Chapter 3

Isla stood in the popcorn lineup with Donna. It was customer appreciation night, and the local movie theatre was showing Magic Mike. Her mind was on overdrive, puzzling out the problems at the office. Then there was Marlowe. She didn't even know where to begin with that one, but since the trip to the B&B, she'd caught herself dreaming about their future.

It was madness, of course. All of it. There was never supposed to be a future with him — that was the whole point of the game. He was supposed to have been an intermezzo, not the main course. But then, she'd never expected him to be so kind and thoughtful, or so handsome.

"Hello?" Donna waved a hand in front of Isla's face. "Have you heard anything I said?"

"Yeah, of course. You were talking about your kids." That was a safe bet. Donna was always talking about them.

"Which one?"

"Brandon." She had a one-in-four chance of being right.


Busted. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," said Donna, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I'm actually surprised you came today. This business with Robert is a real shocker."

Isla's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of Marlowe, which meant she was only half listening to her friend. "Mmm," she said. "Well, nothing screams distraction like Matthew McConaughey in a tasseled G-string."

"Dad was heartbroken. You should have seen his face when he got the call."

The call? Wait a minute. Isla forced herself to refocus on their conversation. Gordon would never have divulged confidential office information, even to his daughter. "What are you talking about?"

"You know, the call."

Isla shook her head in confusion.

"His one phone call," Donna continued, her voice lower. "After they arrested him."