Pagelink: Portrait of Annabella Milbanke (1792–1860) later Lady Byron, c.1800 (oil on canvas), Hoppner, John (1758–1810) / Ferens Art Gallery, Hull Museums, UK / Bridgeman Images (top); portrait miniature of Annabella Milbanke, by George Hayter, reproduced by permission of Paper Lion Ltd and Lord Lytton (bottom).

Pagelink: Portrait of Ada Byron (1815–1852), c.1822 (oil on canvas, laid on board), Comte d’Orsay (1801–1852) / Somerville College, Oxford (top); Puff in repose, courtesy of William St Clair (middle); (Augusta) Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815–1852), 1836 (oil on canvas), Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793–1872). Crown copyright: UK Government Art Collection (bottom).

Pagelink: George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788–1824), 1813 (oil on canvas), Thomas Phillips (1770–1845). Crown copyright: UK Government Art Collection (top); portrait of George Anson, 8th Baron Byron (1818–1870), 1840 (lithograph), author’s collection.

Pagelink: Portrait of Lady Melbourne (1751–1818), c.1809, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769–1830), courtesy of Lord and Lady Ralph Kerr (top); portraits of Augusta Leigh and Medora Leigh, unknown provenance (middle, bottom).

Pagelink: Portrait of William King in dress uniform, signed, inscribed and dated ‘Sevilla 1831’ (oil on canvas), José Gutiérrez de la Vega (1791–1865), private collection, courtesy Kalfayan Galleries, Athens/ Thessaloniki (top left); portrait of Lady Hester King, Sr, 1832 (oil on canvas), John Linnell (1792–1882) © Brooklands Museum archives, reproduction of the image courtesy of Penelope Daly (top right); Lady Hester King, Jr, Brooklands Museum archives (middle left) and Reverend Sir George Crauford (middle right) c.1844 (oil on canvas), Eden Upton Eddis (1812–1901) © Brooklands Museum archives; East Horsley Towers sale of notice © Brooklands Museum archives (bottom).

Pagelink: Obituary portrait of Charles Babbage (1791–1871) published in The Illustrated London News, 4 November 1871. Portrait derived from a photograph of Babbage taken at the Fourth International Statistical Congress, London, July 1860 / Wikimedia Commons (top left); Mary Somerville (1780–1872), self-portrait (oil on panel) © Somerville College, University of Oxford (top right); Analytical Engine © Science Museum / Science & Society Picture Library, all rights reserved (bottom).

Pagelink: Portrait of Ada Lovelace (daguerreotype), Antoine Claudet (1843–1849), private collection (top); portrait of Ada Lovelace, September 1852, Lady Byron, Bodleian, Lovelace Byron Papers (bottom).

Pagelink: Portrait of Byron Ockham (1836–1862) (top left) and portrait of Ralph Wentworth (1839–1906) (top right) (daguerreotypes), Antoine Claudet (1843–1849), private collection; Lady Anne Blunt (1837–1917), c.1900, held at the Fitzwilliam, Cambridge, in the Scawen Blunt Collection (bottom).