The Lotus-like Position


The woman lies on her back with her feet on her thighs in the lotus, or cross-legged, position. The man crouches over her on all fours, gently putting his lingam into her yoni.

Staring into each other’s eyes in this position will give even greater intimacy. The woman can use her hands to stroke her man’s face and shoulders and play with his nipples.


Life is busy for everyone, even more so when you have multiple jobs and children. Don’t let your busy schedule put a damper on your love life. While many people believe that sex should be spontaneous, not planned, the reality is that sometimes this just isn’t possible. Scheduling sex not only creates more opportunities to be intimate, but also gives you something to look forward to at the end of a hectic day.

Couples should plan a date night at least once a week. Setting aside an amount of uninterrupted time to spend together allows for you and your partner to reconnect mentally, emotionally, and physically.

On date nights—or sex nights—start foreplay early. Give kisses to one another before heading off to work, send naughty emails or make breathy phone calls to each other throughout the day, slip a note in his briefcase, or leave a note on her mirror. Touch each other when you pass in a hallway, give a little squeeze, kiss, or flirtatious glance—this will set the wheels in motion for more fun later on.