
Academics, recognition from

Accountability, worker/employee


ACREX National Award

Action items

Advanced markets. See Developed markets

Adversity, relentless passion in

Advertising costs



Agrawal, Abhishek

Agrawal family

Agrawal, Janardhan

Agtmael, Antoine van


Amara Raja Batteries

Amsden, Alice

Amtek India

Anatolevich, Prokhorov Konstantin

Anhui Yingliu Group

Antonio, José


Argentina, (Ch1)

Asahi Glass


Asian Paints

Attractiveness of industries


Babcock & Wilcox

Bamevik, Percy

Bangladesh, (Ch1)


Baseline measure

Bassi, Wilson Donizetti




Bhat, Bhaskar


Birman, Alexandre

Birman, Anderson

Birman family

Birman, Jefferson

Bloom Engineering

Bombay Rayon Fashions

Borisov, Vladimir G.

Bovee, Christian Nestell

Brand legacies, attention to

Brazil:Brazil: age of most rough diamonds in

Breakout Nations (Sharma)

Breakout Strategy: Meeting the Challenge of Double-Digit Growth (Finkelstein, Harvey, and Lawton)

BRIC countries. See Brazil; China; India; Russia

Brin, Sergy

Broad diversification

Bry-Air Awards


Business press, recognition from the


Capital: human, limits of; registered, as an input variable; relational, establishing; of rough diamonds; of Top 500 firms

Capital investments

Capital sources: access to; lack of; nonmarket vs. market-based


Capitalizing on late development; adoption of; aspects of; and classification of primary and secondary drivers; described; in relation to the other Four Cs; strategic components of; underlying logic and key drivers in

Carbon credits

Cardoso administration


Casas Bahia


CBC Cartucho

CDM (clean development mechanism) Executive Board

Central Research Institute for the Iron and Steel Industry

Chandler, Alfred P.

Chang, Ha-Joon

Change: incremental; responding quickly to

Chesterton, G. K.

Chettinad Cement

China: age of most rough diamonds in

China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC)

China Post

China Statistical Yearbook

China Telecom

Chinese culture

Chinese proverbs

Christensen, Clayton




CMIE (Prowess)


Cohesiveness, of management systems

Collaborative innovation, nurturing

Collor administration

Columbia (Ch1)

Commodity status

Commodity-based pricing

Comparison firms, selection of

Competitive success, drivers of

Competitors, new, responding to

Congruence hypothesis


Consolidation; around the brand; as a common theme (Ch4); of fragmented pockets of demand; of market position; of a new market niche; phases of; for profitable growth; through expansion; through product portfolio adjustments

Constitutionist Revolution (1932)

Consumer behavior, study of

Consumer demand. See Demand

Consumer expectations, anticipating and responding to

Consumer loyalty

Consumer trust

Contingency plans

Contracts: broken, costs of; regulation ensuring sanctity of, lack of, compensating for

Core competencies, profitable growth through

Corporate culture


Cost factors

Crafting operational excellence; adoption of; aspects of; and classification of primary and secondary drivers; described; in relation to the other Four Cs; strategic components of; underlying logic and key drivers in

Creating inclusive market niches and segments; adoption of; aspects of; and classification of primary and secondary drivers; described; phases of; in relation to the other Four Cs; strategic components of; systematic approach to; underlying logic and key drivers in

Creative destruction

Creatively late and early

Cross-functional efforts

Cultivating profitable growth; adoption of; aspects of; and classification of primary and secondary drivers; described; in relation to the other Four Cs; strategic components of; underlying logic and key drivers in

Customer service, differentiating in

CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)

da Silva, Eggon Joao


Daly, Herman

Data collection process

Data envelopment analysis (DEA)

Database of Industrial Firms in China

Decision-making systems, flexibility of

Decision-making units (DMUs), efficiency of, analysis of

Decisions, types of, made by rough diamonds

Decline phase

Delayed maturation

Delivery, timely, guaranteeing

Demand; aggregation of (Ch4); and assessing sustainability; building ahead of; changes in, opportunity from; consolidating fragmented pockets of; creating and consolidating; and efficiency; new, anticipating; pent-up; and timing

Demand perspective

Demina, Raisa Vasilevna

Developed markets: conventional marketing in

Developing countries with emerging economies. See Emerging markets

Developing markets: exporting to

Development: context of, in emerging markets

Diamond value, defining

Differentiation advantages, deep, developing

Disruptive technologies


“Do-it-yourself” mode

Domestic expansion, focus on

Domestic pride, tapping into

Dongying Transis Textile

DPJ Clothing

Drucker, Peter

Early entrants, being creatively late and acting as

Eco Tech

Economic downturn. See Recession

Economic limitations

Economies of scale, achieving

Education, investing in. See Training and education

Efficiency: of comparison firms; cost; defined; evaluating, method for; as a performance measure; results of; of rough diamonds; of Top 500 firms

Egypt (Ch1)

Embraer S.A.

