I have it, goddamn it! The answer! Dexterity. Dexterity is the word.
Working on that article now. Riding the momentum of eu-fucking-reka.
This much later in the day. The momentum’s subsided. I wrote seven pages today, the most I’ve written in months. Here’s how it came about: I got an email this morning from a disability organization, which I serve as a board member. They sent out a newsletter and my name appeared at the top of the page on the masthead; even though I don’t edit newsletters, they put my name on the top to establish credibility. My name was directly above the word disability, and I found myself saying, Dexter, dextrous Dexter, with his lovely disability. There was a pause. I stared at the screen. Then there was a loud click. As though the mechanics in my brain had been scraping and groping for months before finally locking into place with the relief of steam and sweet alignment. I shouted. I began the article that instant.
The basic idea: I don’t have a disability. I have Dexterity. In addition to replacing the term “disability,” the word also underscores the strength and judgement developed as a result of acquiring a disability. I’ve also capitalized it to give it the legitimacy of a doctrine.
I haven’t eaten yet today. When Maggie tried to interrupt with a plate of food I told her, Woman, bugger off! I’m on the roll of my life and I sure as hell am not stopping for the sake of pork and rice. She left in a huff. I’m light. I’m nimble. My thoughts swish through the air, seeking new depths, curling under doors and kicking up dust. Christ was not so buoyant when he discovered he could walk on water. The geeks shall inherit the earth. The geeks shall inherit the earth.