Chapter 14

Lifting up through obfuscating layers of deep and dreamless sleep, Mina opened her eyes and looked out across deep blue satin sheets, the ripples in the luxurious material almost like waves upon the ocean.

For a moment she thought on the surface world, thousands of feet above, protecting this domain, hiding it away from every human eye.

Images of the tranquil stretches and rolling beaches gave way to other notions, her mind flowing lazily, without purpose. How many people on ocean cruises or on fishing boats, military submarines or other vessels cruised past this area each day? They would all see nothing out of the ordinary, and certainly never contemplate that rubber clad fish women swam far beneath them, while others were used and abused by the licentious ranks of the ultra elite. It amused her to think that the patriotic warriors of some army might be traversing this region while their leaders were in here conducting themselves in a manner that would probably spark mutiny, rebellion and probably a good deal of envy.

Stretching her body, it unfolded across the sensual material, the tactile delight upon her skin making her shiver as she sprawled out, discovering that no impediment was upon her. The ropes were gone, a few faint red lines being all that remained to show they had been there. She let a finger trace one or two of the more prominent streaks, pushing the memory of them back to the forefront of her mind, reliving their wonderful cinch upon her flesh.

Her exploring hands descended further, slipping between her legs for a brusque reconnoitre. Her sex was a little numb, while the region beneath was more tender to the touch.

Mina ran a hand over her head, brushing the spiky carpet that had been bequeathed her by the nurses. She didn’t even know their faces, and could well see them again, meet with them, be used by them and never know of their reunion.

She felt lethargic, drained by overlong sleep, as though she had grown addicted to slumber from a prolonged period of exhausted rest. But she also felt good. The recall of her terrible torture upon the pole was an arousing memory, one she embraced with her mind and swaddled in loving repeats, running through it again and again. The feeling of helplessness, of being cruelly subjected to such a fate, her screams ignored as she suffered for the pleasure of others. She had not passed out, she had lasted longer than any other woman that had come here. Because of this she felt pride and an iniquitous sense of secret superiority, for how many other women enslaved by this undersea empire were covert corporate assassins and spies, trained diligently for physical and mental stress? It was ironic that such training could make her a lethal and effective secret agent or a perfect submissive slave girl with equal effectiveness.

Looking about the room, she found that the vast bed was supported on a frame with four posts that rose to gather a blue velvet canopy to match its sheets and pillows. The wood was carved to resemble flowing water, the dark material winding and twirling up in smooth waves, like a petrified and reversed waterfall.

The room itself was spacious and comfortable, with oval windows running the left wall and a single door on the right. Through the oval portholes Mina could see the garden again, this time from a much closer perspective, this room being situated a lot nearer the base. The number of women and fish that passed by were greatly increased, and the room bore no additional light, for like the sun, the moored beams streamed their golden cascades through the glass to illuminate the bedroom in full.

With such light streaking in it felt much more like a morning to Mina, even though she had no idea what date it was let alone what time, or even if it were night or day for real. Charybdis had even managed to master time here, controlling absolutely everything for his slaves and guests.

A bedside table of the same streaming baroque design lay on either side of her, each with a small lamp formed from coral, and a small bell. A wardrobe stood directly opposite her, the wall-spanning affair lined with mirrored doors to make the chamber seem even bigger by reflecting it in full.

Overhead lights were set in the ceiling but were not on, and a green carpet, the fabric deep and inviting, covered the floor.

Dreaming of her recent activities, she let a hand trace back down between her legs and covertly caressed herself, hiding her motions amidst the covers in case anyone was watching via the hidden cameras. She had no pressing desire to be returned to a chastity belt, and if that was to be her fate anyway, she wanted to exploit these last moments of sexual freedom while she could.

Each flicker of pleasure her swirling middle finger etched sweetened the tortures more and more. She was diligently attuning herself to her new role without even realising, the loss of all duty having dropped the reins that held her in check. Now she was unbound and free to do as she wished, acting on whims, spurned by instinct.

The sound of a door unlocking beside the bed alerted her a moment before a hiss of hydraulic effort drew back the concealed portal. The clues froze Mina during her deed and had her feigning continued rest, hiding what she had been doing from whomever it was entering.

She recognised the twin sets of bare feet that strode in not from their footwear but from their stride. People had a way of walking that was almost as individual as a fingerprint. No two people were truly identical, there were nuances in behaviour that could allow an adept to ferret out identity, and Mina was plenty familiar enough with Oceanus and Tethys to know it was they who had entered.

Oceanus sat on the bed at her side, reaching over and pulling the blanket down a little to expose her bare shoulder. ‘Is our pet awake?’ he asked softly, running the backs of his fingers down the smooth rounded joint.

Mina murmured and stretched under the sheets, taking her hands from herself via the feigned exit from slumber. Curling back up, she opened her eyes and regarded them. ‘Yes, Lord,’ she whispered with a smile.

