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I wish I could look away.
But I can’t.
My eyes are glued to the photographs Slater left behind. Glued to the pictures of what is very obviously me, and I’m very obviously in love, and yet I don’t remember a damned thing. But I look happy, and I think that’s what’s getting to me the most. I’m happy. Really truly happy. The smile on my face, I’ve never seen. At least, I don’t remember seeing. And the way Slater is looking at me, I’ve never experienced anything like that before. I can see, literally see, how much he loves me.
And yet now, the man who was here earlier, looks so incredibly different.
So incredibly broken.
All because of me?
Did he really love me that much?
Does he truly still love me after so many years?
Is any of this real? Is his story genuine? Or is there an ulterior motive? I don’t know.
I don’t know anything.
And it’s making it very hard to be okay.
Very hard.
“Knock knock.”
I turn, placing the photos down onto my bed, and see Erin walking in. She’s only a few years older than me, and her beauty is utterly breathtaking. Her hair is as black as the night, but her eyes, emerald green and glowing against her fair skin. She’s petite, and curvy, and incredibly gorgeous.
I often ask her why she’s still single, because anyone would think men would be lining up at her door.
Her response is always, “Men are douchebags, I’m way better off on my own.”
And she is.
She’s strong, and happy, and determined.
She doesn’t need anyone.
So when she finds someone, I know it’s because she wants them, not because she needs them.
I aspire to be like her.
Strong and brave.
Beautiful and determined.
“Hey,” I smile.
“Still looking at those photos?” she asks, walking over and flopping down onto my bed, still dressed in her work uniform.
“I can’t seem to look away from them, I look so...happy.”
“Well...maybe you were...”
“You’re home early,” I notice, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. “My shift doesn’t start for a few hours but I can go in now, if you need. Are you sick?”
Erin owns her own bakery, and she works a lot of hours to keep it going. But she’s an incredible cook, and her cakes are some of the most popular in town, people come from all over to taste them, they’re amazing. And her shop has such a wonderful atmosphere, with big sofas, tables and chair, umbrellas outside overlooking a gorgeous park.
I often go in and just kick back on a sofa with a coffee, reading a book.
Erin was nice enough to give me a job about three months ago, when we both decided I was ready to start trying to get my life in order. I don’t work often, probably only three or four shifts a week, but it’s a good start and it’s helping me adjust to my world as it is now.
It’s been a long road, but I feel like I’m finally, finally starting to learn how to just...be...again.
“No, I came home early. Tatiana is covering me. I needed to talk to you about something. I wondered if it was worth it or not, because I didn’t want to cause you any extra stress right now, but I think you need to know.”
My heart feels like it’s going to launch out of my throat.
I don’t like this already, and I don’t even know what it is she’s about to say.
“Something is wrong,” I say, meeting her eyes.
“Someone came into the bakery today, holding one of your missing signs that were distributed when Slater was looking for you. It was a man. Blond. Possibly around forty years old. He walked up to the counter and asked me if I’d seen you, he showed me the missing ad. I acted as poker faced as I could, and said no, because honestly...something felt very wrong. I didn’t get a good vibe, honey. With Slater, I felt like he was genuine. This...I don’t think this man was genuine.”
My heart feels like it comes to a complete stop.
Has he found me? Has he managed to get information out of Riley, and tracked me down?
Was I so stupid to actually believe that after a while, he might just give up and let me live my life in freedom? In peace?
Of course I was stupid.
His obsession with me, it runs deep.
Why did I ever let myself believe I could be truly safe.
“You’re going pale, Raven. Breathe.”
“Ellie,” I whisper. “My name is Ellie, so I think we should start using it. I’m only Raven to him, and it would appear he has managed to locate me.”
Erin looks concerned, understandably. She knows anything I know. Anything I could remember, I told her. She knows all about master, and the things he did when I was in his care. She knows about his deep running obsession. She knows how terrified I am of him. So I know, she’s thinking exactly what I’m thinking.
“Do you think he’s found you?” she finally asks, bundling her hands together in her lap and holding my eyes.
I can see she’s scared, but she’s still holding strong. Like always.
“I don’t think it’s him, not yet anyway, the description isn’t the same. But, my fear is, that he’s sending out men to search for me. He knows where I came from, so he knows I was most likely to come back here.”
“I’d like to know how he knew to send a man into the bakery.”
I shrug, ever so lightly. “I used to live around here, when I was younger, he also knows this. If I had to guess, I’d say that man would have asked all the shops and hotels in the area, possibly even went door to door.”
Thinking of that, makes me feel unwell.
Knowing he’s searching for me, makes my whole body feel like it wants to go into overdrive and just shut down.
I shouldn’t be so afraid of one man, but I know just how strong that one man is, and what he’s capable of doing to me.
He still owns a huge part of my mind. And I think he knows that.
“We’re going to the police,” Erin says, standing. “They need to know he’s looking for you. We’ve already spoken to them about the people who put out the signs, and they’ve talked to Slater and his, ah, group. We need to inform them that the man who held you captive, is now looking for you, because of those signs.”