Embryonic phase

Emerging markets: challenges inherent in

Employee training. See Training and education

Employees: accountability of; commitment and loyalty of; considered as a key asset; empowering; enriching the lives of, example of; motivating; number of, as an input variable; in private firms, number of; retention of; of Top 500 firms and rough diamonds in China, number of


Entrepreneur, meaning of

Entrepreneurial approach, intensive

Entrepreneurial leadership, relying on

Entrepreneurship: in China; comparing and contrasting; and orientation towards growth; as requisite; unique; and working experience

Environmental innovation

Ericson, Arthur

Ernest & Young

Escola Técnica Federal


Ethnocentric tendencies, reducing

Eugenio, Luiz


Expansion: beyond local markets, conflicts from



Family ownership


Ferrovia Centro Atlantica railway

Finkelstein, Sidney

First Industrial Revolution

First-mover advantage

Five forces model

Flat organizational structure

Flat structure

Flexibility: of decision-making systems; of management systems

Foreign companies: forming joint ventures with; rough diamonds learning from

Foreign direct investment

Forjas (Taurus USA)

Fortune 500. See Top 500 firms

Four Cs: balance of the

Fragmentation; as a common theme (Ch4); consolidating to address; factors in

Franco administration

Frontier analysis

Furniture Factory Maria

Galbraith, Jay

Gates, Bill


General Motors


Global competition

Global economy: integration of the; prospective late entrants into the, taking into account

Global Top 500 firms

Global top twenty-five manufacturing firms

Global vs. local scope


Glocal approach

Godawari Power & Ispat (GPIL)

Godrej Consumer Products

Gollub, James (Ch4)


Government: intervention from, reducing chances of; relationships with, building and nurturing/managing

Government policy: changes in, opportunity from

Great Recession. See Recession

Greenfield strategy

Gross domestic product (GDP): in China, percentage of, from private output; in India, percentage of, from private output; issues with, as an indicator of growth; used as a measure

Grove, Andy

Growing Beyond: How High Performers Are Competing for Growth in Difficult Times (Ernst & Young)

Growth: attention paid to profitability and

Growth curve, phases in the

Growth fetish: avoiding the; defined; effect of, and prevalence of

Growth Map (O'Neil)

Growth paths, distinctive

Growth phase

Growth rates: of comparison firms; in emerging vs. developed countries; as a performance measure; rapid; of rough diamonds; of top 500 firms (Ch7); of top twenty-five manufacturing firms

Growth strategy, studies of, focus on

Growth trajectories



Hanking Group

Harvard University

Harvey, Charles

Hazard identification process

Hebei Industry University

Hebei Risun Coking Group


High performers, attributes of. See also Four Cs

Hindalco Industries

Hira Group

Honda, Soichiro


Hong Kong

Horizontal diversification


Human capital and external networks

Human resources, limits of

Human rights

Hypergrowth: attracting attention; challenges from; problems with; sustainability of, addressing; usage of, to describe companies


Iakobachvili, David

Import substitution

Incremental changes

Incremental scale-up strategy

India: age of most rough diamonds in

Individual development, emphasis on

Individual growth, commitment to

Indonesia (Ch1)

Industrial evolution


Industry attractiveness

Industry developments, attention to

Information gathering

Infosys Tech

Innovation: capabilities in, advanced; collaborative, nurturing; environmental; focus on; strategically managed

Innovator's Dilemma, The (Christensen)

Input variables

Institutional environment: established, lack of; improved, and assessing sustainability

Institutional voids

Integration: across a range of operations

Intel Corp.