Tethys stood before Mina while her husband sat on the bed, both of them adorned with flowing silken gowns, the blue and green design forming a rolling turbulent ocean that rushed across the entire fabric masterpiece while pearl sequins were placed to form the crests of the waves.

‘Did you sleep well?’ enquired Tethys, crossing her arms as she gazed over Mina’s form, her body revealed by smoothed undulations under the satin. Mina could feel the ravenous stare and felt flattered and aroused by such adoration.

‘Yes, Lady, but how long was I...?’ she began, unsure whether to use the word in case it caused offence, or slighted her own achievements.

‘Unconscious?’ Oceanus said. ‘Probably only half an hour, but once we’d bathed you and tucked you into bed, you were asleep for a good twelve hours.’

‘Bathed?’ she spluttered, realising now that she was indeed clean and perfumed, the sweat of her torments gone. She tried to dredge out the memories, but the period between leaving her swoon and her descent into deep consuming sleep was nowhere to be found in her mind.

‘Are you hungry?’ asked Tethys, walking around and lowering herself onto the side of the bed that Mina had largely left unused, the fabrics rustling delicately as she moved closer. The woman spooned up beside her, moulding her curves against those of Mina and embracing her. ‘You should really eat.’

Mina melted into her arms, the woman’s lips grazing her neck, kissing it as she draped her head into the pillow to offer a longer route for the nibbling pecks. ‘Yes, Lady,’ she replied, unsure what hunger was more pressing at the moment, her interrupted onanism having left her with an appetite that exceeded her more material famine.

Oceanus leant away from Mina and reached around beside the bed, taking a small bell from the table there. Shaking the instrument, the soft chimes caused the door to open again and allow another slave entrance. The servant was a diminutive Asian girl, her small figure encased in moulded form fitting latex. Her dark tresses were cut into a bob, and her features were touched by only the slightest hints of cosmetics so as not to distract from clear natural beauty.

The girl wore a long-sleeved dress of polished latex, the neck rising high while the short skirt barely cleared the tops of her thighs so that she would expose the hint of her chastity belt should she even slightly lean over. The sleeves continued into gloves and fishnet continued down her nubile legs before entering high-heeled court shoes, the footwear armed with a padlocked band about the ankle.

A white latex apron with lace frills attached to it and a large bow at the back spanned her waist, the same frills creating a small ruff around her collar. Even through the thickness of the latex uniform, Mina could see that her nipples were ringed, the small circle of metal creating dimples in the fabric that revealed their presence.

The girl bore a silver tray adorned with numerous articles, all of them covered by a white sheet. She presented the tray to Oceanus, holding it for him as he lifted the fabric back and gathered what he required.

First, he lifted a polished bowl, much like that for a large dog. Taking it from the tray he set it on the floor, trails of steam rising from the interior as it moved, telling Mina that she was not going to be eating in any mundane fashion.

Next he took up a collar, the black leather rimmed with an alternating circle of spikes. The spines went from one-inch daggers to half-an-inch thorns with a D-ring in the middle that held an identity disc. As he presented it to her, Mina saw that the twirling plate bore the words Property of Oceanus and Tethys on one side, and Mina on the other.

Mina sat up and lifted her chin so he could place it about her throat, and as it was buckled into place, filling her with a warm sense of being owned, she wondered if she would ever earn a name for herself. Could Nymphs ever do that? Or were the mythological names reserved only for the Titans. She wished there were an easy name for her to earn, but from her knowledge of the ancient legends she was pretty certain that the two gods before her had never held relations with any other Titan, which was rare for such beings. Zeus had sired offspring or had affairs with two sisters, the daughter from one of those relationships, and then the daughter from that coupling. Oceanus and Tethys did have Nereus together, but that deity had followed with fifty more Nereid, one of which was Amphitrite, and from her earlier recall, she knew that this being already existed and was with Poseidon. So if the offspring of a deity they created was already in existence, then surely the place of Nereus was already taken. Plus, once she had thought on it, she remembered that Nereus was male, a fact her desire to be part of their family deliberately ignored.

The collar was tightened to a snug fit and a chain link leash was taken up and clipped to her D-ring.

‘You may eat now, slave,’ permitted Tethys, as Oceanus closed his hand on the leather hoop that kept her his prisoner.

Eagerly Mina sprang from the bed and lowered onto all fours, placing her face into the rich fare on offer before her. It was some sort of stew, the numerous ingredients cooked to perfection and mouth-watering in their scent and taste. The process of feeding in such a lowly fashion was a heady turn on, and she was also glad to have lost her long hair, otherwise it would currently be falling everywhere.

