Thank you.
Bob Goff, you wrote words about me that lifted my spirit and brought me to tears. I hope to have a family like yours and love people how you do. The starting words of this book were inked at the Writers cabin.
Joanna DeWolf, you are more than a big sister to me; you have lived these pages your entire life and sweat over each word with me—thanks for all the time and energy you put into this project.
Gisele Nelson, you make everything I work on better, and again you have outdone yourself with this book. Thanks for believing in me as a leader and friend—a gracious combination.
Dan and Judy Shinabarger, there should be a book written about your generosity; I am living to tell the stories of how you showed me to give excessively to others.
The David C Cook Team: thanks for believing in me and this idea from the first conversation over breakfast. Much thanks to Don Pape, Alex Field, Caitlyn Carlson, Mike Worley, Mike Salisbury, and every other person who has touched the manuscript and brought it to the world.
Christopher Ferebee, you knew this project had legs and saw the potential early on; you made it happen with me.
Nicaragua: this book was written on the streets of Granada at Lily’s and Garden Café and was shaped by our relationship with Carmen.
Peter Greer, thanks for asking me for three years to write these stories and share them with others.
Thanks to the people I do life with who have lived this story with me and contributed in unending ways: Josh and Katie Thompson, Russell Shaw, Anne Seymour, Lesley Carter, Kathryn Taylor, Kerry Wilkerson, Brad Lomenick, Jim and Allison Dudley, Greg Gilbert, Brian Preston, Aaron Fortner, Robbie and Mimi Brown, Matt DeWolf, Mike and Karyl Morin, Jon and Beth Gaus, Shayne Wheeler, Dan Adamson, Marisa Wheatley, Josh and Angie Blackson, Kay N’we, Leroy Barber, Charles T. Lee, Mike Foster, Tammy Huizenga, Erin Fisher, Scott Helmbold, Wes O’Callahan, Don and Sandy TenHoeve, Mike and Megin Stearns, Bethany Hoang, Chris Seay, and Ben Washer.
Lastly, I thank Jada Rae and Neko Lee. I hope the two of you someday read these words and make them part of your life. I hope you show me more about generosity than I will ever be able to teach you. You are the future, and I can’t wait to see how you do life.