Internal management training school

International expansion, focus on

International strategy, more reasoned approach to

Internet, the

In-waiting firms

Iran (Ch1)


ISO quality certification

Italian immigrants




Japanese keiretsu


Jin, Baofang

Jin, Weidong


Jingao Solar Ltd.

Jinglong Group

Jinluo Group

Jobs, Steve

Joint ventures

Kamprad, Ingvar

Kawasaki Thermal Engineering Company

Key drivers. See also Primary drivers; Secondary drivers

Khanna, Tarun

Knight, Phil

Knowledge centers, leading

Komsomolskaya Pravda

Korean chaebol

KTK Group

Kyoto Protocol

Labor costs

Lakshmi Machine Works

Late development: dynamics of

Late entrants: creative, and acting as early entrants; entering too late as

Lawton, Thomas

Learning: in family businesses

Learning centers, creating

Learning trajectory, steep, commitment to

Leela Scottish Lace

Li, Jingwei


Life cycles, products in different phases of their, issues with


Linyang (Electronics) Group

Linyang Solarfun

LNJ Apparel

Local markets: better knowledge of; expansion beyond, conflicts from; as the new normal

Logistical ecosystem

Logistics: inbound and outbound, gaining more control over; integrated, and supply chain management


Low-cost strategy

Lu, Yonghua



Mamãe e Bebê products

Management culture

Management systems: characteristics of, adopted by rough diamonds; diversification-leveraged; mastery of; quality, focus on

Management theory, classic


Mariwala, Harsh

Market disruption

Market orientation: move toward, in China, effect of; move toward, in India, effect of; strong, as requisite

Market power

Market ranking: of comparison firms; of the rough diamonds

Market segmentation. See Creating inclusive market niches and segments

Market shares: growth of, importance of; as an output variable; as a performance measure; and profitability; of rough diamonds; sales-oriented vs. profit-oriented firms and; of state-owned enterprises; strong, and economies of scale; of Top 500 firms

Market signals, remaining in tune with

Market-based system: experience of firms in a; modern, beginning of the

Marketing: conventional

Markets. See Developed markets; Developing markets; Emerging markets

Maturation delay

Maturation phase

Media attention: avoiding; firms that already gained

Merger and acquisitions (M&A)


Mexico (Ch1)


Middle class, rising

Middle East

Mindray Medical International

Ministry of Mines, India



Modernization (Ch3)

Molong Petroleum Machinery

Monitoring costs, reduction in



Mori Seiki

Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys

Motivation, source of

Multinationals: contingency planning by, need for; experience of; partnering with; recognition from; sectors dominated by, in China; strategies of

Multiple founders, benefit of


Murty, P. M.


Nathanson, Daniel

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), China

National Technology Innovation Pilot Enterprises list


Natural limits



New Jersey

Newer growth markets, businesses looking for

Next-11 (N-11) (Ch1)

Niche markets, strategy involving. See Creating inclusive market niches and segments

Nigeria (Ch1)



Nonhierarchical organizational structure

North America

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Omidyar, Pierre

OMK. See United Metallurgical Co.

On-the-margin firms

Open ownership

Openness, emphasis on

Operations, mastery of


Organizational culture. See Corporate culture

Organizational processes and structure: integrated, commitment to; strong and supportive, flexibility derived from

Output variables

Ownership structure: collective


Pakistan (Ch1)

Palepu, Krishna

Parekh Aluminex

Parle Biscuits

Passion, relentless

Passive approach

Passport of High Quality Enterprise

People's Congress

Performance: measures of


Philippines (Ch1)

PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy) studies

Plastinin, Sergei


Porter, Michael

Portfolio adjustments


Premature entry

Pricing, low, focus on

Primary drivers, diagnosing sustained growth from

Private firms, growth of



Procter & Gamble

Production costs

Profit margins: embedding, in financial reports

Profit orientation: initial, effect from; vs. sales orientation

Profitability: attention paid to growth and; of comparison firms; in developed markets, importance of; in emerging markets, importance of; initial focus on, result of; integration of, with qualified sales growth; and market shares; as an output variable; as a performance measure; of rough diamonds

