“I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.”
—W.C. Fields
V ariety is the spice of life. However, I think the main spice of barbecue life would be paprika, or perhaps just pepper, or even salt. You’ll use plenty of all three. But there is an unlimited mix of herbs, spices, and flavors that can combine to create what we think of as the essence of barbecue. Heck, who doesn’t love a “barbecue flavored” potato chip? What spice is that? My friend Kix Brooks of music and “Steak Out” fame says you just need salt, pepper, and good quality beef for a great steak, and I agree. So, although I call some of these “secret ingredients,” I really believe it is more the methods and cook times that comprise the “secret.” But there are really only a handful of ingredients that can be considered “essentials” for barbecue.
First, know that herbs and spices make up the bulk of this list. So, what’s the difference?