Preparing for the Journey
My dear readers, you and I are preparing to take a journey in time and space, between the covers of this book, with some very special characters. Some of you will be traveling this way for the first time while others have twice before gone on this quest in the pages of the previous books, The Ultimate Gift and The Ultimate Life, as well as the two movies of the same name from 20th Century Fox.
One of my late great movie partners, Scott Fithian, was fond of saying, “If you can tell a great story, you earn the right to share your message.” In this book, I will endeavor mightily to both tell a good story and share a powerful message.
The characters in this book have lived with me now for over a decade. They have become the basis for books, movies, workbooks, public school and college courses, corporate training, religious study, songs, poems, and so much more. I hope you will greet them as you would an old friend and embrace what they have to share with you.
In the final analysis, it’s really not about their gift, their life, or their journey. It’s about you and me and where we are going.
I have had the privilege of sharing my message with millions of people around the world through books, movies, columns, television, and speeches. On every occasion, I extend an offer that I now want to present to you. Anytime you need encouragement, direction, or simply someone to listen to your hopes and dreams, you can call me at 918-627-1000 or send me an email at
I want you to know and understand that I am serious about your success, and I don’t want to be just another guy who sells you a book, a movie, or whose speech you sit through. I want to be your partner in success and be your cheerleader as you find and fulfill your destiny.
I am not someone who has mastered everything in these pages. I will never claim to be the voice of experience or expertise. I do not have all the answers. I only hope to frame the questions so you and I can explore the possibilities.
Like most everyone, I have not yet arrived at the place where I want to be, but I am proud, pleased, and excited to join you on this Ultimate Journey.
Jim Stovall