Cast of Characters


Michael V. Reynolds, 1940–2014


Marilyn Reynolds (wife and narrator) 1935–


*Sharon Reynolds Kyle oldest child, 1958– (Previous Marriage)

*Husband, Douglas Kyle, 1956–

*Daughters, Subei Reynolds Kyle, 1995–; Lena Reynolds Kyle, 2001–


*Cynthia Lynn Foncannon (Cindi), second child, 1959– (Previous Marriage)

Daughter, Ashley DiFalco, 1991–

Son, Kerry Ryan Foncannon, 1993–

Kerry’s Significant Other, Tara Collins


*Matthew Michael Reynolds, youngest child, 1969– (Birth Father, Michael)

Wife, Leesa Phaneuf-Reynolds, 1970–

Daughter, Mika Genevieve Reynolds, 2006–


*Dale Eugene Dodson, Marilyn’s brother, 1944–

Wife, Margaret Jean (Pecoraro) Dodson, 1945–

Daughter, Corry Ruth Dodson, 1970–


Jerry Reynolds, Mike’s brother, 1935–

Wife, Jackie Reynolds, 1938–

Daughter, Elizabeth Reynolds, 1961–

Daughter, Laura Sue Thompson, 1963–

Son, David Reynolds, 1968–


Hazel Virginia Piercy, Marilyn and Dale’s aunt, 1919–2013

Husband, Martin

Daughter, Linda

Wife, Barbara


* Jeannie and Bill Ward—Longtime friends, fellow travelers


*Marilyn and Bill (1935–2013) Sandbom—Marilyn Reynolds’ friends since elementary school, Mike’s friends by marriage. Longtime fellow travelers.


*Kathy and Joe Harvey—longtime friends, fellow teachers in Southern California.


*Norman and Judy Franz—longtime friends, Norman and Mike taught together in Southern California and remained friends for life.


The 100 Hours Club also included: Judy and Gerry Laird, Jo Souvignier and Rod Nystrom, Nancy and Bill Giachino, Barbara and Alan Lazar, Linda and Dave Dawson, and Don Ditmer, all stalwart friends whose generosity of spirit was remarkable.


*Members of the “100 Hours Club,” which consisted of those who had taken at least 100 hours out of their daily lives to offer both practical and emotional support during these challenging times. They took Mike to lunch, to movies, on drives. They helped pack up the house, sold things on ebay and Craigslist, transported boxes of books to the Friends of the Library donation center, and a seeming ton of household items and clothing to Goodwill. They provided food on workdays. They followed and responded to my FTD blog. They lifted my spirits and Mike’s, too, back when his spirits could be lifted.


Mike’s Southern California music friends who also offered positive support over the past years: Bill Schmidt, Nancy Obrien, Jeannie Davenport, Mary Rawcliffe, Lou Robbins, and others.


With the exception of Carol Kinsel and her organization, Senior Care Solutions, all names of doctors, caregivers, and residential facilities have been changed.