Third Fleet
Adm. William Halsey, Commander of Third Fleet
Adm. John McCain, Commander of Task Force 38
Comdr. George Kosco, Chief Aerologist of Third Fleet
Adm. “Mick” Carney, Halsey’s Chief of Staff
Capt. Jasper Acuff, Commander of Task Group 30.8
Capt. Preston Mercer, Commander of Destroyer Squadron 1
Lt. (j.g.) Jerry Ford, USS Monterey
Capt. Charles Calhoun, USS Dewey
Capt. William Rogers, USS Aylwin
Capt. Stuart Ingersoll, USS Monterey
Capt. R. W. Bockius, USS Cape Esperance
Capt. Michael Kernodle, USS San Jacinto
Capt. Raymond Toner, USS Robert F. Keller
Capt. H. P. Butterfield, USS Nehenta Bay
USS Tabberer
Capt. Henry Lee Plage
Lt. Bob Surdam, Executive Officer
Lt. (j.g.) Howard Korth, Gunnery Officer
Louis Purvis, Bosun’s Mate 1st Class
Paul “Cookie” Phillips, Ship’s Cook 1st Class
William McClain, Mailman 3rd Class
Leonard Glaser, Shipfitter 3rd Class
John Cross, Signalman 3rd Class
Ralph Tucker, Chief Radioman
Tom Bellino, Gunner’s Mate
Lt. Frank Cleary, Medical Officer
USS Hull
Capt. James Marks
Lt. Griel Gherstly, Executive Officer
Lt. (j.g.) Lloyd Rust, CIC Officer
Archie DeRyckere, Chief Quartermaster
Pat Douhan, Petty Officer 2nd Class
Ray Schultz, Chief Bosun’s Mate
Tom Stealey, Fireman
“Spiz” Hoffman, Ship’s Cook 1st Class
Nick Nagurney, Fireman 1st Class
USS Monaghan
Capt. Bruce Garrett
Keith Abbott, Radar Technician
Joe McCrane, Watertender 2nd Class
Evan Fenn, Fireman
Joe Guio, Gunner’s Mate
USS Spence
Capt. James Andrea
Lt. (j.g.) Alphonso Krauchunas
Bob Ayers, Gunner’s Mate Striker
George Johnson, Chief Watertender
Floyd Balliett, Radar Technician
Other Officers
Adm. Ernest King, Chief of U.S. Naval Operations
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Field Marshal, Combined American-Filipino Army
Adm. Chester Nimitz, Commander of Pacific Naval Operations (CINCPAC)
Arleigh Burke, Commander, DesRon 23, “Little Beavers”
Adm. Raymond Spruance, Commander of Fifth Fleet
Rear Adm. Thomas Kinkaid, Commander of (MacArthur’s) Seventh Fleet