“The sea of life that billows in vain,” and so forth.
Seeing the sadness of this life,
Seething like the Red Sea[’s strife],
With a whirlwind of sorrows, illness and woes,
I grow weak, terrified, pale [indisposed].
O sadness for those existing in its throes!
I revisited my poor escape quickly,
So as not to bury myself with the Pharoah in the sea.
I run to a quiet harbor [without fail]
And shout out in a lamenting wail,
Lifting my hands high.
O Christ! Do not let me rot in hell!
In your heavenly city let me dwell.
And do not let the world whore, this dark light,
Drag me in its tracks [with all its might]!
O abyss of mercy!
The End.