Unless you’re a perfect child, and I doubt that you are—for I’ve met tens of thousands of children, and I’ve never met a perfect child yet—I suspect that you misbehave from time to time. Perhaps you’re the way I was when I was a kid and like to play practical jokes on your parents or on your brothers and sisters. I pulled lots of practical jokes on my brother. The advantage of playing practical jokes on my brother rather than my parents was that he couldn’t punish me for them.
Think about something you did, accidentally or on purpose, that made your parents mad at you. Write down as much about it as you can. Did you fling spaghetti at the ceiling? Did you draw on the wall with crayons? Did you switch the salt and the sugar? These are all wonderful things to write about. Write about how you did it, why you did it, and what happened when you did it. You’ll have lots of fun writing about your own misbehavior. By the way, I did all those things…and more. You see, I also was not a perfect child, but you already knew that.