Admonitory Instructions for Buddhist Monks (Tsu-men ching-hsun; Shimonkeikun)
Amida Sutra (A-mi-t’o ching; Amida-kyō)
Amida Sutra, Commentary on the (A-mi-t’o ching su-ch’ao)
Annals of the Lineage of the Buddha-patriarchs (Fo-tsu t’ung-chi; Busso-tōki)
Biographies of Eminent Priests of the Great Ming (Ta-ming kao-seng chuan; Daimin kōsōden)
Biographies of Eminent Priests, second series (Hsü Kao-seng chuan; Zoku kōsōden)
Biographies of Monks of the Zen Groves (Ch’an-lin seng-pao chuan; Zenrin sōbōden)
Blue Cliff Record (Pi-yen-lu; Hekigan-roku)
Bodhidharma’s Six Gates (Shōshitsu rokumon)
Ch’an-yü nei-chi (Zen records of Yung-chiao; Zen’yō naishū)
Continuation of the Records of the Lamp (Hsü Ch’uan-teng lu; Zoku Dentō-roku)
Dharma Teachings of Fo-yen (Fo-yen ho-shang p’u-shuo; Butsugen oshō fusetsu)
Diamond Sutra (Chin-kang ching; Kongo-kyō)
Drop of Seawater for the Platform Sutra, A (Rokusodankyō kaisui-itteki)
Entering the Mud, Entering the Water (Wadei-gasui)
Essentials of the Mind Transmission (Ch’uan-hsin fa-yao; Denshin hōyō)
Essay on the Dharma Pulse, The (Hsüeh-mo lun; Ketsumyaku-ron)
Essay on the Nature of Awakening, The (Wu-hsing lun; Goshō-ron)
Essentials for Rebirth, The (Ōjō-yōshū)
Essentials of Successive Records of the Lamp (Lien-teng hui-yao; Rentō-eyō)
Everyday Sayings and Doings of Daitō Kokushi (Daitō Kokushi gyōjō)
Five Lamps, A Compendium of the (Wu-teng hui-yüan; Gotō-egen)
Flower Garland Sutra, The (Avatamsaka-sutra; Hua-yen ching; Kegon-kyō)
Flower Garland Sutra, Commentary on the (Hua-yen Ho-lun; Kegon-gōron)
Gateless Barrier, The (Wu-men kuan; Mumonkan)
Great Events in the Zen Groves (Ts’ung-lin sheng-shih; Sōrin-seiji)
Han-shan, Poems of (Han-shan shih; Kanzan-shi)
Hsüeh-tou’s Hundred Koans with Verse Comments (Hsueh-tou po-tse sung-ku: Setchō hyakusoku juko)
Idle Talk on a Night Boat (Yasen-kanna)
Kokuyaku zenshū sōshō (A collection of Zen texts in Japanese translation)
Larger Sutra of Boundless Life (Sukhavati-vyūha; Wu-liang-shou ching; Daimur-yōju-kyō)
Lotus Sutra (Fa-hua ching; Hoke-kyō)
Meditation Sutra (Kuan wu-liang-shou ching; Kanmuryōju-kyō)
Model Teachings of the House of Zen (Sŏn-ga kyui-gam; Zenke-kikan)
Mountain Hermitage Miscellany (Shan-an tsa-lu; Sannan zatsuroku)
Nirvana Sutra (Nieh-p’an ching; Nehan-gyō)
Praise of the Five Houses (Wu-chia cheng-tsung tsan; Goke shōjū-san)
Platform Sutra (Liu-tsu t’an ching; Rokuso-dankyō)
Platform Sutra, Commentary on the (Rokusodankyō kōkan)
Precious Lessons of the Zen School (Ch’an-men pao-hsun; Zenmon hōkun)
Precious Mirror for Men and Gods (Jen-t’ien pao-chien; Ninden hōkan)
Records from the Groves of Zen (Lin-kuan lu; Rinkan-roku)
Records of Daiō (Daiō goroku)
Records of Daitō (Daiō goroku)
Records of Hsü-t’ang (Hsü-t’ang yü-lu; Kidō goroku)
Records of Kao-feng (Kao-feng yü-lu; Kōhō goroku)
Records of Lin-chi (Lin-chi yü-lu; Rinzai goroku)
Records of the Lamp of the Ching-te Era (Ching-te ch’uan-teng lu; Keitoku dentō-roku)
Records of the Lamp of the Empō Era (Empō dentō-roku)
Records of the Mirror Source (Tsung-ching lu; Sugyō-roku)
Records of Wu-tsu (Wu-tsu yü-lu; Goso goroku)
Rustic Records from Lo-hu (Lo-hu yeh-lu; Ragoyaroku)
Shurangama Sutra (Leng-yen ching; Ryōgon-kyō)
Shurangama Sutra, Commentary on the (Leng-yen ching su-chieh meng-ch’ao; Ryōgon-kyō sokai mōshō)
Sokkō-roku kaien-fusetsu
Sokkō-roku kaien-fusetsu, Snake Legs for the (Sokkō-roku kaien-fusetsu dasoku)
Song on Realizing the Way (Cheng-tao ke; Shōdō-ka)
Sutra of Forty-two Sections (Ssu-shih-erh-chang ching; Shijūnishō-kyō)
Sutra of the Bequeathed Teaching (I-chiao ching; Yuikyō-kyō)
Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment (Yüan-chüeh ching; Engaku-kyō)
Sutra of Seven Women (Chi-yü ching; Shichinyo-kyō)
Sutra of the Victorious Kings of Golden Light (Suvarnaprabha-sottoma; Chin-kuang-ming tsui-sheng-wang ching; Konkōmyō saishōō-kyō)
Ta-hui’s Arsenal (Ta-hui wu-k’u; Daie buko)
Ta-hui’s Letters (Ta-hui shu; Daie-sho)
Treatise of the Precious Treasury (Pao-tsang lun; Hōzō-ron)
Wan-an’s Words of Instruction (Wan-an ho-shang fa-yu; Mannan oshō hōgo)
Words from Dreamland (Kaian-kokugo)
Wild Ivy (Itsumadegusa)