)

31. Armbrust, Almon Lee

32. Arvold, Arthur Allen

33. Ashcraft, William Davis

34. Ashworth, Jr., Ernest (n)

35. Asmus, Charles Benjamin

36. Aube, Harold Nicholas

37. Aulenbach, Edward Joseph

38. Baeder, Francis Elmer

39. Bailey, Jr., Walter Richard

40. Bair, Allen George

41. Bair, Lewis John

42. Baren, Lionel

43. Barr, Robert Neil

44. Barras, Sidney Theo

45. Beachy, Jonas Elijah

46. Bean, Charles Reed

47. Bearrows, Charles Gordon

48. Beaty, Douglas Clinton

49. Beaumont, Cletus Edward

50. Billengsley, Jr., Ernest Edmond

51. Blackburn, Oliver

52. Blanton, Sr., Warren Thomas

53. Bloom, Jr., Axel Warner

54. Bloomquist, Harold Edward

55. Bodag, Michael

56. Boone, Joseph Patrick

57. Bowman, Richard Glenn

58. Bradshaw, Jr., Raymond

59. Brandl, Harry George

60. Britzman, Glen Gerald

61. Broch, Peter

62. Bronchu, Edward Albert

63. Bronis, Henry

64. Brown, Paul Thomas

65. Browning, Alva Leon

66. Bruchert, Jr., Albert John

67. Bryant, Harold Lester

68. Buck, Walton Grayson

69. Buckley, William Joseph

70. Buczek, Edward Clarence

71. Busby, Wallace Hugh

72. Butts, Harry Lee

73. Byrd, Joseph Elmer

74. Cahill, Christopher Daniel

75. Campton, Gilbert George

76. Carls, Jack William

77. Carrigan, Harlan Kenneth

78. Cayer, Albert Fredrick

79. Chalfant, George Raymond

80. Champagne, William Anthony

81. Chastain, James Wilson

82. Christiansen, George Lewis

83. Christiansen, Wesley John

84. Clark, Donald Cleon

85. Clark, Stillman

86. Cloutier, Marcel Gregorie

87. Cobb, Robert Marcus

88. Coleman, Manuel William

89. Connolly, John Emmett

90. Cook, Jr., William Wickliff

91. Cooper, Frederick

92. Cope, Robert Earl

93. Copeland, Roosevelt

94. Coppens, William Arthur

95. Corder, Frank Bill

96. Craver, Charles Robert

97. Crawford, Newton Craig

98. Criteser, Gordon Lee

99. Crooks, Fred Thomas

100. Crump, Walter Ray

101. Culler, Alvin Jay

102. Dalrymple, Jr., Arthur Garfield

103. David, Calvin Martial

104. David, Jerome Anthony

105. Davis, Edward Nelson

106. De Vaughan, James Frank

107. Dewan, Jr., Benjamin Thomas

108. Di Stanislao, Frank “S”

109. Dommeleers, Daniel Victor

110. Duda, Alfred Francis

111. Edwards, Simpson

112. Elburn, Charles Franklin

113. Ellison, Lowell Eugene

114. Ellwanger, Fred Otto

115. Elwell, Jr., Roland Douglas

116. Esler, Gilbert John

117. Faust, Kyle Howard

118. Ferguson, George Joseph

119. Filannino, Frank Carl

120. Finch, David Lawrence

121. Finch, Hugh Alvin

122. Finn, Martin Francis

123. Ford, Joel LeRoy

124. Forry, Dudley Clair

125. Frost, Frank Bert

126. Frost, Myron Delbert

127. Gary, Leroy Joseph

128. Gehle, Willard Fred

129. Gehr, John Thomas

130. Gibbons, William Henry

131. Giffin, Freeman Franklin

132. Gill, Francis Joseph

133. Goodwin, Edward Walde

134. Gordon, Jack

135. Governile, Frank Paul

136. Grabowski, Joseph Charles

137. Graddy, George Washington

138. Gray, John Merrill

139. Gray, William Howard

140. Greenwald, Jr., Henry William

141. Grillo, Roy Robert

142. Haak, Menno Martin

143. Hakenson, Warren Irvin

144. Hampton, David Dillon

145. Hansen, John Howard

146. Hariskevich, Rudolph

147. Harris, Earl Robert

148. Healy, Lorin Carson

149. Heater, James Patrick

150. Heaverlo, Clarence Joseph

151. Heckart, Billy Dean

152. Heintz, Sr., Edwin Thomas

153. Hensley, George William

154. Hill, Harold Homer

155. Holland, Clarence Everette

156. Horkey, Franklin William

157. Hosford, Leonard David

158. Huffman, Walter Lewis

159. Huppert, Carlton Joseph

160. Jackson, Lawrence Nathaniel

161. Jankowski, Stanley Edward

162. Johnson, Clarence Elmer

163. Johnson, George Albert

164. Jones, Bennie Joe

165. Jorden, Jr., Harry Ellsworth

166. Karl, John William

167. Kaufman, Harold Donald

168. Kaufman, John Clarence

169. Kelin, Vernon

170. Kelley, Jr., Thomas Raymond

171. Kelly, Brady Leon

172. Kelly, Carlyle Xavier

173. Kelly, John Joseph

