Gaby/Gabe Recently discovered she’s not completely human—and that she knows how to kill creatures from hell with a sword.
Jude Gaby’s twin brother. Also not who he thought he was. Not necessarily unhappy to discover he’s more than a backpacker.
Rafa Jude’s best friend. Had a complicated history with Gabe. Now has a complicated relationship with Gaby.
Jason Gaby and Jude’s cousin. Keeper of secrets. Not keen on the rest of the Rephaim.
Loyal to the Sanctuary
Daniel One of the Council of Five. Gabe’s ex. Nathaniel’s right-hand man. Snappy dresser.
Taya Designated head-kicker. Punches first, asks questions later.
Malachi Taya’s battle partner. Prone to trash talking.
Daisy A close friend of Gabe’s. Impulsive, loyal. Not a fan of Mya.
Micah Another old friend of Gabe’s. Laid-back. Deceptively effective in battle.
Calista One of the Council of Five (ex-soldier). Limited sense of humour.
Uriel Another member of the Council of Five. Also an ex-soldier. Still jumps into the fray as opportunities arise.
Magda The academic on the Council of Five. Not a fighter.
Mya Volatile, unpredictable. Anti-authoritarian. Has a tendency to overuse kohl eyeliner.
Ez Calm and level-headed. Emotionally intelligent and deadly with sharp weapons. One half of the Rephaim’s only functional couple.
Zak A man mountain of few words. Trusts Jude and Rafa implicitly. The other half of abovementioned couple.
Jones Easy-going, lethal. Doesn’t hold grudges. Has more patience with Mya than most people.
Seth Always up for a fight. Tall and strong—even for the Rephaim.