The maid cast a libidinous glance down at Mina before serving the two Titans their breakfast, handing them each food course before taking back the emptied cups, glasses and dishes as they were finished with. The leash was set aside, placed on the bedspread where it could easily be grabbed.

Mina found it difficult not to get the food all around her mouth, but refused to give in and use her hands. Instead, between major feasts she washed herself as best she could with her tongue, lapping up the excess with alacrity.

‘My, she is hungry,’ commented Tethys, leaning over to take a look, a piece of toast in one hand.

Mina could not disagree, she had not realised just how famished she was until starting to eat. Her presence in this place, recent events, all of it had been a preoccupation that easily forced any other notions from her mind, her own bodily needs forgotten in the glare of sensual appetite.

As she feasted, Mina kept her eyes to the slender legs of the maid stood directly before her. The girl had wonderful limbs, her dainty feet sculpted to fit perfectly in the court shoes, the taut calf muscles mesmerising within their tight captivity of mesh tights. The maid eventually noticed the lustful stare and keeping care to make sure she was not noticed, she shifted her nearest foot a little closer to Mina.

Oceanus and Tethys were discussing matters of the domain, talking about who was doing what, who was being groomed for which position, new recruits, old friends, favourites and planned events. Mina had trouble concentrating because of the chore of eating, the delicious foot before her, and her arousal from her instantaneous reduction to animal status.

Unable to resist temptation, she moved forward a little and after licking the food from around her mouth so as to leave no obvious evidence, she placed her lips to the ankle of the girl. The maid shivered slightly, trying to keep herself in check and evade being detected. Mina kissed the joint tenderly, the smell of fishnet strong in her nostrils, the tawny skin beneath smooth and delicious to Mina’s palate. Kissing up and down her foot, she licked at the woman’s heel and pointed patent toes, adoring her proffered extremity with hound-like devotion. The girl had fed her, it was only right that as a pet she should be besotted with such an entity.

Mina could feel the small latex clad maid shivering with pleasure, no doubt her loins raging with hunger, desperate to take Mina. As a plate was handed back to her, she deliberately dipped a corner of the cleared dish and let a fork fall to the floor.

‘Clumsy fool,’ hissed Oceanus upon seeing the ‘accident’. ‘Bring a cloth and a crop,’ he growled, his words filled with a false anger, part of his role and not meant or delivered with any real fury.

‘And the clover clamps,’ added Tethys, the words distorted from a mouthful of bread.

The girl set the tray down and scampered off. Mina settled back into a ball and watched as the lithe frame of the girl rolled within her tight dress, her prancing gait carrying out of the room.

She appeared a moment later with the required articles. Setting the cloth and small bucket of soapy water on the floor, she then gave the slender crop to Oceanus and placed the clamps on the table.

‘Turn around and hold your ankles, girl,’ he ordered, reclining on the bed, taking up the metre long purple woven strut. A pair of black leather tongues was mounted at the tip, the matching handle armed with a hoop for added hold.

The maid stepped away and folded at her middle, the skirt rising with her motion to leave her completely exposed. Mina then saw why she had done as she had, for as her body and the bed blocked all view, she reached aside and placed her hand to Mina’s left breast, holding the flesh for comfort, savouring the feel of another female as there was a whistle of displaced air.

A sound thwack echoed and she stiffened for a moment with a little gasp. Another followed, and then a third, the girl accepting her chastisement with a lecherous relish. All the while she let her rubber coated hands grope Mina, and Mina for her part did not resist, merely let herself succumb to the touch and find a rewarding satisfaction in it. They were slaves together, letting each other give hints of joy when they could, silently acknowledging the innate unity between them.

‘There, now be more careful in future,’ he warned.

‘Yes, Lord, I’m sorry,’ she muttered, the words as delicate and entrancing as she was.

‘Now come here,’ he added, causing her to straighten and turn, revealing the three raised trenches along her rear, like the bite of stinging nettles as the flushed skin responded to the stern stroke of the crop.

She lifted from her heels a little as the two silver clamps were snapped into place, the chain that linked them rattling as she shuddered with their application, her ringed nipples no doubt making the effects considerably more vehement.

‘There, you can wear these for the next hour to remind you to keep your mind on your tasks,’ he decreed, and slapped her rump to have her totter forward and recover her balance.

The Titan returned to his conversation, the bed rustling as the couple moved closer, further serving the needs of the sly maid.

Settling onto her knees, she placed the fork back on the tray and started to scrub at the floor where the egg yoke upon the prongs had stained it. Immediately she leaned over, working with one hand while petitioning a kiss from Mina. Without delay Mina moved forward, the sly sense of doing wrong making her heart race. This was an act of insurrection against her owners, and it made it all the sweeter because of it. The maid had just endured three strokes, and the company of the clamps for an hour to gain this, and Mina would ensure it was worth the price.