174. Kendall, Leonard Forest J.

175. Kestle, James Raymond

176. Kittle, James Robert

177. Kleckley, William Woodrow

178. Kosters, Henry Anthony

179. Lara, Eddie Manual

180. Lasorsa, Louis Joseph

181. Leschinski, Thaddeus John

182. Lesher, Robert Louis

183. Lewis, John Franklin

184. Lindseth, Theodore Sverre

185. Loughery, Edward Alexander

186. Lundgren, Arthur Lee

187. Lundgren, Lloyd Otto

188. Luther, Francis Eugene

189. Lybrand, Robert Lenoye

190. Mahaffee, Lawrence Morgan

191. Mahan, Henry Ford

192. Manchisi, Peter Paul

193. Marconi, Carl Carmen

194. Marget, Glenn Edwin

195. Martin, Andrew Joseph

196. Marvel, Robert Edward

197. Massa, John Duncan

198. Mathes, Frank Eugene

199. McCrary, Hubert Elliott

200. McEachren, Glen Ellis

201. McFaddin, William Cecil

202. McQuerry, George Pershing

203. Mergenthaler, Elmer John

204. Merrritt, Roy Lobis

205. Miley, Frank Buren

206. Miller, Cecil Louis

207. Monnig, Harold Anthony

208. Moore, John “H”

209. Murphy, Hugh

210. Myers, Frederick Paul

211. Naquin, Roy Joseph

212. Neal, Ralph Douglas

213. Neely, Clifford “E”

214. Netolicky, George Stanley

215. Nevins, William Bryan

216. Nose, Allen Jacob

217. Oesau, Andrew John

218. Orasi, Harold William

219. Owens, Muriel Grant

220. Para, Aldo

221. Pauer, Joseph Anthony

222. Payton, Russell

223. Penpraese, George Howard

224. Polhemus, John Donald

225. Powell, Curtis Thomas

226. Powell, Luther Keneth

227. Powers, Dorman Muskedward

228. Purvis, Joe Earl

229. Reams, Charles Howard

230. Redmond, James

231. Richards, Donald Garth

232. Ridge, Edwin Gerard

233. Ringuiso, Francesco Carmen

234. Roberts, Harvey David

235. Rosen, Samuel

236. Rossi, Sr., Joseph Anthony

237. Rutter, James Vernon

238. Ryan, Harry John

239. Sarli, Michael

240. Saxon, John Joseph

241. Schmidt, Frank Arthur

242. Schneider, Benjamin Monroe

243. Schnell, George Frederick

244. Schoen, Andrew Steve

245. Schult, Howard Alfred

246. Schwartz, David Ernest

247. Schwarz, Paul Frederick

248. Selders, Everett Ernest

249. Sepanski, Alexander Leon

250. Shepherd, Marion “L”

251. Sherer, Edward Gilman

252. Shropshier, Louis Howard

253. Shupek, John

254. Slagle, Benjamin Earl

255. Slaughter, Layton William

256. Small, Norman Eugene

257. Smith, Jr., Carl Glee

258. Smith, Charles Albert

259. Smith, Donald LeRoy

260. Smith, Jerome Herbert

261. Smith, Robert Eugene

262. Snyder, Karl Homer

263. Spotts, Virgil Dean

264. Spradling, Frenchy

265. Springbett, William George

266. Staffen, Howard Franklin

267. Stalder, Duane Jay

268. Stein, Warren Jacob

269. Stepp, Edgar Everett

270. Stevens, Max John

271. Stevenson, Richard Louis

272. Stewart, Jr., David Leroy

273. Stewart, Robert Wayne

274. Strand, Robert Louis

275. Straszynski, Philip John

276. Stromberg, Vernon Ardell

277. Stroup, Bernard Carlton

278. Sullivan, Francis Mathew

279. Sullivan, Robert Al

280. Sundbeck, Clarence Vincent

281. Svouros, George Anthony

282. Swerzbin, Ralph Joseph

283. Tagg, Henry Oliver

284. Tapovic, Peter

285. Tate, Ernest Jefferson

286. Taylor, Robert Jackson

287. Thompson, Frank Allison

288. Thompson, Thomas Naughton

289. Thorpe, Errol Martin

290. Tighe, Rody Joseph

291. Tryon, Perry Raymond

292. Turner, Claude

293. Vinal, Willard Henry

294. Vining, James Otto

295. Votta, Gerard Vernon

296. Wallace, John Joseph

297. Waters, Earl Joseph

298. Weaver, Carl Robert

299. Weisenborn, Wayne Wyllie

300. Weiser, Edwin Maurice

301. Whited, Cleo Parson

302. Widmeyer, Richard Clark

303. Wildenhain, Leo Joseph

304. Wilhelm, William Eugene

305. Williams, James Benjamin

306. Williams, Jr., Joel

307. Williamson, Burnis Farrior

308. Wilson, Frank Everett

309. Wilson, Murray Leroy

310. Woitkovich, John Leon

311. Wool, Jr., Frank Francis

312. Wright, Robert Arnold

313. Wright, William Philip

314. Yaksich, Jr., George Frank

315. Zinamon, Morris Louis