
Writing a book is no small feat. But when two apparently different worlds collide, it results in a rapid exchange of ideas. This is what happened when these two authors met. On the one hand, Kaat Peeters has a long list of achievements in social entrepreneurship, while on the other hand, Omar Mohout has a solid track record in working with technology start-ups. At a glance, one author is more socially driven, while the other is more financially driven. Yet, during their productive collaboration, it became clear to both authors that their respective domains are not that different. Social entrepreneurs are entrepreneurial by nature and technology entrepreneurs often have the vision to change the world for the better instead of pursuing an exit strategy. In both groups there are people that have the ambition, bold vision, leadership skills and ability to execute tasks, which all lead to unimaginable and lasting forms of impact. Besides, technology is a lever to create a social impact.

In addition to these two groups of social and tech entrepreneurs, there is a variety of organizations looking for ways to make an impact while achieving financial stability. Non-profit organizations (NPOs), governments, educational institutes and corporations are all aware that they need a solid strategy to achieve their longterm goals. None of them can be insensitive to the challenges that our society and planet are facing. After all, we all want to create a better world for the next generation, don’t we?

Kaat’s in-depth knowledge about creating social impact, combined with Omar’s expertise in scaling organizations, became a source of inspiration. Their insights and perspectives resulted in a practical guide that makes a difference to individuals and organizations. The legacy canvas offers a structural approach, enabling you to achieve extraordinary things.

This book is for everyone who cares and who wants to actively participate in building a better world. Whether you work for a non-profit, an enterprise, your own business, the civil service or as a volunteer, this book will help you to increase your impact and leave a legacy.