Their lips met and parted, their tongues reaching through to embrace each other with maniac speed and eagerness, each sliding wantonly upon the other. Mina felt the girl circle her tongue, rolling around it, exploring the new organ that partly entered her mouth. Mina let her tip tickle the lips of the girl before sliding deep, tracing this new and unexplored region. At the same time she extended a hand and caught the dangling chain. The girl was being supported by one hand and was using the other to continue scrubbing, the scraping sounds helping hide their illicit exchange, thus she could not stop Mina as she gave little gentle pulls to the links. The clamps tightened as she pulled at them, the escalation in discomfort causing the girl to erupt with passion, her tongue frantic in Mina’s mouth, taking every portion of sensation she could from the lowly pet before they had to part.

Mina’s stomach muscles tensed and held her steady as she lifted her other arm forward to gather up a latex smothered breast, the pert flesh compressed within the jet shell. The girl shivered slightly, overcome with her desires, burning with need, but assured her denial by the belt. The uniform slid under Mina’s fingers, the impermeable fabric warm, sliding slightly upon the girl’s flesh as she wriggled with minute motions against Mina’s touch.

‘Aren’t you done yet?’ asked Tethys, causing them to break apart and resume their ordinary duties.

Mina put her face back into the bowl to finish lapping up a few dregs, and the maid restored her full attention to cleaning up the mess she had deliberately made.

‘Almost, Lady,’ she said on a swift breath.

Suspicious, Oceanus leant over and looked at them both, one eyebrow rising upon wavering trust. Whether he had enough grounds to punish them was uncertain, but he merely smiled and returned to the arms of his wife, giving them the benefit of the doubt this time, or merely amused by their sly activities beneath their owner’s very noses.

‘That’ll do, slave,’ he commented, having seen she was finished. ‘Now back to the rest of your duties.’

The maid mouthed a thank you to Mina, to which she smiled with contentment, almost abashed by such gratitude.

The girl took up the tray and loaded on all that remained, including Mina’s bowl, and bustled back into the kitchen, her clamps chiming softly with her walk. Was she so trustworthy as to not remove them once she had left the sight of her owners? Did her need to please, to be obedient reach so far that she would endure such discomfort simply for the need of discipline? It was a tantalising notion.

‘So, little pet, did you enjoy your breakfast?’ asked Oceanus.

‘Yes, Lord, thank you, I did,’ Mina replied.

‘Come up here, little pet,’ he continued, taking up her leash and giving a little tug of encouragement.

Mina sprang up onto the foot of the bed, sitting before them on her knees, her hands pressed to the covers in the position of a trained hound.

‘Now, slave, how do you keep so fit?’ asked Tethys, propping herself up with a few pillows, her husband nuzzled into her side.

‘I work out at a gym, Lady,’ she answered.

‘Come here, slave,’ beckoned Tethys, with a crooked finger. Somewhat reluctantly, Mina moved forward on all fours, her limbs sliding against the opulent covers. As soon as she was near enough, Tethys grabbed one of her nipples, making Mina wince and grimace. The hold drew her closer still and then a light slap stung her cheek before the nipple was released. Rather than cause resentment, the act of being treated in such a way caused her submissiveness to flare like oxygen breathed onto dying embers. Mina settled back as far as the leash would allow, her stance low and humbled as the woman spoke with firm words. ‘Don’t lie to us, slave, or it’s back on the pole for you,’ she warned, and Mina had no pressing wish to repeat it so soon after her last encounter. The couple now had a doom to threaten her with, an ideal chip for leverage, but she hoped it would not be used too often to goad her into acts instead of the deployment of other punishments.

‘I’m sorry, Lady,’ she muttered morosely, realising how transparent a lie it had been. Since when did bimbo aerobics instructors teach their pot-bellied housewives and vacant secretarial clientele martial skills so effective that they could render any opponent senseless in a single strike, as well as stealth arts to let someone evade capture for as long as she had?

‘Now, try that answer again,’ offered Tethys, with a frown that stayed fixed to Mina as her husband watched with an entranced smile.

‘I have been an avid student of martial arts, Lady,’ she answered, her cheek hot as she hoped she would come across as someone who had indulged an obsession for the arts rather than someone who required them for a nefarious profession. She didn’t want them to know the truth. Not to protect her former employers, but because of what they might think of her should they realise just what sort of beast she had been. What would the revelation do if it came to light that she was a professional murderess, a saboteur, a blackmailer, and a host of other repulsive titles too numerous to name, as well as having invented a few new ones during her years of espionage?

‘Do you perform exercises to keep in shape, or do you work out?’ Tethys asked.

‘I do work out, but I also have certain routines I use for body awareness, Lady.’

‘Good - I think we would like to see some of them, slave,’ Tethys demanded as Oceanus pulled at the leash, bringing Mina to him.

‘Yes, Lady,’ Mina replied, the clip being removed from her collar to set her free.

