Prestley Press, Inc. 

Suite 1024

134 South Park Avenue

New York, NY 10002

Nathaniel and Gladys Eddy

1309 East Sanford Road

Cold Spring, NY 10560

March 31, 2023

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Eddy,

I write to follow up on a communication exchanged more than fifty years ago with Norris and Thornton Publishers. First, my correspondence requires an explanation.

In September of 1986, Prestley Press took over Norris and Thornton Publishers to expand its capability of acquiring and producing books of historical interest. Recently, I have been reviewing our archives with the opportunity of looking over some of the submitted book proposals communicated to Norris and Thornton Company since its incorporation in 1894. Among old communications received was your letter. In it you describe the memoirs of an elderly Native American woman who wrote them in the late 1600s. Included was a copy of the response of Mr. Alan Jordan, editor.

As you know, general attitudes concerning the original American people have changed appreciably since your original submission in 1964. The pages described in your query letter may indeed contain a treasure of early American history. At the very least, their existence has piqued my curiosity. If this letter does reach you after all these years; if you still have the memoirs of Sky Flower; if they remain unpublished; and if you remain interested in publishing them, I would be delighted to look them over. I further promise to give your pages full and prompt attention. I do suggest that you send by certified mail a page or two of the original so that we might verify its authenticity by watermark or another identifier.


Alejandra Ochoa-Muñoz

Acquisitions Editor