All page number refer to the print edition of this title.
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
achilles tendinitis, 144
acne, 32
acromegaly, 71
ACTH hormone, 71
adrenal cortex, 64–67
alopecia (baldness), 32–33
alveoli, 5, 162–63
Alzheimer’s disease, 123–24, 152
amblyopia (lazy eye), 113–14
prostate, 133, 167–68
scrotum, 168
seminal vesicles, 171
testes, 168–71
anemia, 80
angioma, 24–25
ankle and foot, 135–36
ankylosing spondylitis, 139
anus, 60
appendix, 57
arteries, 18–22, 24
arthritis, 139–41
articular cartilage, 136
asthma, 165
astigmatism, 111
Bach Flower Remedy, 102
baldness (alopecia), 32–33
Bartholin’s glands, 183
beauty spots, 37
bed-wetting (enuresis), 192
belching, 61
biliary and pancreatic networks, 54
biogenealogy principles
car caught fire story, 2–6
decoding illness, 14
felt sense, 1–2
illnesses are here to heal, 8–10
onset and phases of illness, 11–14
real versus virtual reality, 7–8
biotherapy, 199
bladder, 181, 191–93
blindness, 114
cells, 78, 79
circulation, 15, 16
disorders, 80–81
platelets, 78, 84
transfusions, 84
See also hematology
about, 120–21, 122
ankle and foot, 135–36
bone marrow, 121
cervical vertebrae, 129–30
coccyx, 130, 132
of the ear, 124
elbow, 127
eye, bones around, 124
femur, 134–35
greater trochanter and thigh, 135
hip joint, 135
intervertebral disks, 132
joints and articular cartilage, 136
knee, 135
lower limbs, 135
mouth (mandible), 124–25
pelvis, 132–33
pubic bone, 134
ribs, 128–29
shoulders, 126–27
skeleton, 123
skull, top of, 123–24
spine, 129–32
sternum, 128
teeth, 124–25
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, 130–32
toes, 136
wrist and hand, 127–28
See also musculoskeletal system
about, 86–87
cerebrospinal fluid circulation, 100
brain disorders
brain tumor, 87–90
Broca’s area aphasia, 98–99
epic crisis, 97–98
epilepsy, 90–93
headaches, 93–97
breasts, 29, 172–75
bronchi, 163–65
bronchitis, 164–65
calcium, 70
calluses, 28
callus pain, 143
arteries, 24
cardiovascular system, 15
coronary arteries, 18–22
coronary veins, 22–23
heart, 15–16
pericardium, 16–18
veins, 24–26
carpal tunnel tendonitis, 144
cartilage, 121, 136
cataracts, 112, 114–15
cecum and colon, 58, 59
celiac disease, 55
cerebrospinal fluid circulation, 100
cervical vertebrae, 129–30
cervix, 181–82
chondroma, 142
chorioepithelioma (cancer of the placenta), 184–85
cleft palate, 157
coccyx, 130, 132
cold, sensitivity to, 40
colitis, 58
colon and cecum, 58, 59
colorblindness, 118
common cold, 154
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), 142–43
conjunctiva, 112
conjunctivitis, 113
constipation, 61–62
cornea, 110–11
coronary veins, 22–23, 181
cortisol, 64, 65–66
cough, dry, 164
crossed eyes (strabismus), 118–19
cryptorchidism, 171
cyst, dermoid, 169–70
death, fear of, 5, 161–62
dentin, 125
dermatology. See skin; skin disorders
dermis, 27, 29–30, 173
dermoid cyst, 169–70
diabetes, 67, 68, 69
diarrhea, 62–63
digestive system
appendix, 57
biliary and pancreatic networks, 54
cecum and colon, 58
digestive disorders, 61–63
duodenum, 54–55
esophagus, 47–48
greater omentum, 49–50
liver, 53
mouth and digestive tract, 43–45
pancreas, 52–53
peritoneum, 48–49
rectum disorders, 59–61
salivary glands, 45–47
sigmoid colon and upper rectum, 59
small intestine, 55–57
stomach, 50–52
double vision (diplopia), 118–19
dry eye syndrome, 108
duodenum, 54–55
described, 145
eczema on, 35
eustachian tubes of, 150–51
inner ear, 146–48
middle ear, 148–50
small bones of, 124
ectopic pregnancy, 176
eczema, 34–35
elbow, 127
emphysema, 163
endocrine glands, 64
adrenal cortex, 64–67
pancreas, 67–70
parathyroid glands, 70–71
pituitary gland, 71–72
thyroid, 72–75
thyroid ducts, 75–77
endometriosis, 179–80
endometrium, 178–79
enuresis (bed-wetting), 192
epic crisis in healing, 97–98
epidermal warts, 35
epidermis, 27, 28–29
epilepsy, 90–93
esophagus, 47–48
eustachian tubes, 150–51
expiratory bradypnea, 165
about, 107
bones around, 124
cornea, 110–11
exophthalmos (bulging eye), 73
