The woman lies on her right side with the man lying on his left side. They wrap their arms around each other as they kiss and stare into each other’s eyes, enjoying the full body contact as the man puts his lingam into her yoni.
Historical Fact
In ancient India, the woman always stood or sat to the right of her man in daily life. This was done in adherence to the belief that feminine energy, called Shakti, is on the right side of masculine energy, called Shiva, at all times—except during sexual activity. The exchange of sides represents the shifting energies, or gears, from everyday life to the heightened awareness of sensual delight.
It’s important to recognize the difference between masculine and feminine energies—particularly the difference between the amount of time it takes for man and woman to each feel satisfied. Timing is a challenge for sexual adventures partly because it takes less time for a man to become aroused, while women take longer to become aroused and are often still aroused following climax. Being aware of our differences can help us learn how to better please