Grace flew through her front door after practice. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents about Coach Roberts’s great idea.

“Well, this is a nice change,” Grace’s dad said when he saw her smiling face. “Did Lauren miss a jump or something?”

“Dad!” Grace said at the same time her mom hollered, “Frank!”

“Kidding! Kidding!” her dad said, laughing. “What’s up?”

“Coach Roberts thought both Lauren and I could win the competition,” she explained. “There’s nothing in the rules that says we can’t do a joint routine. With Lauren’s great jumps and my awesome spins, there’s no way we’d lose.”

Grace’s mom and dad grinned. “Teamwork. Imagine that,” Grace’s mom said with a smile.

Grace blushed. “I know I’ve been kind of a pain,” she said. “I forgot why I started skating to begin with. I just got so jealous. Lauren really wanted us to help each other. That’s why she offered to help me with the jumps.”

“We’re glad you’re back on track,” her dad said, “and that you girls found a way to work things out.”

“Now, I have to build up my strength. What’s for dinner?” said Grace.


“Broccoli, chicken, rice, and salad,” Grace’s mom answered.

“Great! I’ll have double portions of everything,” said Grace. She already couldn’t wait to get back to the rink. She knew she and Lauren were going to tear up the ice.