The body is the most sophisticated machine we know. We would be fooling ourselves if we thought we could ever entirely understand it, let alone try to outsmart it. So where did the funny idea that we should help something as wise as the body work properly come from?
When we talk about detox diets or “cleanses” this question is the most obvious one to come up. After all, why would anyone need to “clean” their body on the inside when it’s supposed to do it on its own?
It’s fair to assume that our bodies were designed to breeze us through life without much intervention on our part. But the truth is that, despite the perfect design of each and every one of our cells, at some point, while we were busy being absorbed in our crazy lifestyles, things got a tiny bit complicated.
If you are living the most orderly life, eat only natural foods, use chemical-free cleaners and beauty products, take no medications, drink purified water, buy organic clothes and organic materials for your home, and live somewhere in the middle of the woods, where the air you breathe is still miraculously clean, and where there are no Wi-Fi and no cell phone signals piercing your body 24/7 . . . Congratulations! You are an ace at taking care of your most precious possession: your body. But how realistic is this?
Most people’s lives don’t have much in common with nature anymore. In the past few decades alone, tens of thousands of new chemicals and contaminants have been introduced into our everyday lives. There literally is no place to hide from them anymore, as much as we may try. Our food, the air we breathe, the materials we use, the TV we watch . . . Even the negative feelings we all seem to thrive on these days, like stress, fear, and anger, create toxins in the body and mind.
The unworldly amount of toxins we have to deal with every day put a huge burden on our system. Our body, faithful as ever, tries to keep up. But sooner or later it stays behind with homework. Over time, the body starts storing the toxins it can’t get rid of and our detoxifying organs become sluggish from overexertion. The more toxic your lifestyle, the more your body will be ticking like a time bomb, waiting for the last straw to manifest all kinds of discomforts and disease that have been accumulating for a long time in all its secret corners.
The good news is there’s a way out of this growing problem. Once you address this issue and start taking adequate measures to help your body protect itself more efficiently from this toxic overload, you can reclaim your health and enjoy the well-being you’ve always dreamt of (or at least get closer to it).
Just take a look at animals in the wild, and you will get a glimpse at the natural way in which the body heals and replenishes. When animals get sick, they don’t go to the vet (unless you take them), and they certainly don’t start popping pills, one after the other. What do they do instead? They sleep a lot, and they stop eating solid foods for a day or two. That’s all they need to feel shiny and new again.
Healers, doctors, and sages from different cultures throughout history have known this, and that’s why bland or liquid diets, or full-blown fasts, are part of many ancient traditions, such as Ayurveda. Giving your body and your digestion an opportunity to rest and repair not only is considered the most effective natural medicine once you’re already sick, but also is seen as basic body maintenance that should be practiced regularly to ensure its well-being. Even if you’re convinced that your body can deal with the toxic overload of modern life, pampering it by giving it a little rest, and by boosting its immunity with the super nutrition juices provide can’t hurt, right?
Believing that chronic health problems and premature aging are a natural part of life that can’t be avoided is sad and inaccurate. You are the captain of your ship and with the right information in your hands, and lots of determination, you can take it in whichever direction you see fit. Your extraordinary body is just waiting for you to step up to the plate, and treat it the way it deserves. Once you do, it will respond beautifully. This book will teach you some simple ways in which you can reverse the damage, unleash your inner power, and guide your whole being to lasting health and well-being.