Lesson Six


Before using the patterns that come with this book, you will have to cut them out. Cut the paper on the solid lines and remember to use your “everything else” scissors, not your sewing scissors! Once your patterns are cut out, you can store them in the back of this book. You can also copy them or trace them to make new patterns.


Once you’ve picked a project to make, find all of the pattern pieces in the back of the book. Read how many times you will have to trace the pattern and then cut out the fabric, and keep this in mind when choosing which fabric you want to use. If you’re using cotton fabric, don’t forget to pay attention to the pattern, or print. If it’s an all-over print, you can lay out the pattern pieces in any direction. If it’s a one-way print (page 25), you need to think through all the steps of the project before you lay out and cut out your patterns.

Before you start laying out your fabric, read the instructions because some of the projects in this book require you to fold the fabric in half before cutting it.

For a single layer of fabric, smooth out your fabric on a flat surface (the kitchen table or a wood floor works great). Place the pattern on top of the fabric near one edge. Use your chalk or a pencil to trace around the pattern. If you are having trouble keeping the pattern in place, it helps to pin the pattern to the fabric first. Or you can ask a friend to help hold down the pattern. If you don’t have a helper, use a heavy can to hold your pattern and fabric in place.

For a double layer of fabric, fold the fabric so the selvage, or finished edges, match and carefully follow the instructions included with the project. All of the patterns in this book were designed with a seam allowance of 14 inch (see page 33).

If you’re designing your own creation and you need to make a pattern, try drawing on cardboard, card stock, or a brown paper bag that is too thick to tear. Don’t forget to include a seam allowance on your original patterns. Otherwise, the patterns will be too small.