Profitable growth: cross-country differences in achieving

Prominence, studies assessing, issue with

Property rights

Publicity, avoidance of

Qinghua (Refractories) Group

Qiu, Yunliang

Qualitative data collection

Qualitative development

Quality: focus on; guaranteeing

Quantitative data sources

Quantitative development

Quantitative Ingredients Declaration

R&D capabilities: building up; customer-focused


Ratnamani (Metals & Tubes) Group


Reactive approach


Reciprocal learning

Reflexive mind-set, adopting a

Regeneration phase

Regulation: changed; heavy; ineffective, compensating for; lack of, compensating for; loosening of; shakeout arising from; strict

Related diversification

Relationships: as an alternative resource; building, excelling at; holistically managing, as a priority; leveraging


Research costs

Research institutions, partnering with

Research, investing in

Research, Technology, and Innovation Centre

Researchers, hiring

Resources: limits of

Return on assets over time: embedding, in financial reports

Risks: balancing; inherent; of pursuing sales volume at the expense of profitability; taking, supporting; of unfettered growth

Risun & Xingtai industrial park

Risun Coking Group


Rough diamonds: defining

Rough Diamonds: The 4Cs Framework for Sustained High Performance (SKOLKOVO Business School–Ernst & Young IEMS)

Roxas, Sixto

Rules of the game, rethinking

Russia: age of most rough diamonds in

Sady Pridonya

Sales growth: comparisons of

Sales orientation vs. profit orientation


Sanghvi family


Schumpeter, Joseph


Second Industrial Revolution

Secondary drivers, assessing sustainable growth using

Sedykh, Anatoliy

Sequential learning

Serendipitous factors

Seth, Sudhir


“Shakeout” phase

Shandong Kingenta

Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery. See Molong Petroleum Machinery

Shareholder interest

Shengi Oilfield Highland

Silicon Valley, California

Sinergia Group



Sintex Industries


Sitronics Telecom


SKOLKOVO Business SchoolErnst & Young Institute for Emerging Market Studies (IEMS)

Slavyanka Plyus

Smith & Wesson

Smith, Fred

Smokhin, Andrey

Social media

Songgong Semiconductor Ltd.


South Africa (Ch1)

South Korea (Ch1)

Stakeholder confidence. See also Trust

Stakeholder structure, optimizing

Standard & Poor (S&P) ratings


State-owned enterprises

Stiglitz, Joseph

Stock markets


Strategic inflection point

Strategic management theories, contemporary

Strategy and Structure (Chandler)

Strom Telecom

Strong and supportive structures

Struthers Wells and Ozone Systems

Sudhir Gensets

Sun Pharmaceutical

Supply chain management: flexibility in; integrated logistics and

Supply perspective

Support structures and processes, strong, flexibility derived from

Sustainability: assessing, using secondary drivers; defining; diagnosing, from primary drivers; framework for; as a generative process; of hypergrowth, addressing; key to achieving; and lessons about growth; microfoundations of; predictions about; questioning; training for; views on


Synergiya Group

Systematic approach

Systemic development


Talent, attracting and retaining

Talentos de Caliber program

Tata Group

Tata Metaliks

Tata Steel

Taurus USA. See Forjas


Technological advances

Technological expertise, excelling at

Technologies, disruptive

Technology markets, emerging, in China





Top 500 firms (Ch7)

Top twenty-five manufacturing firms

Topkinskii Tsement

Total quality assurance, embracing

Town-village-owned enterprise (TVE)


Training and education

Transaction costs

Transactions, internalizing

Transparency, commitment to


Trust: building; collective commitment to; consumer; diversification and; plummeting, cost of

Turkey (Ch1)

Underdeveloped economies. See Developing markets; Emerging markets

Underdog mentality

United Kingdom

United Metallurgical Co. (OMK)

United States: collaborating with institutions in the

mamanufacturing firms in. See also


Unnikrishnan, M. S.

Unrelated diversification

Urgency, source of

Variable costs


Vertical integration

Vietnam (Ch1)

Vijai Electricals (VEL)

Vimm-Bill-Dann Napitki. See WBD Beverages

Visionary skill


Voigt, Werner Ricardo


Walton, Sam

WBD Beverages (Vimm-Bill-Dann Napitki)


Wellhope Agri-Tech

Werninghaus, Geraldo

Western ethnocentrism, reducing


William Grant & Sons

Working experience, importance of

Xie, Hong

Xiwang Group

Xu, Hang

Xu, Jianbo

Yang, Min

Yang, Xianping

Yang, Xuegang

Yu, Jinkun

Zhang, Enrong

Zuckerberg, Mark