
Until recently, if it has been considered at all in the context of business continuity, cybersecurity may have been thought of in terms of disaster recovery and little else. Recent events have shown that cyberattacks are now an everyday occurrence, and it is becoming clear that the impact of these can have devastating effects on organizations whether large and small, and whether in the public or the private sector.

Cybersecurity is one aspect of information security, since the impacts or consequences of a cyberattack will inevitably damage one or more of the three pillars of information security: the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an organization’s information assets. The main difference between information security and cybersecurity is that while information security deals with all types of information assets, cybersecurity deals purely with those that are accessible by means of interconnected electronic networks, including the Internet.

Many responsible organizations now have robust information security, business continuity, and disaster recovery programs in place, and it is not the intention of this book to rewrite those, but to inform organizations about the kind of precautions they should take to stave off successful cyberattacks and how they should deal with them when they arise in order to protect their day-to-day business.


availability, compromise, confidentiality, continuity, cyber, cyber threat, cyberattack, cybersecurity, denial of service, information security, integrity, prevention, response, risk