
Alliance an association to further the common interests of the members.

Aqueduct a conduit for water; especially one for carrying a large quantity of flowing water.

Ambush an unexpected attack from a concealed position.

Civil war a war between opposing groups within a country.

Codices picture books used by the Aztecs to record events.

Conquistador the Spanish word for conqueror.

Diverse composed of distinct elements or qualities.

Encroach to intrude gradually or stealthily, often taking away somebody’s authority, rights, or property.

Friar a male member of a religious order.

Matrilineal tracing descent through the maternal (mother’s) line.

Musket a shoulder gun with a long barrel and smooth bore, used between the 16th and 18th centuries.

Quota the number or amount constituting a proportional share.

Pelt the skin of an animal, often with the hair, skin, or wool still attached.

Plague a disease that spreads very rapidly, infecting and killing large numbers of people.

Plunder to rob a place or the people living there, or steal goods using violence and causing damage.

Refugee somebody who is seeking to escape war or persecution by going to a foreign country.

Smallpox an infectious disease from Europe that killed millions of Native Americans.

Virus a small particle that lives as a parasite in plants, animals, and bacteria and causes disease.

Wampum small, shiny seashells that North American Indians used for trade, ceremony, and record keeping.