‘Go on then, slave,’ he said, ushering her off into the wide space before the bed.

Mina stepped onto the lush carpet and walked casually out into her arena. The mirrors behind her would allow them to see her from front and back with ease, making her even more uneasy. Then she noticed the Nymphs outside, loitering in the waters, watching intently. Had they seen her and the maid? Is that what had attracted them? Others joined as some left, the women rushing up to refill their tanks before returning to catch more of what was going on in the dry they were denied.

The precise routines Mina performed were almost always done alone, in her home. Sometimes she listened to soothing music, but often it was in silence. She had never done this before a real audience, because even when she did it at a dojo, it was with people who paid little attention to it, or were interested only in the moves as part of their art, not as an erotic event. Neither was her nakedness save for a collar assisting her in overcoming the trepidation.

Taking a deep breath she slowed her respiration, mastering her internal systems as she let her arms drift out. Focusing her mind, she banished all unnecessary thought, placing herself in the cold trance required of the routines, sharpening her awareness to a point where every fibre of her being was hers to know and control to perfection.

Running on automatic, her sculpted naked form began to drift and turn, her feet moving with gradual motions, her balance never wavering, her equilibrium precise. As her legs rose and descended, carrying her around, her arms and body shifted with serpentine grace, running with a fluid smoothness, every muscle working to a set of unwavering instructions. The slow methodical dance continued to a heartbeat as steadfast and reliable as a metronome, each breath coming in for four beats, holding for four, exhaling through four, and pausing again for four, never changing once.

Even when a sharp thrust of a leg or arm launched an imaginary strike, her pulse never altered, the mastery over her physical self now total and complete. She was ignorant of the Nymphs mustering without, of Tethys and Oceanus as they caressed each other, their eyes wide, their passion ignited by the performance of their pet.

Sweeping her arms out she drew them back, the muscles tightened with subtle strain before her hands came together before her, ending the rota of forms. Mina opened her eyes, at peace, the usual sense of tranquillity she gained now ruling her mind and body.

‘Quite astounding,’ Tethys commented with awe, the couple having shed their dressing gowns during her display.

‘A wonderful show,’ Oceanus concurred.

‘Thank you, Lord,’ Mina humbly replied. ‘Thank you, Lady.’

‘Now, after that, I think you should perform an encore for us.’

‘You wish me to repeat my exercises, Lady?’ wondered Mina.

‘No, I think you should come and kneel on the foot of the bed and pleasure yourself - you deserve a reward for such a sterling display,’ said Tethys, the two Titans straightening up on the bed so they might watch more easily.

Mina was eager to comply, but again, the shame of performing such a private act before others was nibbling at her commitment to it. But stepping up onto the soft mattress, she knelt down, her head lowered. For a moment she looked at her hand, wondering if she could do this.

‘Come on, slave,’ ordered Oceanus, his hand snaking down between his wife’s legs. ‘Get to it.’

Mina placed a finger in her mouth, slotting it to the knuckle. Clamping her lips to it, she drew the digit out, rolling her tongue around it as she went, sheathing it with a layer of saliva. Her head draped back so she was looking to the ceiling, and her hand slid between her legs, her knees parting just a little to permit access. Her finger slipped through her lips and found her clitoris waiting in expectation. The first touch sent a shiver through her, the humiliation of being made to perform so flagrantly being an unexpected and intense aphrodisiac. But her owners wanted more.

‘Get those knees wider, slave,’ ordered Tethys.

‘Don’t try to hide from us,’ added Oceanus.

With twinges of anxiety, Mina parted her knees further, spreading her folded legs as her finger etched circles upon her flesh, causing her to quiver slightly and her loins to grow moist with increasing desire.

‘And look at us as you do it, slave,’ stated Tethys, the woman eager to have Mina acknowledge her act before them.

Mina started to dip her head and then paused, hesitant to obey.

‘Come on, slave, there’s nothing to be ashamed of,’ soothed Tethys, her breath rasping, the manipulation her husband was bestowing causing her to send ripples of vibration through the mattress. ‘You look quite gorgeous, kneeling before us, legs apart, your breasts thrust out as you perform.’

With such words, Mina regarded the couple who had enslaved her body and now ensnared her very soul with their dark hedonistic doctrine. Sitting before them, watching as they pleasured each other, Mina continued, her reservations evaporating as her bliss began to mount in earnest. The show had fired their libido, and her masturbation was adding more fuel to the fires of their passion.

Tethys arched slightly and her husband immediately seized the closest teat in his lips and began to flit his tongue to it. She gasped softly and stretched her own hand down between his legs, grabbing his erect length and shuffling her tight fist back and forth.

‘Come here, slave,’ ordered Tethys, extending a hand and beckoning forth. Mina crawled forward, wondering if she was to be included in their lovemaking.

