The bedroom was grey with pre-dawn light, as she peacefully slumbered in the big bed. Ian hated to wake her, but they needed to talk logistics. Besides, he figured he’d have the upper hand, and meet little resistance if she was half asleep.
“Wakie, wakie, luv.” Little nibbles worked their way down her jawline. His clothes smelled of fresh laundry, and a drip of water from his wet hair dribbled down her flawless cheek.
A mewling sound escaped and she buried her head in the pillow.
“Luv, I need to talk to you before I leave.” Butterfly kisses touched her closed lids, and they drifted open.
“What time is it?” She gave a sexy feline stretch.
“Quarter to six.”
Her hand drifted across his denim-clad knee. “Pooh. You’re already dressed.”
A whisper of laughter floated through the darkened chamber. “Ziggy’s going to be here by six.”
“Do I need to let him in?”
“No. He’ll be patrolling the perimeter. I’ve programmed his number into your cell phone. He doesn’t come in the house unless you need him.”
“That seems kind of harsh.”
“It’s his job, luv. I’ve given him a photo of your sister’s husband so he knows what to look for. If you need to go out, have Ziggy drive you. His car has blackened windows in case any paparazzi happen to be about. If the damn rags figure out you’re staying here, the jig is up and he’ll know exactly where to look for your sister.”
“You’re right. I’d forgotten about the photographers.”
“I’ve been trying to keep a low profile since our last encounter. I’m hopeful they’ll leave me alone for a bit. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid our dinner at Spago tonight will have to be canceled. We can’t be seen together in public until your sister leaves, or this situation gets sorted.”
“I’d completely forgotten about our dinner tonight, but you’re absolutely right. It’s too dangerous for me to stay here. I’ll need to move back into my house.”
A fist clenched in his gut at the thought of her leaving. There was no way he could allow that to happen. “Forget it, luv. I won’t get a wink of sleep with you alone at that house.”
“But you just said I need to distance myself from you right now. It’s safer for Holly if Omar can’t connect you and me. As long as you’re just another client, he won’t look any further,” she argued.
“Either you sleep here, or I sleep there. Pick one. Holly’s not the only one who needs protection right now. Don’t forget that, Soph. And don’t think for a minute I don’t see through you. I know damn well you want to get another chance to take a swing at him. I understand your anger. I wouldn’t mind kicking his arse, too. From what you’ve told me, he’s not helpless, and God forbid he brings a gun. You Americans seem to be able to buy one at the corner drug.”
His arguments made her pause. Perhaps he was finally getting through to her.
“Okay. I’ll think about it. Maybe I can come up with a better solution.”
Over my dead body.
She reached up and pulled him down, planting her lips against his before he could make another argument. They rubbed across his unshaven, rough, morning scruff up to the soft lobe of his ear. She gently sucked the nub.
His groin quickened and he moaned. Jeez, this woman could get him hard with a wink and a crooked finger.
“Luv, I need to get going.” He pushed himself up.
Her hand worked its way up the heavy jeans encasing his thigh to brush fingertips across his hardening manhood.
“Are you sure you don’t have a few minutes?” She playfully tugged at the button fly and pulled his other arm out from underneath the warm covers. The blanket fell away, exposing a pearly breast, its nipple tight and hard. She smelled like lavender and sex and her soft body beckoned.
“Mmm … ” He nuzzled the hollow at her neck. “You’re all warm and toasty under there, aren’t you?”
“Mm, hm.”
He glanced over at the bedside clock. “Screw it. I’ll phone in late.”
• • •
A few hours later, Holly and I sat at the kitchen counter working on her Last Will and Testament. I’d found a lovely website called, which basically provided a fill-in-the-blank form. It was simplistic, but it got the job done.
At ten thirty I called Ziggy. “Hi, Ziggy, it’s Sophie.”
“Yes, ma’am. What can I do for you?”
I felt like an idiot calling a guy on the phone who was probably no more than fifty feet away. “We need to run a few errands, and Ian told me he wants you to drive us.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Can you be ready to leave in about fifteen minutes?”
“Of course.”
Ziggy was a man of few words.
“We’re going in Ziggy’s car?” my sister asked.
“Yes. The windows are blacked out, and if there’s any press around, they won’t be able to see inside. My car has tinted windows, but they aren’t as dark as Ziggy’s. Besides, I’m not sure he’d fit in my car.”
Holly snorted. “You certainly have a point there.”
Ziggy had the Navigator running when we stepped out. Eva’s car seat was in the center of the middle row bench; Holly strapped her in. The little girl hugged her Barbie backpack to her chest and stared with wide eyes at the creased folds of the back of Ziggy’s head.
“Where to, ladies?
I gave him directions to Bank of America, where Holly had her accounts. Our seat belts snapped into place and Ziggy rolled out of Ian’s driveway. To everyone’s relief, no photographers awaited us.
It was a little past one. Holly, Eva and I had stepped out of the lawyer’s office when the call came in.
“He’s out.”
“Thanks, Gary. Any idea where he went?”
“Just a sec.” Gary came back on the line. His voice echoed, sounding like he was in an empty room or tunnel. “I followed him to a car rental service. He got on Interstate 15 heading North. I’d say he was going back to Vegas.”
“Good.” I breathed a sigh of relief.”
“Mommy, I’m huunngry,” Eva started whining.
“I know, sweetie. We’ll get something to eat soon.”
“But I’m hungry now.”
I wandered a few paces away while my sister placated her. “Where are you? It sounds like a tunnel.”
“Men’s room. Technically, I shouldn’t be following Omar.”
“I see. Thanks for doing it. We’re leaving the lawyer’s now. The papers will be filed by the end of the day.”
“Remain on your guard. This mess may heat up and get ugly before it gets better. Your boyfriend told me he hired a bodyguard for the two of you.”
“Yes. Ziggy’s pulling up now. He’s in charge of driving us around for the day.”
“Good. It’s for the best. Stay in touch.” He rang off.
Ziggy’s Navigator pulled out of traffic and swung up to the curb’s loading zone. Holly helped Eva climb in while I went around to the opposite side.
“No! I don’t wanna sit here. I wanna sit there.” Eva pointed at my seat, pushing Holly’s hands away.
“Eva, you know you have to sit in your special seat. It’s the rules.”
“I wanna go home!” her little toddler voice demanded at top volume while she crossed her arms defiantly.
Ziggy turned. “Anyone interested in ice cream?” His big mitt held up a Dove bar.
Eva’s eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands. “I cream! I cream!”
I took the frozen treat out of his hand. “Thank you, Ziggy. I think you’ve just diverted a full-on meltdown.”
After the first few licks, the Eva became cooperative again and allowed her mother to strap her into the seat.
“Where to?” Ziggy’s eyes met mine in the rearview mirror.
I glanced down at Eva licking a sticky, chocolaty finger. The poor kid had been stuck playing with adults or on her own since she arrived. “There’s an indoor playground on Colorado Boulevard. Why don’t we find someplace to eat around there and take Eva to play afterward?”
Holly’s head lay back against the headrest with her eyes shut. She yawned. “That’s fine with me.