“I was getting frustrated listening to American records …”, Beatles Gear (Babiuk), 2002
“big and horrible!”, Recording The Beatles (Ryan et al.), 2006
“son of ‘Day Tripper’ …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“frequency control 38 k/c George John”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“the trouble is that we’ve done everything …”, Beatles Book 35, June 1966
“I think that the best thing we’ve added …”, Beatles Book 35, June 1966
“all having a good time”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“I’d had a thought for a song …”, Many Years From Now (Miles), 1997
“took one of John’s phrases he had sung …”, Summer Of Love (Martin), 1994
“stoned out of my mind on marijuana …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“it’s like someone putting their arms around you”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“I was into the snare and hi-hat …”, The Big Beat (Weinberg), 1984
“I don’t see too much difference …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“This album has taken longer than the others …”, Off The Record (Badman), 2000
“there won’t be many people copying our ideas …”, Off The Record (Badman), 2000
“Q: What’s going to come out …”, NME, 11 March 1966
“The British Government’s policy seems to be …”, Interview with David Wigg, March 1969
“being punished for something we have forgotten …”, I Me Mine (Harrison), 1980
“Mr Taxman (yesterday called Mr Wilson …”, Twilight Of The Gods (Mellers), 1973
“threw in a few one-liners to help the song along …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“He remembers every two-bit sax player …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“to be riding on the Beatles’ coattails …”, Guitar, November 1987
“he did like a little Indian bit on it for me”, Guitar, November 1987
“It was either complete coincidence …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“Dad’s a happy lad”, Sunday Times, 18 September 1966 (Mammoth Book Of The Beatles)
“And I think when they wrote ‘Eleanor Rigby’ …”, The Beatles (Giuliano), 1986
“Ola Na Tungee …”, Many Years From Now (Miles), 1997
“Dazzie-de-da-zu picks up the rice …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“I just sat down at the piano …”, The South Bank Show (ITV), 1978
“I wrote a good lot of the lyrics …”, Hit Parader, April 1972
“Now I was there with Mal …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“I saw somewhere John said he helped me …”, The Beatles (Davies), 1985
“two lonely people coming together in the end …”, John Lennon In My Life (Shotton et al.), 1983
“going round asking people ‘What can we put in here?’ …”, Melody Maker, 28 August 1971
“But for meeting John, I doubt if Paul …”, The Beatles (Davies), 1985
“it made billions of pounds, and like idiots …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“almost touching … no-one had really done that before”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“He’d written for a film called Fahrenheit 451 …”, Melody Maker, August 1971
“They were knocked out with the result …”, Summer Of Love (Martin), 1994
“We tried to get the vocals to sound like somebody’s asleep …”, Off The Record (Badman), 2000
“listening to the same eight bars played backwards …”, Here, There And Everywhere (Emerick et al.), 2006
“an accident as far as the sitar part was concerned”, I Me Mine (Harrison), 1980
“I always used to fiddle with our wireless …”, The Beatles (Davies), 1985
“something in the Ravi Shankar style …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“I just sit down and I’m in the mood …”, Paul McCartney (Benson), 1992
“one of my favourite songs of the Beatles”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“one of them was ‘Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up …”, Blackbird (Giuliano), 1992
“There’s nothing very clever, no counterpoint …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“the single most famous songwriting move …”, Songwriting Secrets of the Beatles (Pedler), 2003
“It was great to meet Hank Mancini …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“I used an almost falsetto voice …”, Many Years From Now (Miles), 1997
“If a song is really great, you shouldn’t really notice …”, Mojo 81, August 2000
“that little twilight moment when a silly idea …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“I seem to remember the submarine, the chorus bit …”, Ivor Novello Award ceremony 27 March 1967 (Mythology)