Tethys enclosed her hand about the back of Mina’s neck and guided her down as she threw back the blanket to expose them all. The steering palm brought her down onto Oceanus, the shuffling hand slipping away so she might swallow him up.

Mina obeyed with gusto, her own hand dropping back into place as she crouched before him, her mouth taking his penis deep before locking her lips to it. Oceanus rolled onto his back, carrying Mina and his spouse with him. Mina ducked her head up and down, her tongue tickling his tip as she continued to pleasure herself. Tethys fed her deserted breast to him, leaning over him, causing him to attend one nipple with his lips, and the other with a free hand, leaving his spare hand to run through Mina’s hair as she worked.

‘Good slave, that’s it, gobble up your owner,’ purred Tethys, observing the full array of licentious appetite unfolding beneath her. Cupping a hand around Oceanus’ head, she pulled him further into her breast, smothering him with it as he fawned upon her.

‘You want to show me what you can do with that cute ass down there, eh husband?’ quizzed Tethys, lifting herself from him.

Immediately he hooked a finger into the ring on Mina’s collar and pulled her up so she was face to face with him. For a moment he studied her prurient mood and then let a grin spill across his mouth. Pulling a little to the side, he steered her into his wife’s hands. Tethys accepted Mina’s features, her palms pressing to each of her cheeks, holding her firm as she closed in and kissed Mina deeply.

Mina almost dissolved in the stern grip, the feel of her owner pouring an eager tongue into her maw driving her insane with desire. Tethys held tight and continued the kiss, leaving Mina on all fours, her rear in the air as was required of her. One hand supported her, the other remained buried between her legs.

Oceanus moved behind her, clapping hands to her hips and steering his saliva moistened shaft between Mina’s cheeks. She sobbed with delight as she felt him slide deep, opening her sphincter and sinking into her tracts, but the groan of ecstasy that resonated in her throat was stifled by Tethys’ lips, and was followed by another as the woman’s hands let go and reached under, grabbing Mina’s nipples and rolling them in a stringent pinch. She whimpered with delight from the harsh play, her tongue becoming evermore lively as her rear was plunged into.

Tethys pulled away for a moment, compressing the teats to have her subject gasp and grunt with endurance.

‘That’s it, go deep, beloved, go so deep into this little Nymph that you could come into my mouth!’ she intoned, her warm breath rushing over Mina’s face - whose eyes were half closed as she felt herself being penetrated, her mouth hanging open in a silent exclamation of ecstasy. The slap of his hips to her rear rocked her, nudging her forward a little with each drive before she rocked back. Each time Tethys gave her another quick kiss as she drew nearer for that moment, pecking Mina’s lips when each shuffle brought her head to its closest.

‘You like that?’ she asked Mina, squeezing harder on her nipples, herding a pulsating ache into them.

‘Oh yes, Lady,’ she purled in reply.

‘Give me your hands,’ ordered the woman, releasing her holds and quickly flipping over as Mina released a quiet gurgle from the effects of banished compression and returning feeling to her breasts.

Tethys was kneeling upright directly before her, presenting her rear to Mina’s gaze.

‘Take hold,’ she snapped, her hands reaching back to paw at Mina’s collar. Instantly she complied, supporting her torso by keeping her palms locked to the firm buttocks, her anus burning from pleasure as it was casually used by her owner.

‘Now eat my ass, slave,’ Tethys crooned, bending forward a little, dragging Mina’s face forward and wedging it between her cheeks, pulling with a finger hooked through her D-ring. Mina’s tongue fired forward as a javelin, slithering through the puckered bud of Tethys’ rear. The base of her tongue throbbed with pains of overexertion, but Mina was far too aroused to even care; all she wanted to do was devour the salacious vision of her owner’s rear. Jamming her tongue forth as far as she could, she brought it back and repeated the motion, using the length in imitation of a pliant phallus.

‘Oh yes, that’s it, slave!’ Tethys growled with delight, the feel of Mina’s humble and fanatic attention causing her to maul her own breasts and manipulate her already engorged nipples. ‘Come on, eat my ass!’

Unleashing her groans and gasps against the flesh that smothered her face, Mina felt Oceanus working himself into a frenzy of movement, goaded by the sight of his wife arrayed on Mina’s features, her body rising and falling with gasps as she caressed her own luscious breasts.

‘Touch me!’ the woman snapped, and Mina dropped her hands back to the mattress to support herself, and lifted her right arm, bringing it up under the woman and sliding through the valley of her sex, fondling her pudenda before devoting her attentions more purposefully on the clitoris.

Tethys stiffened immediately, her rear snapping shut to momentarily bar entry as she rolled through the effects of the initial touch. ‘Oh yes, sweet slave, that’s it,’ she mewled, releasing her clench to allow Mina to continue feasting on the orifice.