I nod. Because she’s right, we do need to go to the police.
And yet, I know there is very little they’ll be able to do in regards to protection, or helping me find him. Or anything else, for that matter. They don’t have enough information to be able to truly give me the help I need, or the protection.
But there is someone who can help, who will help, but am I willing to go there?
“What about Slater, also?” I say, my voice hesitant, because even though I’m saying the words, I’m still not sure they’re the right ones.
“What about him?” Erin asks. “You don’t even remember him Ra...Ellie. We still don’t know if his intentions are good, or if there’s a whole lot more to it.”
“I know this,” I say, in full agreeance, because I do know this. “But I also know those men...the club he is part of...they’re powerful. And they might be able to help keep me safe. Because, I’m not safe. I can feel it right down to my very core. He’ll find me, one way or another, and when he does I need to know he’ll be dealt with, and that he won’t...”
My voice trails off, because that lump of fear that has been rising, now lodges in my throat. Erin scoots closer, because she knows, she knows better than anyone that my biggest fear is him finding me again, and worse, taking me. Because I know, if he gets his hands on me again, there will be no escape.
I’ll be his...forever.
“I’m not sure that’s a fantastic plan,” Erin says, screwing up her face. “I think we’re better off just leaving it with the police, for now. I looked into Slater, and his brothers. And I recognized the brothers name, immediately. Lincoln Knight. My very close friend told me that her boyfriend occasionally fights for him, that they have some sort of underground fight club that, I have no doubt, is illegal. Or at the very least, the police are trying to shut down.”
A fight club.
That name doesn’t seem familiar, which only makes me feel even more frustrated.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have thought of it until we looked into them further, but...I’m scared, Erin. If he has eyes around, all it will take is for one of them to see me.”
She nods. “Yeah, I was thinking of that, too. I think until we can sort the issue, you’re probably not safe working at the bakery.”
My heart sinks.
It literally feels like it’s going to just drop out of my chest.
The bakery is my only peace. It’s the only place where I feel normal, like I might eventually be able to get my life back on track.
It’s my saving grace.
“I can’t give it up,” I whisper. “Erin, it’s the only thing that keeps me sane.”
She smiles, “I know this too, so I compromised. I know you have been wanting to learn how to bake, so, I spoke to Tatiana, and she agreed to let you work under her, out the back, baking for the three days a week that I’m not doing it.”
Tatiana is Erin’s other baker. When Erin started the bakery, she had dreams and hopes of doing all the baking herself, but quickly became so popular she had to hire extra help. Tatiana is an equally as incredible baker, and the idea of working with her excites me. I’ve been itching to be able to try my hand at baking.
“Yes,” I say, smiling. “You’re serious?”
“Of course,” Erin laughs. “I know how much you love working, I’m not going to ask you to give it up, I’m going to do one better and upgrade you, so to speak. Instead of spending your time serving out front, which I know you love, you can go out back where nobody can see you, and start learning to bake. Eventually, you’ll be able to handle a few days on your own.”
That idea, it sounds better than any idea I’ve heard in a good long while.
It’s like a dream come true.
I throw my arms around Erin’s neck and she hugs me, laughing.
“Thank you,” I say, and dammit, I mean it.
Her knowing just how much I need this, means the world to me.
“You’re welcome. But, we do need to go and talk to the police, sooner, rather than later.”
I nod.
“I have to head out for a bit, but I’ll be back later and we can binge watch Netflix,” she grins.
“Sounds great,” I say, and I mean it.
Oh, do I mean it.
Once Erin has gone, I pull out the little iPad she got me a few months ago, and I type in the name Lincoln Knight.
He runs a garage in town, a big place, shiny and new. It looks utterly spectacular in the pictures that pop up, with a big chrome sign out front that says “Rumblin’ Knights.” It also has bay after bay of garages filled with trucks and bikes. Down the end, there is another bay that has the word custom painted on, in the same chrome letters. It’s a successful business, the pictures alone tell me that.
Does Slater work there?
Curiosity burns, like an itch I just can’t quite scratch.
But that isn’t what I’m searching Lincoln for.
I’m searching, because even though Erin advises against it, I’m worried that the police simply cannot offer the protection I need.
And I’m too afraid to go directly to Slater. I wouldn’t even know what to say. Or where to start. He’d help me, something deep inside tells me he would, but I’m terrified of his intensity, so maybe I’ll go to the next best thing, maybe he can talk to Slater for me, maybe...I don’t know.
I don’t even know if this is a good idea.
I don’t even know if Lincoln will know who I am, let alone agree to talk to his brother for me, or help me, for that matter.
But I do know something.
I’m not safe.
Not even close.
And while Erin has my best interests at heart, she doesn’t know the kind of monster I’m running from.
But I do.
And I know, with every ounce of my being, that the police simply are not enough.
And there is no way, no way in hell...I’m ever going back there.
So, I guess I’m going to have to do this.
Even if it terrifies me.
Because, I’m all out of options.