eyeball, 108–9
eyelids, 112–13
lacrimal glands, 108
optic nerve, 110
vitreous body, 111–12
See also vision disorders
Fallopian tubes, 175–76
farsightedness (hyperopia), 115
fatty tissue, 121
feet, 29, 135–36
felt sense, 1–2
femur, 134–35
galactophore ducts (milk ducts), 173–74
glaucoma, 112
glial cells, 86–87
glucagon, 67
gluten intolerance, 55
gout, 143
Graves’ disease, 73
greater omentum, 49–50
greater trochanter, 135
breasts, 172–75
Fallopian tubes, 175–76
fetal extensions (pregnancy), 184–85
ovaries, 176–78
uterine cervix, 181–82
uterus, 178–81
vagina, 182–83
hair and scalp, 29
hair loss, 36
hand and wrist disorders, 127–28
Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmune thyroiditis), 75
scalp, 29, 34
skull, top of, 123–24
headaches, 93–97
beliefs role in, 195–96
car caught fire story, 2–6
illness as part of, 8–10
rejuvenation, 3
therapy, 194–95
See also illness
heart, 15–16. See also cardiology
heartbeat, irregular (tachycardia), 23
blood, 78–79
blood disorders, 80–81
lymph, 78, 81–83
spleen, 84–85
hemorrhagic recto-colitis, 58
hernia, 51, 82, 138
herniated disks, 132
herpes, 35
hiatal hernia, 51, 82
hip joint, 135
hives, 36
endocrine glands secreting, 64
human growth hormone (hGH), 71, 72
ovarian, 177–78
parathyroid hormone (PTH), 70
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 76
hypercalcaemia, 80
hypercalcification, 143
hyperglycemia, 68–69
hyperopia (farsightedness), 115
hypersideremia (high iron levels), 80
hypertension, 188
hyperthyroidism, 72, 73, 74, 76, 184
hypodermis, 27, 30–31
hypoglycemia, 67–68
hypothyroidism, 72, 75, 76
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 84
beginning with a shock, 1–2
decoding of, 14
epic crisis of, 97–98
expressed as Plan or Thrust, 104–5
onset and phases of, 11–14
as part of healing, 8–10
prevention, 197–98
See also healing
impetigo, 36
inner ear, 146–48
insulin, 69
intervertebral disks, 132
intestinal gas, 63
colon and cecum, 58, 59
small intestine, 55–57
islets of Langerhans, 67
jaundice in newborns, 54
jaw (mandible), 124–25
Jung, Carl, 2, 8
keratitis, 111
keratoconus, 111
about, 186
cancer of, 189
collector ducts, 188–90
parenchyma, 187–88
renal pelvis, 190
kidney stones (renal calculi), 190
knee, 29, 135
kyphosis, 130–31
labia, 183
lacrimal glands, 108
laryngeal dyspnea, 165
larynx, 159
legs, 25, 29
leukemia, 80, 81
leukoplakia, 36–37
Leydig cells, 170
ligaments, 121, 138–39
limbs, lower, 135
lipoma, 31
lips, 33–35
liver, 53
lungs, 161–62
lupus, 37
lymph, 78, 81–83
lymphocytic leukemia, 80
macroglia, 87
macular retinopathy, 116
mastoiditis, 149
Ménière’s disease, 146, 147
meninges, 99–100
meningitis, 99
menstrual period pain, 179
microglia, 86–87
middle ear, 148–50
migraines, 94–96
milk ducts (galactophore ducts), 173–74
moles, 37
monocytic leukemia, 81
motion sickness, 146–47
mouth, 29, 43–45, 124–25
multiple sclerosis (MS), 101–2, 105
muscle disease (myopathy), 103
musculoskeletal system
illnesses of, 139–44
joints and articular cartilage, 136
overview, 120–21
periosteum, 121, 137
skeletal muscle, 138
tendons and ligaments, 121, 138–39
See also bones
myelin sheath, 100–101
myopathy (muscle disease), 103
myopia (nearsightedness), 116
myxedema, 76
nasopharynx, 156–57
nearsightedness (myopia), 116
neck, 82–83, 106, 109, 129
nephrons, 187
nerve cell or neuron, 101
nerves of the breast, 175
nervous system
about, 64
diseases of, 101–6
meninges, 99–100
myelin sheath, 100–101
neurofibromas, 101
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NPL), 199–200
neurology. See brain; nervous system
described, 145
disorders of, 154, 155
nasal mucosa and sense of smell, 151–54
nasopharynx, 156–57
sinuses, 154–55
nosebleed, 154
nystagmus, 117
ophthalmology. See eyes; vision disorders
optic nerve, 110
osteoarthritis, 140
osteoclasts, 121
osteology. See bones; musculoskeletal system
osteolysis, 122
otis media, 151
otitis, 149
otoconia, 148
ears, 35, 124, 145–51
nose, 145, 151–57
throat, 157–59