A snort of reply answered Oceanus as he suddenly hauled free of Mina, sitting back to let his lust abate slightly, to draw out the event. A second sharp exhale from Mina spilt across the hindquarters of Tethys as an open palm descended and clapped to her rear.

Another spank caught her other cheek, the erotic tease making Mina’s tongue churn in its fleshy tunnel. Oceanus slapped her inner thigh, the lack of a clear shot making it light. Instantly Mina threw her legs apart to give him an uninterrupted route through which to applaud her efforts.

As the next slap struck home, permeating her tender skin with heat, making her shiver and groan deeply, his hand slipped up and started to enter her wet sex. Mina sighed as he began to toy with her, sometimes using his fingers to penetrate, sometimes rolling a crooked digit against her clitoris.

His other hand caught a coating of her moisture and used it to exploit her rear, his fingers gliding in on the stolen juices. Mina rocked upon the intruding fingers, the man deft and educated, knowing full well where and how to illicit the best responses, playing her hindquarters like a master conductor creating a symphony of rapture from an attentive orchestra.

His hands occasionally came free to award his own toil with applause, his hand rising and falling to slap against her rear or thighs, imparting warm bursts to the flesh.

There was a shuffle of movement behind her and Mina’s eyes bulged as she howled with rhapsody when Oceanus moved an obscuring hand aside and with one finger hooked into her anus, he hoisted her up, the finger demanding her compliance. Then, before she knew his intentions, his sex suddenly thrust upward on a swinging pelvic thrust, filling her completely. The forceful thrusts made her arch upward, her cry pouring into Tethys’ insides. She broke into paroxysms as he pumped, her sex wet with passion, an easy route he found without trouble.

‘That’s it, slave, squeal all you want,’ he gasped, his fingers clenched into her buttocks as he continued his relentless rhythm. ‘Louder!’ he demanded, enthralled with her bestial tunes, using his shaft as a weapon to assault her, mixing a hint of distress with her overwhelming joy.

Mina was happy to oblige him and wailed with ecstasy as she was used by the Titan, her face burning as she sank it against Tethys and pawed at her loins. She could feel him getting bigger within her, drawing near to ejaculation, but Mina wasn’t the only one to detect her mate’s imminent climax, and Tethys suddenly broke free.

‘On your back, slave,’ she hissed.

Mina pulled free of him and flopped onto her spine, her legs wide, her arms outstretched as she watched in a trance of excess.

‘Come here, you,’ Tethys purred, snatching Oceanus by his tumescent length and drawing him closer. With a sweat-laden brow and a wicked smirk he followed the guidance and was delivered onto Mina’s delicious supine form, kneeling astride her. Tethys placed her capturing hand into Mina’s cleavage and released him, then cupped the slave’s breasts and enveloped his raging shaft with the succulent flesh, moulding them together for her husband. He started to drive into the created tunnel, his own hands taking hold of his wife’s breasts as they bobbed invitingly before him.

Tethys shifted forward and placed her shins across Mina’s upper arms, the weight of the woman keeping them forced into the mattress. Placed under Tethys’ control, Mina watched helplessly as she lowered herself, settling across Mina’s face, leaving her looking up through the valley of her rear and up the arched back of the Titan. Her head was thrown back in rapture, her short hair far above Mina’s features as she was ground into the satin sheets. Mina’s nose buried against Tethys’ rear, her mouth agape, swallowing scented breaths as she lapped at the woman, throwing her aching tongue back and forth.

Mina’s hands screwed into the sheets, taking fistfuls of the fabric, her arms twinkling with riots of impediment. Her breasts revealed every thrust between them, Oceanus still wet with her juices as he used her flesh. The two Titans craned forward and kissed passionately as they rode the slave beneath them, each serving her to the use of the other.

‘Go on, I want to see you come in her!’ whispered Tethys, releasing Mina’s breasts and reaching back to grab the back of her head and lift up, forcing Mina deeper into her hindquarters, drowning her in the feel and taste of her owner.

Oceanus needed no more convincing and shuffled back. Grabbing Mina’s ankles with fierce fists he lifted them straight up, holding them together in the air before dropping his holds to the backs of her knees. Positioning himself, he parted her legs and threaded himself back into Mina as she quaked and gurgled with delight, hungry to feel him fill her with his seed.

Holding her legs up and apart, he pushed as deep as he could, forcing himself to the limits she could accept before retreating and doing the same again. Mina howled with rapture at such sensations, in being used so methodically, the position intensifying the feelings.

‘Give me those,’ gasped Tethys, and instantly Oceanus handed his charges to his wife, the woman reaching forward to take Mina’s ankles and hold them, leaving Mina doubled over, her shins beside Tethys’ shoulders. Opened even more brazenly to penetration, she felt Oceanus lift up and place his hands by her armpits, half laying on top of her, half propped against her as he dove back in. Mina cried out at the feeling of being violated so effectively, never before opened to such use. Her adoration of Tethys continued with new celerity, bringing the woman to orgasm in mere moments.

