General Editor

Amélie Oksenberg Rorty

  1. John M. Rist (editor), The Stoics
  2. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (editor), Essays on AHstotle's Ethics
  3. Myles Burnyeat (editor), The Skeptical Tradition
  4. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (editor), Essays on Descartes's Meditations
  5. Richard Schacht (editor), Nietzsche Genealogy, Morality: Essays on Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals
  6. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (editor), Essays on AHstotle's Rhetoric
  7. James Schmidt (editor), What Is Enlightenment? Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions
  8. Gareth Matthews (editor), The Augustinian Tradition