otosclerosis, 147
ovaries, 176–78
Paget’s disease of the bone, 143
palate, 157
digestive function, 52–53
endocrine function, 67–70
pancreatic ducts, 54
paralysis, 103–4
parathyroid glands, 70–71
parathyroid hormone (PTH), 70
Parkinson’s Disease, 99, 105
pelvis, 132–33
periarthritis, 140
periosteum, 121, 137
periphlebitis, 25
peritoneum, 48–49
perspiration, excessive, 37
petechiae, purpura, 81
Pigeon-toed walk, 144
pituitary gland, 71–72
placenta, cancer of, 184–85
Plan or Thrust, 104–5
plantar or callus pain, 143
plantar warts, 30
plasmocytosis, 81
platelets, 78, 84
pleurae, 160–61
pneumothorax, 161
polycythemia, 81
polyps, nose, 155
pregnancy, 176, 184–85
presbyopia, 117–18
prolactin, 71
prostate, 133, 167–68
pruritis (itching), 38
psoriasis, 38–39
pterygium, 113
PTH (parathyroid hormone), 70
pubic bone, 134
about, 160
alveoli, 5, 162–63
bronchi, 163–65
lungs, 161–62
pleurae, 160–61
respiratory illnesses, 165
Raynaud’s disease, 25
rectum disorders, 59–61
red blood cells, 78
red patches on skin, 39
renal calculi (kidney stones), 190
renal pelvis, 190
reproductive system
female (gynecology), 172–85
male (andrology), 166–71
respiratory system. See pulmonology
retina, detached, 115
retinitis pigmentosa, 118
rheumatoid arthritis, 140–41
rhinitis, 153, 154
ribs, 128–29
rosacea, 39
salivary glands, 45–47
scalp, 29, 34
scleranthus, 102
scleroderma, 39–40
scoliosis, 143–44
scrotum, 168
seminal vesicles, 171
shingles, 40–41, 155
“car caught fire” example, 2–6
illness beginning with, 1–2
shoulders, 126–27
sigmoid colon disorders, 59
sinus, 154–55
skeletal muscle, 138
skeleton, 123
dermis, 27, 29–30, 173
epidermis, 27, 28–29
hypodermis, 27, 30–31
skin disorders
acne, 32
alopecia (baldness), 32–33
carcinoma of the lip, 33
chapped or cracked lips, 33–34
eczema, 34–35
hair loss, 36
herpes, 35
hives, 36
impetigo, 36
leukoplakia, 36–37
lupus, 37
moles, beauty spots, 37
myxedema, 76
perspiration, excessive, 37
pruritis (itching), 38
psoriasis, 38–39
red patches, 39
rosacea, 39
scleroderma, 39–40
sensitivity to the cold, 40
shingles, 40–41, 155
tinea versicolor, 41
ulcerated varicose vein, 41
vitiligo, 41–42
warts, 30, 35, 42
skull, top of, 123–24
small intestine
digestive disorders, 55–56
duodenum, 54–55
mucosal lining of, 56–57
smell, 151–54, 156
snoring, 157
spasmophilia/tetany, 106
cervical vertebrae, 129–30
coccyx, 130, 132
illustration, 130
intervertebral disks, 132
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, 130–32
spleen, 84–85
sternum, 128
stomach, 50–52
strabismus (crossed eyes), 118–19
stress, unconscious, 2
stuttering, 99
sty, 30
tachycardia (irregular heartbeat), 23
teeth, 124–26
tendinitis, 144
tendons and ligaments, 121, 138–39
testes, 168–71
tetany/spasmophilia, 106
thigh bone, 135
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, 130–32
throat, 157–59
thyroid, 72–75
thyroid ducts, 75–77
thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s disease), 75
thyroid nodule, 76
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 76
tics, 106
tinea versicolor, 41
tinnitus, 146
toes, 136
tonsils, 158–59
torticollis (wry neck), 106, 129
touch, 28
trochanter, greater, 135
twins, 184
bladder, 181, 191–93
kidneys, 186–90
ureters, 191
uterine cervix, 181–82
uterus, 178–81
vagina, 182–83
varicose vein, ulcerated, 41
cervix and, 181
coronary, 22–23
disorders of, 24–26
varicose, 41
vertebrae, 129–32
vertigo, 146, 148
vision disorders
amblyopia (lazy eye), 113–14
blindness, 114
cataracts/lens disorders, 112, 114–15
conjunctivitis, 113
detached retina, 115
diplopia (double vision), 118–19
dry eye syndrome, 108
glaucoma, 112
hyperopia (farsightedness), 115
macular retinopathy, 116
myopia (nearsightedness), 116
nystagmus, 117
presbyopia, 117–18
red/green colorblindness, 118
retinitis pigmentosa, 118
strabismus (crossed eye), 118–19
See also eyes
vitiligo, 41–42
vomiting, 63
warts, 30, 35, 42
water retention, 31
weight, excess, 31
white blood cells, 78
wrists and hand disorders, 127–28