Kim Ronkin Casey is a professional in the public relations and communications arena. For more than 20 years, she has been creating internal and external communications campaigns for industries as diverse as the U.S. White House to multiple United Nations Ministerials and Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits and most recently in the cannabis industry.
Ms. Casey has led in-house corporate communications and PR divisions. She also has extensive agency and independent consulting experience. Currently she consults in the cannabis industry and is excited to see where the ride will go. She has the unwavering support of her family and lives in Colorado with her husband, Scott, and their two daughters, Sarah and Rachel, at around 7,400 feet in altitude — high enough that no cannabis needed.
I would like to dedicate this book first to my family without whom I couldn’t have seen the finish line. To my husband, Scott, who reminds me not to try to eat the elephant in one bite and sings off-key when needed. To my children for their patience — they may not want to tell their friends their mom is in pot, but maybe I’ll be cool as an author. And to my mother, who always believed I could do anything.
In addition, to all of the relentless cannabis advocates around the world. There would be no industry — and hence, no book — without you!
Sometimes it takes a village to build a book, which certainly was the case with this book. Special thanks to Senior Acquisitions Editor, Tracy Boggier, for kick-starting the project, choosing us to write this book, and serving as the diligent and patient shepherd in keeping everything moving in the right direction. Special thanks also to everyone who contributed their effort and expertise in suppling specialized content, including
Thanks also to those who shared their recipes and figures to include in the book:
On the editorial end of this project, we give a special shout out to Chrissy Guthrie who carefully and patiently edited the manuscript and guided all the pieces through production to ensure that everything came together at the end and, miraculously, on time! And we also give thanks to our production editor, G. Vasanth Koilraj, for shepherding this book through the layout process.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Tracy Boggier
Editorial Project Manager and Development Editor: Christina Guthrie
Copy Editor: Christina Guthrie
Production Editor: G. Vasanth Koilraj
Cover Image: © Norman Posselt/Getty Images