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Goddamnit! I cannot believe this. Tonight, of all nights, not one, but all three of my hostesses called off, leaving me to fend for myself. They oversee pretty much everything for the patrons, but they’re not here! What the hell am I going to do?
Fenmore’s was the kind of experience where it wasn’t uncommon for the entrees to be served by the chef himself. Sometimes, still ablaze, the culinary expert would hand-deliver each selection to its designated area, but not tonight. We’re much too busy for such service, so that’s where my hostesses would have come into place. But since there isn’t one in the entire building, I guess that’s where I come into place. I could easily finesse my way through tonight if Erik weren’t coming later. God, I didn’t want to be drenched in sweat and smelling like food when he gets here. And he wants me to meet someone? I don’t think I can do that now. I’m all tensed, and I’m sure my frown lines are etched into my moist skin.
Erik’s friend, or whoever it is, is going to hate me. She’ll hate me and question Erik as to why he chose me. She’ll probably think I’m just some greasy fry cook from the hood that got my start down at the local McDonalds. After all, sweat, cologne, and olive oil didn’t precisely scream Ivy League education! Well, I am wearing Armani if that counted for anything. It doesn’t! She’ll probably think my suit is a knock-off after labeling me a fraud. She’ll think I’m nothing more than some guy fulfilling Erik’s gay phase. She won’t see me as he sees me. I wanted to shout, Erik loves me, and I love him, lady! Why can’t she see that!
I quickly take a sip from the glass in my hand. I was on my way to the center area of Fenmore’s to deliver this aging house special, but I didn’t quite make it. I’ll have to pour another glass because I almost downed this one in one gulp. I just needed something to calm me down—something to release the fear that drove me into full-blown panic.
Why would I assume Erik’s guest would think any of those things about me? I’m sure my husband gave her a complete rundown on me and my bio. Furthermore, who is this person anyway? Erik never told me exactly who I was meeting tonight. All he said was he had someone very special he wanted me to meet. Maybe if he would answer his phone, or at least return a text, I could get to more answers.
I licked my wet lips as I stir the rest of the wine in the glass. Chateau Lafite 1787 did the trick. I felt calm now, relaxed even. I suddenly no longer cared who Erik was bringing here tonight or what her perception of me would be. NOT! I’m still a nervous wreck, and this six-figure liquor isn’t helping at all. If anything, it’s just making me tipsy. Erik’s visitor won’t only look at me as a knock-off wearing fry cook from McDonald’s, but also a drunk.
I laughed to myself as my thoughts seemed not so serious anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still freaking out, but it suddenly felt funny now. Make that hilarious! I thought, no wonder Erik never lets me drink. Well, Erik isn’t here yet, so bottoms up.
“Excuse me, Courtney.”
One of my employees snapped me out of what felt like a drunken stupor the second time she called my name.
I turned to the help as my eyes seemed to be hanging lower and lower, and lower. I tried to straighten my posture as best as I could, but it was no use. I’m plastered, and I’m sure it showed. I tightened my tie thinking, it’s all good. What was my employee going to do? Fire me? I own the place, bitch!
I hissed when, “Yes, Victoria,” shot out of my mouth. Couldn’t she tell I didn’t want to be disturbed!
“Someone is here to see you.”
Now I should fire her. Who the hell is this someone?
“Is it Epiphany Morgan again? Can you please tell her I’m busy, and we’ll chat later?”
“No, it isn’t her.”
I’m sure my sarcastic tone made her feel really silly when I smiled and said, “Victoria, hon, do you know who’s waiting for me?”
Before she could answer, I took off, passed her. If I would’ve looked into her stupid-ass face another minute, I probably would’ve coughed up my dinner.
I laid the empty glass down and headed out into the main area.
“Hey, Courtney.” It was Shaun standing there signing a clipboard for a delivery. “Victoria didn’t have to bother you; I’ll take care of this.”
“Good, because I’m about to steal Courtney away for a little while.” It was Erick. He walked up behind Shaun, and the delivery guy, heading toward me.
“Hey, Erik.” I smiled as I took a few steps toward him to wrap my arms around him. He quickly released me and looked down into my eyes.
“Courtney, are you okay? Your eyes are a little glassy.”
“I’m fine. I’m-I’m good.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine, Erik.” I smiled brighter. “I just had a few glasses of very expensive wine is all.”
“You’re nervous about tonight, aren’t you?”
“A little . . . make that a lot.” I couldn’t lie.
“Well, I want you to relax. You have nothing to be nervous about.”
Before I knew it, Erik and I were heading to the staircase for the second-story lounge. “Come with me.”
When he said, “Wait right here, babe,” I stopped at the bottom of the staircase as he headed up.
Before long, Erik turned to me and signaled for me to come up to where he was. I took a deep breath, straightened my suit jacket and posture, and headed up.
Erik wasted no time. As soon as our eyes met, he introduced us. “Courtney, this is Katie.”
I thought, oh, so this is Katie as I reached my hand out to her with a big, bright smile on my face.
“Katie, this is my wife, Courtney.”
She looked at me for a second, almost as if she was sizing me up. Maybe she was because I was for damn sure sizing her up. I wanted to know who she was and why Erik considered her so special.
I’ve heard her name leave his mouth before, but he’s never offered any explanations about Katie other than she was a hygienist at his practice.
As Erik’s introductions continued, I was hoping I would learn a lot more tonight about Katie.