The woman lies on her back with her knees to her chest in a tuck position. She holds her knees with her hands, keeping them as close to her chest as she can. The man kneels between her legs and leans over the top of her. She puts her feet at his sides or on his navel as her buttocks rest on his pelvis. For more stimulation, the woman can flex her vaginal muscles.
This is a good position for a hare or a man with a smaller lingam (see #9). Stallions, however, should be careful, especially if the woman is a rabbit.
To do this position correctly, the woman must have strong abdominal muscles. Go easy at first. To build up to this position, try to incorporate sit-ups into your daily exercise routine.
The woman can tuck her feet into her man’s armpits, gaining a bit of traction if she grips her man with her toes.