Shaking with bliss, the woman rode Mina’s face until she had drunk her fill and then dropped into a more forceful pose, totally cutting off Mina from the outside world, leaving her lost in hot darkness and without air.

This act itself almost took her over the edge of her own bliss, and as she felt Oceanus erupt into her, saturating her insides with his semen, her own face burning from denial, wet with juice from Tethys, Mina fell into climax. She couldn’t scream as she was demanded to by her pleasure, for the gag of Tethys’ loins was far too effective. Instead, her body broke into wild jolts, commanded by chaotic impulses and her insides seemed to liquefy like wax under a flame.

Tethys dropped aside, letting Mina gulp in new air that she then spent on murmurs and moans. Mina’s arms started to give in to the prickly attack of pins and needles, and she brought them to her to comfort them.

Jerking upright with a gasp of astonishment, she replied to Oceanus’ withdrawal as he slipped free of her and dropped beside his wife. Mina remained where she was, huddled into a ball, her back to them as she recovered from the exuberant experience.

‘Come here, slave,’ offered Tethys with fondness. Mina looked over her shoulder and found they had separated a little while leaving their heads touching - a valley Mina might slot into. Offering her a place between them they watched as Mina moved forward, her limbs heavy as she curled up into a ball, their humid flesh pressing to her from both sides. Hands fondly stroked her as all three drifted into a light snooze of recovery, their breath steadying, their thoughts hazy and warm after the release of their pent up passion.

‘Mmmmm, that was fun, but what shall we do about getting cleaned up?’ pondered Oceanus, kissing his wife’s cheek and running a hand down Mina’s arm.

‘Perhaps a swim might do the trick,’ offered Tethys, letting a nail trickle along Mina’s back. ‘Shall we take our little pet on her first trip outside?’

Mina’s eyes flickered open at the prospect, of being allowed out to swim amongst the garden with the other Nymphs and Titans.

‘Second, dearest, her second,’ corrected Oceanus with obstinate amusement. ‘She got here remember.’

‘But if you have to be technical, that was more like being towed,’ rebuked Tethys, prodding him in the chest for being so annoying and then looking to Mina’s nestled form between them. ‘I wonder how she would handle an actual swim.’

‘That depends on whether she’s interested,’ he chuckled, running a hand through her hair. ‘Are you interested, slave?’

‘Yes, Lord, I am,’ she said quickly, looking up at them with a start. ‘I’d love to come outside with you.’

‘You won’t try to escape again, will you?’ smiled Tethys, teasing Mina with the recall of her previous attempt.

‘I promise, Lady,’ she earnestly stated, amazed at how strong her convictions were. ‘I don’t want to leave, I want to stay with you both, forever.’

‘Well, we can’t just take you along so easily,’ said Oceanus with a wry smirk. ‘You’ll have to prove to us that you’re really interested. Show us how much you want to come and frolic in the ocean depths with your owners.’

‘How, what do I have to do?’ uttered Mina.

‘Yes, what’s this plan you’ve concocted, sweetheart?’ Tethys enquired with intrigue.

‘We bind her, and she has to take a flogging to earn her place with us. If she succeeds in taking her discipline without a single word of protest, she can come. Otherwise, the chastity belt goes back on, and we lock her in that little box you got last Christmas.’

‘Oh, that’s cruel... but I concur,’ agreed Tethys, and then turned to Mina, cupping her chin and lifting her gaze to meet hers. ‘Dear me, little pet, you had best keep quiet. That metal cell is as small as you, and we’d have to fold you into a tight little ball to squeeze you into it. And it’s such an easily missed piece of furniture, we might not remember you’re in there for days,’ teased the woman.

‘So what’s your decision, slave?’ asked Oceanus. ‘You want to try and come? Or alternatively, we can just tie you up before the window so you can watch us.’

‘I... I’ll take the flogging, Lord,’ she confirmed, knowing that to watch them play in the depths without her would be a worse torture than a return to enforced abstinence and containment in an impossibly small prison.

‘Brave girl,’ said Tethys, pushing herself from the bed with a hiss of strain, taking up her gown and throwing it on before fastening the sash once more.

‘You want to do this next door?’ asked Oceanus, looking across the bed to the other side of the room as he grabbed his own gown.

‘Why not?’ Tethys replied, placing her hand to the wall on the other side of the bed from the exit the maid had used. There came a whirring click and a new section parted at its centre, sliding back to expose a dark room beyond. Oceanus took up the forsaken leash and snapped it back in place upon Mina’s neck, using it as an enforced reign through which to draw her from the bed and towards the new area.