“Paul wrote the catchy chorus …”, Hit Parader, April 1972
“chains, ships’ bells, hand bells from wartime …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“There was also a brass band …”, NME, 19 August 1966
“That’s why the solo is so brief …”, Here, There And Everywhere (Emerick et al.), 2006
“It’s not deep, it’s not anything, you know …”, Off The Record (Badman), 2000
“For the first time in my life …”, The Beatles (Davies), 1985
“I think it was one of the only Beatle records …”, Q – The Beatles. Band Of The Century, p. 89
“I wanted a middle-eight …”, Rolling Stone, 23 November 1968
“influenced by the Lovin’ Spoonful”, Playboy, December 1984
“I think it was Paul and me, or maybe John and me …”, Guitar, November 1987
“John and I got a fit of the giggles …”, 1995
“We wrote [the duet] at the session …”, Musician, May 1990; Beatles As Musicians (Everett), 1999
“another horror”, Hit Parader, April 1972
“I bought a clockwork bird in a gilded cage …”, Twist Of Lennon (Lennon), 1978
“an expansion both of technology …”, Twilight Of The Gods (Mellers), 1973
“it cost me £110!”, NME, 17 June 1966
“so I made something up which was middle register …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“he reached his high D with apparent beautiful ease …”, Making Music (Martin), 1983
“We got the definitive performance …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“I don’t have easy relationships with women …”, Many Years From Now (Miles), 1997
“Nobody seemed to know what they wanted at all …”, Beatles As Musicians (Everett), 1999
“It was about myself …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“He was always telling me of his wonderful experiments …”, Edie: American Girl (Stein/Plimpton), 1994
“He just kept New York high …”, Beatles In Their Own Words (Miles), 1978; Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“insistent dissonances”, ‘The Music Of The Beatles’ (Rorem), 1968; Lennon Companion (Thomson et al.), 1987
“this funny chord, an E and an F …”, Musician, November 1987; Rock Lives (White), 1990
“That’s an E7 with an F on the top …”, Guitar World, Jan 2001 (interviewed in 1992)
“pulsating ostinatos”, ‘On The Music Of The Beatles’ (Rifkin); Lennon Companion (Thomson et al.), 1987
“sounds like a Beatles cover of an old Beatles cover”, Tell Me Why (Riley), 1988
“The Beatles wanted a definite jazz feel …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“we went ahead from there and gradually built up …”, Melody Maker, 11 June 1966
“I think that was one of his best songs, too, …”, Playboy Interviews (Golson), 1980
“That’s directly about pot …”, Uncut, July 2004
“I’d been a rather straight working-class lad …”, Many Years From Now (Miles), 1997
“I don’t know about straight – stable …”, Lennon Remembers (Wenner), 1973
“I have drunk and smoked pot …”, Many Years From Now (Miles), 1997
“Do not fear it / Surrender to it …”, The Psychedelic Experience (Leary et al.), 1964
“Internal biological processes may also be heard …”, The Psychedelic Experience (Leary et al.), 1964
“I turned the control desk into an organ …”, Abbey Road (Southall), 1982
“Geoff would say ‘OK, let’s lift that fader …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“the musical equivalent of a joss-stick …”, Summer Of Love (Martin), 1994
“I kept the bass drum separate but mixed all the rest …”, 10 Years The Shook The World (Trynka), 2006
“Do something with my voice …”, John Lennon (Coleman), 1985
“like a Dalai Lama singing from a hilltop”, John Lennon (Coleman), 1985
“It was just one of sheer amazement …”, Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn), 1988
“it’s a double-bifurcated sploshing flange”, All You Need Is Ears (Martin), 1979
“Indian music doesn’t modulate; it just stays …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“John showed up with the song …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“a great innovation …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“I was proud of my drumming on ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’…”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“in the background you would hear thousands of monks chanting …”, The Beatles (Davies), 1985
“Quite a few of Ringo’s sayings are used by John …”, Beatles Book 19, February 1965
“The goal of meditation is to go beyond …”, Anthology (Beatles), 2000
“We plan it, they wreck it!…”, Press conference 29 August 1965 (Ultimate Experience)
“They’d make new packages like “Yesterday” … And Today …”, Crawdaddy, February 1977