Purity Commitment Form

I have made a covenant with my eyes

Job 31:1

Because I want to honor God and love Him wholeheartedly, I commit to God, my family, and my (future) children to maintain and live by the highest biblical standard of purity in this generation.

Therefore, I commit…

  1. To refuse participation in any conversations that promote or joke about immorality.
  2. To confess to the same trusted friend each time I view pornography or have any sexual contact outside of marriage.
  3. To register with technology that promotes the wisdom and safety of technology whether or not I struggle with pornography.
  4. To show the fruit of repentance that, if I should stumble, I will go with my trusted friend and confess my sin to a leader in my life.
  5. (For accountability friend): To hold any confession of failure in sexual immorality in strict confidence.
  6. (For accountability friend): To share with leadership if my friend repeatedly stumbles in immorality.
  7. (For leaders): To follow the process of bringing those who continue in immorality to the appropriate level of “discipline” instead of offering unsanctified “mercy.”



Source: http://www.ihop.org/Groups/1000033221/International_House_of/Old_Pages/About_IHOP_KC/Purity_Covenant/Purity_Covenant.aspx.